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Music is a sound that comes from some instrument. In the
whole of the world have kind of music. one each other have many
difference. As long as i know ,music can come from many instrument.
Especially in Indonesia every region has many instrument music. There
is derived from wood, bamboo and the other. Actually music is
universal language. Becouse with the listening music we are can
understand what the feel of the music. Music can to makes some
people feel relax.
In this era have many kind of music. from old music or new
music . On all of the world the ganre of music is always rapid progress.
USA is a baromater music in the world . Over there has appears the
singer and the ganre of msic like jazz, pop , rock and roll and the other.
jazz music its a ganre that can makes calm ,in my opinion jazz music is
a romantic music and about pop music its a ganre which likes all of
people . In pop music the music is easy to be heard. So, there are many
people like this until the child in indonesia like to be heard. Its the
reason music called is unuversal language.
Music is the art of making pleasing combinations of sound.
The word Music comes from muse the name for the goddesses of
anciiennt Greek mythology who presided over the arts and sciences.
Music is one of the oldest of the arts. No civilization in history has
been without some from of music.
Literally, song is any music that is sung. Usually, however, a
song refers to a piece for one voice with or without intrument
accompaniment . There are three major types of song : art song folk
song and popular song. Art songs are songs of high artistic merit,
written by trained composers. FolkSongs are songs of the people and
are usually of unknown origin. A song for two voices is called a duet,
for three a trio, for four a quartet, and so on. When more than one
voice sings each part, the piece is called a part song or chorus.
How did music begin ? Scholars differ about the
origins of music. Early people probably learned to use
their voices for singing before they discovered how to
make musical instrument. Very likely they sang simple
chants to go with their magic rites, (though magic,
primitive people thougt they could bring rain, make
the sun shine, or help crops grow). So first melodies
were born.
People soon learned how to make musical
instrument out of the things they found around
them. They made rattlesnout of must or gourds.
They blew into bones or reeds to make a whistling
sound. Hollow logs made excellent drums. These
intruments heightened the effect peoples singing
and market the rhythm of their daces.
Musical notation, like written langguage, is a
means of communication. It enables the composers
to record their music in written symbols. Musicians
can read these symbols and bring a composers
idias to life in sounds, thus communicating them to
the listener.
Descriptive Text Report Text

Pengertian Sebuah teks yang memberikan penjelasan Sebuah teks yang memberikan
hal yang lebih khusus penjelasan hal yang lebih umum
Tujuan Untuk memberikan informasi, Untuk memberikan informasi,
menggambarkan, atau menjelaskan menggambarkan, atau menjelaskan
fenomena khusus tentang berbagai hal, fenomena umum tentang berbagai hal,
baik masalah lingkungan, pendidikan, baik masalah lingkungan, pendidikan,
sosial, politik, budaya dan sebagainya. sosial, politik, budaya dan sebagainya.
StrukturTeks Identification: berisi General Clasification :berisi
identifikasiumum beserta klasifikasinya. pernyataan umum tentang subject yang
Description :Penjelasan lebih lanjut dibicarakan atau
tentang sifat, ciri, bentuk dan penjelasan dibahas.: Description :Penjelasan
lainnya sesuai pandangan penuis lebih lanjut tentang sifat, ciri, bentuk dan
Menggunakan simple present penjelasan lainnya Menggunakan
simple present

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