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by : Ericha P.W

dari Direct dan Indirect speech adalah untuk
melaporkan atau menyampaikan kembali informasi
yang kamu dapat kepada orang lain.

Direct speech : She said I want to read the book.
Indirect speech : She said that she wanted to read the
Do you know what is the differences?
Yang harus diubah saat mengubah Direct Speech
(kalimat langsung) menjadi Indirect speech
(kalimat tak langsung) :

1. Kata Ganti (Pronuon)

2. Bentuk waktu (Tense)
3. Keterangan waktu dan tempat
1. Kata Ganti (Pronoun)

Direct Speech : Heru said, Im hungry.

Heru berkata, saya lapar.
Indirect Speech : Heru said that he was hungry.
Heru berkata bahwa dia lapar.
2. Bentuk Waktu (Tense)

Direct speech : Ani said I buy a pencil.

Ani berkata, Aku membeli sebuah pensil.

Indirect speech : Ani said that she bought a pencil.

Ani berkata bahwa dia membeli sebuah pensil.

Kata Buy : Verb 1 (Present tense)

Kata Bought : Verb 2 ( Past Tense)
Rumus waktu (Tense)Indirect speech
Direct Speech

1. Simple Present (V1) Simple past (V2)

My mother said, You have to bring My mother said that I had to bring my
your dictionary dictionary.

2. Present continuous ( are, am ,is Past Continuous (was, were +Ving)

+Ving )
Jhon said that Doni was singing.
Jhon said, Doni is singing.

3. Present Perfect (have/has + V3) Past Perfect (had + V3)

He said, I have finished the work He said that he had finished the work.

4. Simple past (V2) Past perfect (had + V3)

My Father said, I climbed the My father said that he had climbed the
mountain. mountain.
Direct speech Indirect speech

Can Could

May Might

Will Would

Might Might

Must Had to

Direct speech : Rudy said, I can swim for 3 hours

Indirect speech : Rudy said that he could swim for 3

Jika reportingnya Verb 1 maka tidak perlu

mengubah tensesnya.
She said../ she .
Said / Says adalah reporting.
Ada beberapa yang tidak mengalami perubahan
waktu meskipun reportingnya Verb2. Yaitu :
1. Conditional Sentence type 2
2. Menyatakan Kebenaran Umum
3. Modal bentuk past tense
4. Must yang menyatakan peraturan yang umum
atau permanen

1. Conditional Sentence type 2

Heru said, If I had a wing, I would fly
Heru said that if he had a wing, he would fly.

2. Menyatakan kebenaran umum

Rina said, the earth is round
Rina said that the earth is round.
3. Modal berbentuk past tense.
Irwan said, I could read the magazine.
Irwan said that he could read the magazine.

4. Must yang menyatakan peraturan umum atau

Rani said, Students must respect their teacher.
Rani said that students must respect their teacher.
3. Keterangan Waktu dan Tempat
Direct speech Indirect speech
Yesterday The day before
To day That day
Tomorrow The next/ following day
Next week The following week
Now Then

Direct speech Indirect speech

Here There
This That

Direct speech : Diva said, I forgot to send the letter yesterday.

Indirect speech : Diva said that she had forgotten to send the letter the day
List of Irregular Verbs

Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb3 Artinya

Awake awoke awaken Membangunkan/
be Was/were been Auxiliary verb
(kata kerja bantu)
begin began begun mulai
bit bite bitten menggigit
break broke broken Memecahkan,
buy bought bought membeli
build built built membangun
catch caught caught menangkap

choose chose chosen memilih

come came come datang

cut cut cut memotong

do did done melakukan

draw drew drown melakukan

drink drank drunk meminum

drive drove driven menyetir

Eat ate eaten makan

Feel felt felt merasa
Fly flew flown Terbang
Forget forgot forgotten Lupa
Have had had mempunyai
Change the direct speech into indirect speech!
1. Rico said, you are my friend
2. My Mom said, I may be at home.
3. Yoga said, My father are going to Bali.
4. You said, If I had a car, I would go with you
5. Putri said, I could swim in the beach
Change the indirect speech into direct speech!
1. Heru said that his brother was ill.

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