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Karakteristik dasar Ilmu,

tehnologi dan Ilmuan

By Prof.Dr. Osman YILMAZ

Kempauan/skil berpikir
sebagai ilmuan

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 2

Karakteristik Ilmu?
Jalan utama menuju pemahaman tentang A L A M
Prosesnya sistematis menuju penemuan ilmu baru/teori baru
Prose tsb melibatkan:
* Observasi dan perumusan masalah
* Mengembangkan hypothesis,
* Menguji, menguji lagi dan lagi hip tsb, dan memerlukan peer review
* Mengembangakan teori, hukum atau prinsip2.
Bermanfaat atau memiliki nilai bagi org lain ditandai dgn
* Keingtahuan,
* Kreatifitas
* Imajinasi,
* Sikap positif.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 3

Ciri utama ilmu (ilmu
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 4
Asumsi ilmu bersifat universal
adalah bahwa bahwa dapat
diterima dan dimanfaatkan
Hasil karya ilmuan dimanapundengan aturan
adalah universal yang sama.
Pengetahuan yang diperoleh
dr satu kajian (bagian suatau
kajian) bersifat aplikatif bagi
Menjadi ciri has suatu ilmu kajian lainnya.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 5

* Ilmu hrs saip utk direvisai, dengan
terus menerus diuji atau dievaluasi.
Ide/kesimpulan Suatu teori mungkin saja akan
direvisi ketika telah diuji dan
ilmuan merupakan diarahkan menuju pd penemuan
dasar bagi suatu teori barumenggantikan teori lama.
* Jadi pada dasarnya ilmu mengoreksi
perubahan dan diri sendiri. Dibutuhkan plastisitas
bersifat tentatif dalam proses saintifik. Hal ini
berarti ilmu akan mendobrak
* Contoh mekanika kuantum"
menggantiukan mekanika klasik
(hukum Newton)" utk mempelajari
Main features of Science perilaku micro-particles (atom,
electron, dll) pd awal abat ini
sebelum mempelajati perilaku smua
partikel (micro- or macro-) yg
dijelaskan melalui mekanika klasik.
* Demikian juga saat ini jumlah
satelit matahari terus bertambah.
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 6
Meskipun hasil kerja ilmuan
cenderung berubah, namun
bukian hal mudah utk
merubah produk ketika
dihasilkan dr ilmuan yg sdh
Ingat! Hipotesis belum cukup
utk mengevaluasi suatu ide,
Main features of science.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 7

* Keterbatasan ilmu.
* Siapa yg bisa menjawab
pertanyaan: Apa makna
Ilmu tidak mampu kehidupan hakiki:What is
the true meaning of life?"
menjawab semua
* Atau siapa yg dapat
pertanyaan menyediakan danan utk 1
ton kristal tunggal dr karbon
(meaning a single piece of
diamond weighing 1000 kg)?
Main features of science
* Atau semua jenis kanker
dapat disembuhkan?

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 8

Ilmu terletak pd kemampuan
utk diferifikasi, dikur dgn
bukti/data yg falid, yaitu
Ilmu bergantung pd i.e., dt yg akurat pd setiap
bukti2 yang utuh tahap proses saintifik
(metode ilmiah)
Bukti2 tsb dpt diperoleh dr
pengukuran dan instrument.
Main features of science.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 9

mempengaruhi Pengembangan ilmu
perasan (ilimu pengetahuan)
manusia, tdk dipengaruhi oleh
pengalaman faktor manusia mis
prasangka, biasa,
masa lalu dan harapan atau angan-
keyakinannya. angan, keyakinan
pribadi atau agamanya.

Main features of science. Mis: suka tidak suka; air

mendidih memiliki suhu;
dimanapun, kapanpun

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 10

Data yang logis dan kreatis
menurpakan dasar untuk
Ilmu dihasilkan dari menghasilkan ilmu
logika dan
Alasan logis: dgn menguji
kreativitas validitas dengan
mengaplikasikan pada
kriteria yg ditentukan,
Main features of science. didemonstrasikan dan
imajinasi umum.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 11

- Kemampuan utk
menujukkan hub antara
fenomena yg mormalnya
Science explains. dapat diperlakukan
sebagai hal yg tdk
Main features of science.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 12

Validasi klaim ilmuan yg
dilakukan melalui
Science Predicts. observasi tdk cukup,
tetapi harus memiliki
kekuatan prediktif.
Main features of science.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 13

Science is
organized into
disciplines and is - Ilmu merupakan koleksi dr
conducted in berbagai disiplin dengan sub
- Atr displin berbeda satu
sama lain, tetapi semuanya
hruslah sejalan.
Main features of science.


Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 14

Science is
organized into (Contd)
- Ilmu diterapkan pdScience is conducted in
content - universities,
- Industry
disciplines and is - government.
conducted in - Memotivasi pada/utk
various - Universities: production of knowledge, i.e.,
basic sciences with no immediate benefit.
institutions - Industry: "applied science" for immediate

- Governments motivate
- universities for the advancement of science,
Main features of science. - industry, for the advancement of country.

- Today, most universities are also involved

in application of science (production and
application of technology).

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 15

Teknologi ilmu

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 16

- Technology:
aplikasi ilmu pengetahuan
utk tujuan praktis"
- Teknologi:
- Seumur sejarah manusia.
The nature of technology. - Alat yg berkekuatan dlm
pengembangan peradaban.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 17

- Membantu merubah
dunia kita;
- perubahan" dpt
dihasilkan dengan
keuntungan yang tidak
Introduction. diharapkan sama dgn
kerugianan dan
The nature of technology.
Beberapa alasan
dibutuhkan utk bijak
menggunakan teknologi.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 18

- Teknologi memperoleh inspirasi
Technology atau ide dr sains.
- Tumbuh maju mengakumulasi
grows on berbagai pengetahuan (know-
science, and it (master-apprenticeship =
contributes to magang kerja)
- Eventually:
science. master-apprentice system

- Engineering = teknik/mesin:
The nature of technology. aplikasi sistematik dr ilmu
pengetahuan dlm pengembangan
dan aplikasi teknologi.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 19

- Engineering menggunakan
teknologi itu sendiri dan
TUMBUH DAN strategi mendesain dlm
BERKEMBANG DLM melengkapi sains
SAINS DAN - Sain membantu
BERKONTRIBUSI mengestimasi perilaku alat
sebelum di produksi secar
TERHDP SAINS massal atau mensurvei
secara langsung dan
mendukung perilaku baru.
The nature of technology.
Dgn kata lain KEMAJUAN
teknologi sangat bergantung
pd sains.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 20

- Engineers and pola pikir
Engineers saintis,serta cara kerjanya sangat
pengetahuan the nature of "science" and
"engineering" are very similar.
ilmiah dgn nilai
(keduanya menggunakan
praktisnya. matematika/perhitungan,
creativitas, logika, dan bukti
nyata. Keduanya membutuhkan
The nature of technology.
- Scientists membuat dunia dapat di
fahami, sedangkan engineers
membuatnya dapat dimanipulasi.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 21

- Scientists tdk mampu
Engineers menjawab smua
permasalahan dan engineers
tdk mampu mendesain solusi
scientific smua masalah.
knowledge with
practical values. - Perbedaannya hanyalah
bahwa engineers dpt
mempengaruhi atau
merubah system social lebih
The nature of technology.
mudah dibandingkan
scientists. Keputusan saintis
dapat melibatkan
masyarakat atau individu.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 22

- Kesuksesan produk
teknologi berarti
kesuksesan desain.
The essence of
Kesuksesan desain
engineering is melibatka kreativitas
"design" under besar
- Terdapat beberapa
keterbatasan pd:
- Tingkat produksi,
The nature of technology.
- Atau tingkat aplikasi,

- Atau tingkat nilai sosial

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 23

- absolute constrains, mis:
hukum fisika, sifat fisika dll.
The essence of
engineering is - flexible constraints , mis:
keterbatasan dlm hal
"design" under ekonomi, politik, social, etik
constraints. dll.

- Operation and
The nature of technology. maintenance costs
terjadi pd level desain.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 24

Jadi, desain teknologi harus
diuji sebelum prduksi akhir,
menggunakan salah satu
The essence of dr:
engineering is Produk lengkap (Beta
"design" under
Model fisik dlm skala
constraints. kecil
Simulasi komputer
(aman dan murah)
The nature of technology.
Analisis system analog.
Pengujian komponen
secara terpisah.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 25

Kontrol dibutuhkan utk
operasi/bekerja yg tepat.

All technologies Kontrol membuthkan:

involve control. feedback (dr sensor atau
sumber informasi lain)
Perbandingan logis dr
pengukuran data utk
The nature of technology.
instruksi atau prosedur

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 26

- Saat ini mikroprosesor
dipergunakan seb unit

- Komunikasi dan prosesor

All technologies cepat sangat penting dlm
system control.
involve control.
- Semua itu membutuhkan
control manusia dlm beberap
The nature of technology.
hal.Intelegensi manusia hrs
mampu utk menginterfrensi
system control utk mencegah
kesalahan ttt.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 27

- Setiap desain memiliki efek
- Bisa menguntungkan bias
merugikan (meningkatkan
Technologies proses otomatis sehingga
meningkatkan pula
always have side pengangangguran).
effects. - Teknologi kecil sekalipun
mungkin saja memiliki efek
samping yg kumulatif (mis:
efek refrigerator terhadap
The nature of technology. pemanasan global).
- Sulit utk memprediksi efek
samping. Dibuthkan analisis
yg sistematik.
- Analisis resiko/efek samping,
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 28 mahal dan rumit.
characteristics of
Ciri dasar ilmuan

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 29

- Scientists: laki-laki atau
perempuan yg berasal dr
semua latar belakangmen
Scientists negara atau etnis.

melakukan sains - Bekerja pd berbagai

sebagai aktivitas
- Bekerja sendiri atau
social sebagai kelompok ilmuan
- Tempat bekerja: kantor,
laboratorium, atau
Fundamental characteristics of lapangan.
- communicate & colaborate
with each other or other
segments of society
through special
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 30
communication tools.
Scientists are
-Prinsip etika yg kuat/tegas utk
honorable and mewadahi sains utk
trustworthy mengankses kebutuhan
individuals; they
-Dlm konteks ini, mereka:
conduct science
-Berlaku responsive,
through ethical
-Tdk pernah melenceng dr
principles. akurasi,
-Mewakili kolega dlm interaksi
para ahli
Fundamental characteristics of -Transparan dlm konflik yg
memanas (lagi tren)
-Melindungi manusia, hewan
dan lingkungan
-Tertarik pd responsibility
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 31
Scientists not
only serve
- Scientists memiliki peran
science, but they sebagai konsultan
are also involved
mereka cenderung pd
in public affairs masyarakat itu sendiri,
as experts or pemimpin atau administrator
citizens melalui:

membantu utk membedakan

antara "fakta " and "opini", or
Fundamental characteristics of benar" and salah", or
scientists mungkin/probable" and

Perlu diingat!:
Opini mereka adalah perasaan
Albert Einstein during a
radio talk sebagai suatu kepercayaan" by
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 32 oleh orang awam.
* Pemikiran kritis :
Pemikiran yg benar utuk
mencapai atau menghasilkan
Scientists think ilmu pengetahuan yg relevan
dan realibel, kesimpulanm
critically kepercayaan atau nilai.
(scientifically). * Pemikiran kritis dapat:
* Dpt menyatakan pertanyaan
yg tepat
* Memperoleh informasi yg
Fundamental characteristics of
* Efisien dan kreatif
* Aasan logis dr suatu
* Menuju kepada kesimpulan
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 33
Scientists think
* lanjutan:
(scientifically). * focus, identify and clarify
problems and issues, and,
* try alternative ways or
Fundamental characteristics of
methods to solve them.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 34

- Critical Thinking welcomes
thinkin styles like:
- rational (logical) thinking,
Scientists think - empirical thinking,
critically - skeptical thinking,
(scientifically). - pragmatic thinking,
- reflective thinking,
- creative thinking,
- comprehensible thinking,
Fundamental characteristics of
- reasonable thinking,
- quantitative thinking,
- analytical thinking,
- statistical thinking.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 35

- Critical thinking rejects
thinking styles like:
- illogical thinking,
Scientists think - intuitive thinking,
critically - hopeful/wishful thinking,
(scientifically). - Authoritarian thinking,
- dogmatic thinking,
- idealistic thinking,
- absolutist thinking,
Fundamental characteristics of
- close-minded thinking,
- mystical thinking,
- emotional thinking,
- qualitative thinking etc.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 36

- Berpikir kritis dpt
Scientists think dipelajari dr:
critically - Parents & teachers in
- Sciense & math courses in
undergraduate education
- continuous and conscious
Fundamental characteristics of testing and evaluating your
scientists scientific practices and
keeping them within the
standards described here

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 37

Scientists think
- Karakteritis berpikir kritis:
- Empirical Thinking
- Logical Thinking
Fundamental characteristics of - Skeptical thinking

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 38

Scientists think
critically - Empirical Thinking, or
Empiricism :
The use of empirical
(experimental) evidence
Fundamental characteristics of to make vital decisions and
scientists reach sound conclusions

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 39

- Logical Thinking, or
Scientists think Rationalism:
critically The Practice of Logical
(scientifically). Reasoning
- Logic allows us to reason
Fundamental characteristics of - Logic can be learned
scientists through education
- The use of logic is not

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 40

- Logical logical fallacies:
false logic, falsehood and
Scientists think - Incorrect assumption of
cause/effect relationship
- Inaccurate or distorted use of
(scientifically). the interpretation of numerical
statistical information
- Faulty analogy, comparison
carried too far, or comparison
Fundamental characteristics of of things that have nothing in
scientists common
- Stereotyping
- Ignoring the question,
digression, obfuscation to
avoid answering a question
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 41 - Faulty generalization
- Skeptical thinking, or

Scientists think Possessing a skeptical

- repeatedly and rigorously
(scientifically). examining (questioning) our
beliefs and conclusions in
order not to be trapped by
self deception or deception
Fundamental characteristics of by others.
- If the logical consequences
of the beliefs match with
objective reality, your
beliefs are reliable
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 42
- Learning and teaching:
Scientists are key concepts in the life of a
eager to learn
- scientists update themselves
and teach by following literature
- Scientists share their
knowledge with their
Fundamental characteristics of - students,
scientists - colleagues,
- and society whenever

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 43

- scientific seminars,
conferences, and

Scientists learn - Thausands of scientific

from each other
- Peer reviewing
- formal or informal
Fundamental characteristics of
- guard for unforseen

- fueling effect for synergy

, new ideas & critical
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 44
fight or manifestation of
Scientists learn power,
from each other but:
a win-win process.

Fundamental characteristics of
learning from each other

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 45

Scientists work - carefully designed
systematically procedures or road
maps are necessary
- no invention is all of a
Fundamental characteristics of
scientists sudden in science

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 46

- Originality:
Diging the universe for
exploring "unknown" or
Scientists seek "new" or "unique",
- Originality in:
- tools,
Fundamental characteristics of - techniques,
- procedures developed,
- products
- the use of data
- etc.,
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 47
Curiosity and a
positive attitude
is the fuel of - Scientists see the
universe through
scientists questions (curiosity)
- A positive attitude is a
Fundamental characteristics of
must for productivity
scientists and effectiveness.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 48

Creative thinking - inceases the productivity
is a powerful tool and efficiency of problem
for scientists
- useful when new ideas are
- encourages looking from a
Fundamental characteristics of broader perspective
- can be improved.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 49

Creativity Inhibitors:

(factors that limit the use of

creative ability)
Creative thinking
is a powerful tool - attitudes "I am not creative"
or "I cannot improve my
for scientists creative ability

- Fear of
Fundamental characteristics of - questioning,
- exploring new ideas,
- making mistakes,
- experiencing failure,
- taking risks

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 50 (lack of self-confidence)

Creativity Inhibitors:

Myths like:
Creative thinking - One's creative ability is
is a powerful tool set at birth and it cannot
be developed!!!!
for scientists

Fundamental characteristics of
- some people have
creativity and others do
not !!!!!


Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 51
Creativity Inhibitors:

Myths like:
Creative thinking - One's creative ability is
is a powerful tool set at birth and it cannot
be developed!!!!
for scientists

Fundamental characteristics of
- some people have
creativity and others do
not !!!!!


Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 52
Creativity Stimulators:

Creative thinking Improve any of your

is a powerful tool - intellect,
- life experiences
for scientists - attitude toward creative
problem solving
- curiosity,
Fundamental characteristics of
- willingness to persevere,
- knowledge of and ability to
use creativity stimulators,
i.e., creative problem-
solving methods
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 53
Creativity Stimulators:

- Talking things over

- Keeping an open mind
Creative thinking - Brainstorming
- Negative brainstorming
is a powerful tool - Viewing the problem from
for scientists imaginative perspectives
- Concentrating on anomalies
- Focusing on byproducts
- Interrogating (collecting evidence
Fundamental characteristics of through questioning) imaginary
- Viewing the problem from the
perspective of another discipline
- Using 'the solution looking for the
problem': serendipity
Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills - Using mind maps
- Scientists menghargai
Scientists have kecantikan/keindahan;
selalu dekat dgn seni
refined aesthetic
dan kesenian .
- Hal ini ditunjukkan pd
beberapa universitas
yg menyediakan
Fundamental characteristics of
scientists fakultas khusu utk seni
dan sains.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 55

Scientists cant
answer all Hal ini tidk memalukan.
questions yet Sains masih terus
berkembang dan
berlanjut sepanjang
Fundamental characteristics of keberadaan manusia.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 56

- True scientists also have
Scientists are all human feelings as
human beings!!! much as ordinary citizens
- They can also fail in in
Fundamental characteristics of their decisions, even in
their academic life.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 57

Scientists are
human beings!!!

Fundamental characteristics of
scientists - Surely You're Joking, Mr.
Feynman!: Adventures of
a Curious Character

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 58


Fundamental characteristics of
- That is what the rest of
this lecture all about.

Grad 501: Graduate Research Skills 59

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