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I will be producing 3 advertisements that will be part of an advertising campaign for the charity Bernardos.
Out of these 3 advertisements, 1 will be landscape and the remaining 2 will be portrait. The adverts I am
making will showcase clothes being sold with the motto of looking good for less. The adverts will be placed
on things like bus stops and billboards, as well as inside newspapers and magazines.
The age range of my target audience for my product is going to be people between the ages of 16 and 19,
and I have selected this age group because of the fact that people that are this age tend to have part time
jobs and therefore less money to spend. This means that our stores can be a cheaper alternative for the
teenagers with less money.. All genders will be part of our target audience as the clothes we are looking to
offload are all donations, and so we have no particular agenda on who we sell to. The fact that these clothes
are donations also influences the social grade we target, as those on the higher tier of the social grade would
want to spend their money on lavish and designer brands. Because of this the lower areas of the social grade
will be our target audience, as these people would be looking for the cheaper alternatives to purchasing
The overall message of my campaign is that can dress well for less cost whilst helping a good cause in the
process. This suits the charity shop as its main intentions are to raise money for charity, and as it is a charity
store it will sell cheaper clothes due its stock being solely reliant on donations. However, these lower prices dont
come with a lower standard of product, and those who look in these stores can still find good quality clothing.
This message will appeal to those placed lower down on the social ladder, as they will want to look good on a
Due to the fact that the theme of my campaign is summer it would only make sense to launch the
advertisement campaign during the summer time. The specific date that I have selected for the start point of
the campaign is the 17th July. This is an appropriate time of year to initiate an advertisement campaign as
there are plenty of people who would want to purchase clothes that suit the warmer time of year, and so may
opt to come into our stores. This will help boost the potential sales for the store during this time.
As my target audience consists of people who are lower down on the social scale, my adverts will be
located in poorer areas. More specifically the adverts will be positioned on bus stops and billboards in
these poorer areas. Also, the adverts will be positioned along bus routes to colleges from these poorer
areas, as this will build some awareness from the younger population who are looking to purchase new
clothes. Overall this will help with sales of our summer clothes stock.

I will also be sure to get one of our advertisements placed in the local newspaper, as well as the towns
shopping centre.
My first advertisement poster will be submitted on 17th July, and this is because summer is around this time
of year and people will be eager to buy clothes that fit the summer season. As we get deeper into summer I
will release another advertisement, on 17th August my second advert will go up. My third and final advert will
go up, and the date I have picked is the 1st September. I have picked this date as it is at this point that
summer begins to come to a close and so it would be a good way to close the campaign, and the clothes
would not be suitable for the seasons coming up.
There are different laws that I will have to adhere to when producing my advert, and these are some of those
Copyright designs & patents act.

The misleading act.

The obscenity act.

I will have to ensure I use no brand logos without permission in my adverts in order to comply with the
copyright rules. The misleading act is also a law I have to take into consideration when making my advert,
and to do so I mustn't print any wrong or misleading information on my advertisement. When making my
advert I will also stay in line with the obscenity act, and this means not producing an advert that contains
what can be classed as obscene material; sexual or expletive content. Failure to follow all these laws will
result in legal action being taken against us, and could result in a fine.
The slogan for my advertising campaign is Look good, for less. I have selected this slogan
because I feel that it is an accurate summary of the campaign as a whole, as we want to convey
that the cheaper cost of the products we are selling doesnt distract from the good quality of the
clothes themselves. Also, the slogan creates an appeal to the viewer as it suggests that they can
dress well without breaking the bank.
Typography- The font I am using is Gulim.

Image 1- Fast shutter speed used to eliminate motion blur, and the image will be portrait and taken with a
mid range shot.

Image 2- Fast shutter speed to avoid motion blur, image will be landscape, shallow focus and a wide shot.

Image 3- Fast shutter speed due to possible motion blur, landscape image, mid shot will be used.

Colour scheme: The colours that will be used will be ones linked to the season of summer such as red and
yellow. This maintains the theme of summer.
Date of photoshoot: March 3rd, March 6th, March 10th.

Date for production: March 13th, March 17th, March 20th, March 24th, and March 27th.

Budget: My budget will amount to 309, as this is the cost of the camera I will use. Travel fare wont cost
anything as I am not leaving college premises.

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