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Familys function of overweight

and obesity children
1. Set weight loss target

2. Diet arrangement consists :

a. Losing weight while maintaining normal growth.
b. A balanced diet with a composition of 50-60%
carbohydrate, 20-30% fat with saturated fat <10%, protein
and 15-20% of total energy as well as cholesterol <300 mg
per day.
c. Diets high in fiber
d. Reduce the consumption of calories, fat and salt.
e. Consuming 2 1/2 - 6 1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables
every day in children aged 5-18 years.
f. Drink fat-free milk or low-fat 3 cups per day at the age of
9-18 years
g. Minimize sugary drinks such as soda, sports drinks.
h. Prepare more meals at home instead of buying food at
the restaurant.
i. Eat at the table with the family at least 5 or 6 times per
j. Eat healthy breakfast every day.
k. Involving the whole family in a lifestyle change.
l. Allowing children to organize their own food and avoid
eating behaviors that are too tight
m. Assist and advise to the family to adjust the changes
in behavior with the values of their culture.

3. Arrange physical activity

Increased physical activity has an effect on the rate of
metabolism. Physical exercise is adjusted to the level of
motor development, physical abilities and age of the
4. Behavior modification
a. Supervision on body weight, food intake, and
physical activity, as well as noting the childs
b. Control of the stimulus / stimulus, for example
when watching television prevented from not eating
because watching television can trigger eating.
c. Changing eating behavior
d. Reward and punishment
e. Self-control

5. The participation of parents, family members,

friends, and teachers

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