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Based on the result of preliminary observations on learning

PJOK in SMA Negeri 1 Soreang, teachers tend to use
conventional learning model (teacher contents), so the
learning game of volleyball just centered on the teacher alone,
students are required to be able to perform the task of motion
given. While not all students are able to do so, it is caused by
the conditions of learning that goes only in one direction only,
that information is only given lessons from the teachers, there
is not feedback from the students in term of student just the
listeners. This leads to less effective learning process
In accordance with the observations above, the researchers
experienced in one of the efforts to be made bay the teacher is
the models of learning in school. It takes a learning model that
is appropriate for use in learning volleyball course, that could
improve student learning outcomes and implies also the
increase in the value of the attitude of cooperation and
student learning outcomes.
Thus the researchers used a model of cooperative learning
because it felt to be effective in teaching volleyball. With this
model of cooperative learning students are expected to be

The method used is the method of classroom action

research. According to Stephens Kemmis (1983),
quoted by EPON (2009, p. 1) state that action
research is a from of research that are reflective
performed by actors in society (including education)
and aims to; improve their work or practice
education, understand the work, and a situation
where the job is done.

Subject is this study were student of class X IPA 6
SMAN 1 Soreang many as 36 peoples, consisting of
14 male students and 22 female students.

The procedure of research conducted in this study were:

Preliminary observations.
Activities undertaken in this initial observation is observing learning
activities and analyze issues related to the research focus. Focus issues
wxamined or observed include; Documentation that is, the learning
activities unrtaken by teachers, namely, style/method of teaching used by
teachers, state school environment, student responses to learning
activities in schools to be a place of research. Facilities and infrastructure,
namely, basketball, soccer, volleyball, net, etc.
Data from these observations, that such problems are identified used as
guidelines for planning improvements in the next stage of learning. In this
study, one the plans the boundary problem examined in this study, the
RPP-oriented model cooperative learning implementation.
Planning (Plan)
At the planning cycle in every action and made impelementation stage of
learning to be done by researchers in learning the game of volleyball,
Draft RPP learning volleyball game with model cooperative learning
Discussing the draft RPP with the supervisor.
Cooperation and agreement with the observer. In this case, researchers in
collaboration with Prayogi Guntara, S.Pd. acting as an observer who is a
professor in the school PJOK place of study.
Preparing the equipment that will be used in learning.
Implementation (Act) and Observation (Observation)
In the implementation phase once the observation, the researcher and observer implement:
Researchers implement the learning process volleyball game activity, with the implementation
of cooperative learning teaching model, which has been designed in the lesson plan.
Researchers noted the problems arising during the implementation of learning in the notes field.
Observer in this study is one of the teachers at the school PJOK. Observer duty to observe the
implementation of the learning process, noted the activities, and fill in the observation sheet.
Repairs (reflection)
Reflection is a stage that is carried out after the implementation stage. At this stage the
researchers examined, to see and evaluate the result of the action or response that has been
recorded in the notes field. Phase of reflection is a very important part of PTK. Reflection
emphasis is on self-evaluation of researcher as teachers, namely in the form of change as a
result of action taken, the reflection process is also consulted with the supervisor.
If the result of the reflection already seen the impact expected by researchers, including the
relevance of the achievement of the purposes of research, it was concluded classroom action
research considered sufficient.



Types of data collected in this study includes qualitative and

quantitative data, namely:
The qualitative data, consisting of:
RPP (Lessons Plan).
Notes field.
Note observer.
The quantitative data, consisting of:
Observation sheet student assessment.

Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis is inductive based on facts found in the field and then
constructed a theory. Data used in the form of participant observation,
in-depth interview, and documentation for the same data sources

Recapitulation improving student learning

outcomes are achived from the implementation
of models, cooperative learning namely: in the
affective aspect, the average value of the cycle
I was 84, cycle II is 89. In the cognitive aspects,
the average value of cycle I 78, cycle II is 82. In
psychomotor aspects, the average value of the
cycle I was 73, cycle II is 82. For a more clear
picture of the learning outcome affective,
cognitive and psychomotor aspects of the
action to the I to act to IV.

Based on the analysis on the ground when implementing the model of

cooperative learning in teaching volleyball in SMA Negeri I Soreang,
produce changes in attitudes, understanding and skill of students to be
better than ever. This is evidenced by the increasing student learning
outcomes of affective, cognitive and psychomotor aspects.
The development of the affective aspects of students seen a change in
attitude that is demonstrated through the cooperation of students during
the learning takes places. In the first act all the student has not fully
cooperated with the group, each time learning researchers should provide
a stimulus to the students to be encourage to cooperate with the group. In
act II to IV action continued improvement in cooperation, as seen during
the learning takes place. Rate affective aspect is not the focus of research,
assessment of affective as complement in value.
The development of the cognitives aspects, the action all I most still do not
respond/answer to the researcher to the questions provided. By constantly
asked questions on the topic of learning as well as their appreciation of
researchers, the students more enthusiastic and growing by showing a
variety of responses.
The development of psychomotor aspects, in the implementation of
learning students are given the flexibility to show their ability in the task
motion their best without violating the rules that have been set. This
Model of cooperative learning students can
develop an attitude of cooperation with the
members of his group to be able to solve the
problem or tasks motion that has been given
bay teachers so that students are motivated to
compete positively with other group in order to
achieve the learning objectives according to
indicator. If students can improve learning
outcomes of students in the learning process,
especially in the learning PJOK volleyball.


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