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Testing tools Course Training Institute in


Testing tools Course Content

The Test Manager is an automated software testing
tool is used in day to days testing activities. The Java
programming language is used to develop this tool.
Such Test Management tools are used to facilitate
SDLC Process
Recovery testing
Compatibility testing
End-to-end testing
Port testing
Adhoc testing
Smoke testing

Software Testing Life Cycle

Test strategy preparation

SDLC Models
Water falls model Increment model Spiral
Testing process
Test logs

Test execution

AgiLe model Test execution life

Testing methodology
Black box testing
Defect Reporting

White box testing Defect template

Gray box testing Defect life cycle
Hybrid testing Defect status life cycle
Bug life cycle
Levels of Testing
Types of bugs

Unit testing Defect metrics

Integration testing Defect removal efficiency
System level testing Categories of defects
UAT testing Error, defect, bug
Types of Testing
Functional testing
Usability testing
Performance testing
Security testing
Alpha testing
Beta testing
Regression testing
Installation testing
Metrics collection
Importance of test metrics
UAT (User Acceptance Testing) Importance
of UA testing Scope of UAT
Alpha testing
Beta testing
Management configuration
Introduction to software
Configuration management
Purpose of software configuration

Ways Of Testing
Manual testing
Automation testing
Drawbacks of manual testing

Automation Testing Using QTP Introduction

Benefits of automation testing Manual vs automation testing Types of automated tools
History of QTP

Basics of QTP
Overview of qtp
Anatomy of qtp
Record and run settings
Recording modes
Using qtp commands

Records play back

Creating and execution test
Recording a test
Understanding your recorded test
Executing a test
Types of recording modes
Standard/normal recording mode
Analog recording mode
Low level recording


object repositories
Local and shared repository
Operations on object repository
Object repository manager Dynamically adding
objects Object identification
Data and time functions
String functions
Numeric functions
Conversion functions
Built in functions
Used defined functions

Define array
Dynamic array
Arthmatic operators
Comparison operators
Logical operators

Option to synchronize your test Inserting
synchronization point Exit statement
Wait statement

Working with actions

Data driven test
Working with data table
Creating data driven test
Local and global data tables
Parameterizing a test using runtime data table
Working with global and action sheets
Importing data from database
Importing data from text file
Exporting data to spread sheets
Descriptive programming
Introduction to DP
When and where to use DP
Access dynamic objects during runtime
Working with real scripts

Regular expressions
Working with regular expressions
Defining regular expressions

Other options in QTP

Output values
Output values introduction
Categories of output values
Creating output values
Storing output values
Viewing and editing output values

Parameter types in QTP

Action component parameter type
Datatable type
Environment variable type
Introduction to QTP 11.00
New features in QTP 11.00
Comparison with different versions
Resume preparations
HR tips
Real time Q & A
Conducting mockup interviews

Working with QC
Introduction to QC
Structure of QC
Performance testing using Load runner
Introduction to load runner
Need of performance testing
Load runner architecture
Stress testing
Load testing

Vuser generator
Selection of protocols
Recording the basic scripts
Executing test
Creating runtime settings and logics
Creating action blocks
Configuring think time settings
Running the scripts

Introduction to controller
Creating goal oriented scenario
Creating new scenario
Analysing the results
Analysing summary reports
Analysis basics
Running Vuser graphs
Transaction summary graphs
Hits per second graphs
Throughput graphs
Window resource graphs
Creating reports
Analysis reports

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