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Nawaz Ahmad

Rizwan Raheem Ahmed

2015: Pakistan population 191.71 m
Rural 116.62m ie 60.78%
Urban 75.19 ie 39.22%
Pakistan is world 6th populous country
Age group 15-39: 43.8% of population
Sindh has 24% of population
2013-14 Unemployment rate: 6%
Rural 5%
Urban 8%
2016 Unemployment is 8.3%, 38.33% higher than 2013-14
According to Express Tribune, 11 Aug 2016, Pakistan has observed the
highest unemployment rate over last 13 years.
In professional colleges and Universities, Enrolment growth rate is
Population growth is 3%
Unemployment is 8.3%
High time for Entrepreneurial activities
To mobilize intrinsic recourses for job creation
Entrepreneurship is endogenous solution
To gauge willingness of professional colleges and Universities students
to opt for Entrepreneurial activities.
Survey 1 (Kumar et al, 2013)
H1: Family background plays significant role,
H2: Education plays significant role, and
H3: Individual desire plays significant role.
Survey 2 (Linan & Chen, 2009)
H1: Personal Attitude has significant impact on Entrepreneurial Intention
H2: Subjective Norm has significant impact on Entrepreneurial Intention
H3: Perceived behavioral control has significant impact on Entrepreneurial
Literature Review
Survey 1
Data: Primary
Sample size: 106 (92% response rate)
Sampling method: Convenience
Model: One sample t-test
Survey 2
Data: Primary
Sample size: 350 (100% response rate) 14 professional colleges/universities
Sampling method: Convenience
Model: Regression
Survey 2: Variables
Personal Attitude (PA) It reflects whether the individual has a certain
valuation (either positive or negative) for becoming an entrepreneur.
Subjective Norm (SN) It indicates whether the individual takes a
social pressure (friends, colleagues, family etc) to begin his business or
Perceived behavioral control (PBC) It reflects the perception of the
individual related starting a new business. It could either be perceived
as easy or difficult.
Entrepreneurial Intention (EI), which is defined as the willingness and
commitment to carry out a new business.
Model Summary and Parameter Estimates
Dependent Variable:
Model Summary Parameter Estimates
Equation R Square F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1
Growth .979 2379.151 1 52 .000 9.485 .082

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable:
Model Summary Parameter Estimates
Equation R Square F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1
Growth .912 186.792 1 18 .000 12.066 .104

Model Summary and Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable:
Model Summary Parameter Estimates
Equation R Square F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1
Growth .950 1092.808 1 57 .000 3.489 .030
Results (survey 1)
Variables Number of Items Cronbachs Alpha
Family Background 3 0.753
Education 4 0.733
Individual Desire 13 0.917
Results (survey 1)
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Family Background 106 2.7736 0.99946 0.09708
Education 106 3.7094 0.80776 0.07846
Individual Desire 106 3.8075 0.75652 0.07348
Results (survey 1)
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 3
95% Confidence Interval of
the Difference
T df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper
Family Background -2.332 105 0.022 -0.22642 -0.4189 -0.0339
Education 9.042 105 0 0.70943 0.5539 0.865
Individual Desire 10.99 105 0 0.80755 0.6619 0.9532
Results (survey 2)
Reliability Statistics

Variables Cronbach Alpha Total items

Personal Ability 0.911 4

Subjective Norms 0.833 4

Perceived Behavioral Control 0.840 4

Entrepreneurial Intentions 0.922 4

Results (survey 2)
Model Summary ANOVAb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Model R R Square Square Estimate 1 Regression 305.959 3 101.986 154.139 .000a

1 .808a .653 .649 .81342 Residual 162.767 246 .662

a. Predictors: (Constant), IV3_mean, IV1_mean, IV2_mean Total 468.726 249

a. Predictors: (Constant), IV3_mean, IV1_mean, IV2_mean

Results (survey 2)
Conclusion & recommendations
Students are willing for entrepreneurial activities, the only barrier for a
number of students they come across is their family background as they
have limited budgets.
In survey 2, Subjective norm is insignificant impact over
Entrepreneurial intention i.e. individuals don't take social pressure
(friends, colleagues, family etc.) to begin his business
It is recommended to create some pool in fund for startups at larger
It is also recommended that every university should have
entrepreneurship center where young entrepreneurs are fecilitated.

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