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Schedule Optimizer Tool: SOT

Genetic Optimization Algorithm to Improve NPV

Underground Optimization Solutions
Mineable Reserves Optimizer (MRO)
Determines the optimal envelopes within which stopes should be designed
Mineable Shape Optimizer (MSO)
Automatically produces optimized stope designs
Decline Optimizer (MLO)
Produces optimal decline designs through a set of points
Schedule Optimizer Tool (SOT)
Optimizes mining sequence and schedule to increase NPV

Reliably estimating how many tonnes can be mined, at what grade and at what
time, based on practical mining considerations, is a critical part of every
resource evaluation exercise or feasibility study.
Strategic Mine Planning
MRO creates Mineable Envelopes
MSO creates Optimized Stopes

But when to mine them?

Schedule Optimizer Tool (SOT)
Determines the mining sequence which maximises Net Present Value (NPV)

Some elements of
the sequence are
fixed: Constraints
Other elements are
free 2 3
The sequence of 1
these free elements
can be optimized
Schedule Optimizer Tool (SOT)
Schedule of access and stoping activities
Schedules adhere to:
Precedence constraints
Operational resource constraints
Schedule Optimizer Tool (SOT)
Genetic algorithm
Maximises NPV
Financial evaluation:
Mineral price projections
Capital and operating costs
Discount rate, inflation rate
Schedule Optimizer Tool (SOT)
Heuristic Optimisation
Evolutionary computation
No aggregation of activities or of scheduling periods
Exact method, Multiple Integer Programming (MIP), requires
aggregation for feasible solution time
Strategic Mine Planning
Mining method
Cut-off grade
Access method
Mill capacity / production target
Hoisting capacity

Fleet sizes
Scheduling strategy
Life-of-mine schedule
Schedule Optimizer Tool (SOT)
NPV Improvement Generated by SOT
NPV Improvement Generated by SOT

(Neville Price, 2009)

Scenario Evaluation

Scenario Schedule
Evaluation Optimisation

Automatic scenario generation

Mine planner specifies range of options
Schedule optimisation for each scenario
Strategic Analysis of Production Rate
Benefits of SOT
SOT returns the top schedules that maximise NPV
User can select the most appropriate for further study
Investigate thousands of feasible schedules
Remove prejudice and conventional wisdom
Specific technical queries can be investigated as different scenarios
Shaft capacity, mill capacity, method of haulage, etc.
Investigate the risk profile of a mining strategy
Integration with EPS for schedule review and visualisation
Optimal Schedule Output
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