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The group of student volunteers then provided sealants to the students at Tammany alternative center
under the supervision of Deelee Mendenhal of the Idaho Public Health Department

Students rotated between being the operator and the assistant for this activity.
The Sealant Team At Tammany Alternative Center
Visual Aid

Number of Dental Sealants Applied in Nez Perce County

State Fiscal Year 2016- 500

State Fiscal Year 2015- 348

State Fiscal Year 2014-532


This program was successful in meeting students with a need for further education on the cause of dental

It provided sealants for those in need.

It gave the students valuable information that they could use on a day to day basis to improve their rate of
dental decay, and may help prevent their need for restorative treatments.

In future programs it may be useful to apply sealants at an earlier age, i.e. second and sixth grades to
prevent pit and fissure caries.

Students may also want to address how sticky foods cause prolonged acid attacks.

A more interactive visual aid, such as a chicken bone soaked in acid, may be useful in conveying the point
that acids soften hard tissues.
Diabetes Health Fair

Gritman Medical Center

Student Lead: Danielle Wilson

Lesson Plan

Title: Diabetes and Oral Health

Target: People of all ages with Diabetes

Needs: Understanding of the link between diabetes and periodontal disease

Time Period: Winter Term 2017

Goals and Objectives

Teaching about the link between Diabetes and Periodontal disease

Educating about the importance of regular professional hygiene maintenance treatment

Demonstrating how the patient can keep a good oral home care routine

Table demonstration including:

Demonstrating proper brushing/flossing technique on typodont

Using visual aids to associate diabetes and periodontal disease

Explaining the link between diabetes and periodontal disease

Explaining importance of home care/professional hygiene maintenance treatment

Visual Aids
Visual Display Board, Instructional Typodont + Toothbrush, Periodontal Disease Pamphlet
Visual Aids
Students asked pre and post questions, and evaluated brushing technique on typodont

Pre-presentation Questions: Post-presentation Questions:

Q: Does Diabetes have an Q: Does Diabetes have an

effect on oral health? effect on oral health?
A: Im not sure A: Yes!
Q: How often should you have a Q: How often should you have a
dental checkup? dental checkup?
A: Once a year. A: Every six months, or as
directed by a dental
Q: Name one symptom of gum Q: Name one symptom of gum

Our table presentation education was a success! The people that stopped by our table came away knowing
a lot more about how diabetes can affect oral health, and vise versa. With demonstration of proper
homecare, they learned how to better care for their teeth at home as well; and how often they should be
seeking dental treatment. From the answers to our pre- and post questions, there was more understanding
about the material presented once the presentation was complete.

In the future, students may also want to add in aspects of decay prevention and nutrition, as sugar intake
also correlates with diabetes.

Students may want to talk about xylitol, as it benefits oral health as well as being a good sugar alternative
for diabetics

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