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Paper Presentation on
Characters Recognition In An Image Using

Ramya Muppala
Kalyan Chakravarthy


Devineni Venkata Ramana & Dr. Hima Sekhar

MIC College of Technology

Kanchikacherla-521180, Krishna Dist., A.P, India.

ACADEMIC YEAR: 2016-2017


Flow Chart
Pre-Processing The Image
Edge detection
Removal lower Connected Components
Filling the holes
Final postioning and cropping

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The vehicle number plate recognition automatically controls
access to a secured area for authorized members. We tested
our method for number plate recognition which includes five
main testimonials first is pre-processing of the input image,
then cropping the preprocessed image that follows by the
image edge extraction operated on the cropped image after
this the character segmentation process algorithm and then
finally to the character recognition which gives the improved
results that shows our method has the average precision that
can be put into practice.

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Flow Chart

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Pre-Processing is very important for the good performance of
Pre-Processing consists of :

Resizing of image.
RGB to Gray.
Contrast enhancement using histogram equalization.

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Edge Detection By SOBEL operator
The Sobel operator is one of most commonly used edge
The Sobel edge detector uses a pair of 3x3 convolution
The first is dedicated for evaluation of vertical edges, and
the second for evaluation of horizontal edges.

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Applying the Sobel Operator-Example

All edges in the image have been detected and can be nicely separated
from the background using a threshold of 220.

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Edge detection by Sobel Operator

Grey Scale image after

image enhancing

After applying Sobel

edge detection method.

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Removing lower connected components
After edge detection removes all
connected components that have lower
than p(eight pixel in our method)
pixels. Thus it will produce another binary

1. Determine the connected components.
L= bwlabeln(BW,conn);

2. Compute the area of each component.

S= regionprops(L,Area);

3. Remove small objects

Bw2 = ismember(L,find([S.Area] >= p));

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Filling The Holes

The set of background pixels are known as hole that cannot be reached
by filling the background from the edge of the image.

The holes in the binarized image are filled.

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Lower Components Removal

Image after removing

components with connectivity
less than of the intensity 1200
per pixel.

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Lower Components Removal

Using Matlab toolbox function

bwareaopen() that specifies the
desired connectivity.

All components connectivity lower

than the intensity of 1200 per pixel
are removed to get the actual
location of the number plate.

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Final Positioning and Cropping

We output the four vertices coordinates of the

last selected region after morphological
filtering and extract the number plate.

The final positioning of the number plate after


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