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Why Jubilee?

Why Jubilee?
Jewish Tradition 50th Year
Christian Adaptation 14th Century
Ordinary Jubilee
Extraordinary Jubilee
What does
it entail?
What Jubilee of Mercy
Jesus, the face of the Fathers Mercy
Mercy living and visible in Jesus of
Focus on what matters most
Our relationships
with God; with each other; with
A Year of Reconciliation
A year
of Hope
of Justice
of Peace
The Father rich in mercy. (Eph 2:4)
God, merciful and gracious, slow to anger
abounding in steadfast love and
faithfulness. (Ex 34:6)
Why Mercy?
Why Mercy?
Compassionate treatment or attitude
to an offender or an enemy (dictionary
Be merciful as your heavenly Father
is merciful. (Lk 6:36)
Beatitude Blessed are the merciful.
(Mt 5:7)
Mercy = how God deals with
Mercy is always greater than any sin
Show the way of mercy
Live the way of mercy
Pardon clearly expresses merciful
Oases of mercy in barren deserts
Signs of Mercy
Monasteries, Retreat Houses
Catholic Schools
St Vincent de Paul Society
Catholic Mission
CWLA (Catholic Womens League)
Apostolic Groups Legion of Mary, Prayer and Service Groups
The Mass
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins

Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy.
You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
EP II Have mercy on us all we pray, that with the BVM
EP III In your compassion O merciful Father, gather to
yourself all your children
Communion Rite : That by the help of your mercy, we
may be always free from sin
Corporal Works of Mercy
Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Clothe the naked
Shelter the homeless
Visit the sick
Visit the imprisoned
Bury the dead
Spiritual Works of Mercy
Counsel the doubtful
Instruct the ignorant
Admonish sinners
Comfort the afflicted
Forgive offences
Bear wrongs patiently
Pray for the living and the dead

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