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Community Earthquake Early Warning System

For South Western Tanzania

CEEWS is a network of laptops and desktop
computers installed in the community houses
to capture earthquake initial motion in order
to model earthquake in progress and provide
early warning of ground shaking to community
Historical Earthquake Epicenters across
Historical event
magnitude7.2 earthquake 14 km from
Matai, Rukwa, Tanzania of July 08, 1919
Recent Events in Tanzania and Neighbouring Countries
Lake Tanganyika Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake of Dec 5 2005
At least six people killed, 300 houses destroyed and a church collapsed at Kalemie, Congo.
Felt (IV) at Arusha, Tanzania and Kigali, Rwanda; (III) at Kampala, Uganda and Nairobi,
Kenya. Also felt at Bujumbura and Kirundo, Burundi; Bukavu and Lubumbashi, Congo;
Lilongwe, Malawi; Molo, Kenya; Kigoma, Masumbwe and Mwanza, Tanzania; Kireka,
Six people injured, at least 7 houses destroyed and 150 damaged in Nkansi District, Rukwa
Region, Tanzania. Felt strongly in much of Rukwa Region. Also felt in Copperbelt, Luapula
and Northern Provinces, Zambia and in eastern Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of
the Congo.
5.8 magnitude earthquake 22 km fromKaronga,NorthernRegion,Malawi(6 years ago) UTC time:Sunday,
Tanzaniantime: Sunday, December 6 2009 8:36 PM
One person killed, 15 people injured and about 3,000 buildings
damaged or destroyed in the Karonga area. Also felt at Chitipa and
Mzuzu. Felt (IV) at Njombe, Tanzania. Also felt at Mbeya
6.0 magnitude earthquake 23 km fromKaronga,NorthernRegion,Malawi
Three people killed, at least 250 injured, 1,111 houses destroyed and 3,565 damaged in Karonga. Felt
at Mzuzu. Also felt at Njombe, Tanzania and at Mpika, Zambia.
5.9 magnitude earthquake 37 km fromLongido,Arusha,Tanzania
Some damage at Arusha. Felt (V) at Moshi and
Usa River; (IV) at Arusha. Felt at Karatu,
Kingori, Longido, Lushoto, Monduli, Mwanza,
Ngara and Tanga. Felt (IV) at Kijabe, Mombasa,
Nairobi, Naivasha and Voi, Kenya; felt at
Kisumu and Namanga. Felt (III) at Kampala,
Uganda. Also felt at Kigali, Rwanda.
Felt (III) at Haidom and (II) at Arusha, Dar es
Salaam, Dodoma and Zanzibar. Also felt at
Bukoba, Chanika, Kigoma, Lushoto, Mabama,
Morogoro, Namanga, Same and Tabora. Felt
(II) at Nairobi, Kenya. Also felt at Eldoret, Gilgil,
Homa Bay, Magadi and Mombasa. Felt (II) at
Kampala, Uganda. Also felt at Kyotera
4.8 magnitude earthquake 59 km fromVikindu,Pwani,Tanzania
CEEWS Methodology
Proposed Sensors Stations
Typical sensors stations installed in Houses
(a) The Earthquake parameter numerical
computation (the C-code)
For a given earthquake epicenter location,
seismic sensor geographical locations and
target site positions, the C-code computes
shaking levels and available warning times
for earthquake location (Lon, Lat), sensor
station positions(SLon, SLat) and target sites
positions (TLon, TLat) :
(i) The epicentral distances (R) between the
event and sensor stations/target sites is
calculated using

(ii) the P- and S-wave arrival times at the sensor
stations and the target sites are estimated

Where Ts and Tp are S-wave and P-wave arrival

times, and Vs and Vp are respective velocities
(iii) Then the expected ground
shaking (PGA) at each point of
interest is estimated using

Where is the arrival time

difference (Ts Tp) at a point of
Mapping the ground shaking (C-shell script)

a C-shell scripts that consists of various GMT

programs that utilizes the C-code output files
in some ordered form is used to produce the
PGA shaking maps and seismic arrival times
Shaking Detection Vs Time of the event
Shaking Detection Vs Time of the event
Magnitude 6.5 Lake Tanganyika Earthquake
Shaking Detection Vs Time of the event
Shaking Detection Vs Time of the event
Shaking Detection Vs Time of the event
5.9 magnitude earthquake 37 km fromLongido,Arusha,Tanzania
Shaking Detection Vs Time of the event

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