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Udara tak bebas atau indoor air

adalah udara yang didapat di dalam
ruangan, seperti : rumah, pabrik,
bioskop, sekolah, kantor, rumah sakit
dan selain itu udara tak bebas juga
didapat di dalam sumur dan
5 (lima) sumber pencemaran di dalam ruangan
(The National Institute of Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH)) yaitu:

Pencemaran yang berasal dari asap rokok,

pestisida, dan beberapa bahan pembersih
Pencemaran di luar gedung meliputi
masuknya gas buangan kendaraan
bermotor, gas dari cerobong asap atau
dapur yang terletak di dekat gedung,
dimana kesemuanya dapat terjadi akibat
penempatan lokasi lubang udara yang tidak
Pencemaran akibat bahan bangunan meliputi
pencemaran formaldehid, lem, asbes,
fibreglass dan bahan lain yang merupakan
komponen pembentuk gedung tersebut.
Pencemaran akibat mikroba dapat berupa
bakteri, jamur, protozoa dan produk mikroba
lainnya yang dapat ditemukan di saluran
udara dan alat pendingin beserta seluruh
Gangguan ventilasi udara berupa kurangnya
udara segar yang masuk, buruknya distribusi
udara dan kurangnya perawatan sistem
ventilasi udara.
Indoor Air and Your Health
Health effects from indoor air pollutants
may be experienced soon after exposure or,
possibly, years later.
Pollutant Sources
Biological Pollutants
There are many sources of these pollutants.
Pollens originate from plants; viruses are
transmitted by people and animals; bacteria are
carried by people, animals, and soil and plant
debris; and household pets are sources of saliva
and animal dander. The protein in urine from rats
and mice is a potent allergen. When it dries, it can
become airborne. Contaminated central air
handling systems can become breeding grounds
for mold, mildew, and other sources of biological
contaminants and can then distribute these
contaminants through the home.
Health Effects From
Biological Contaminants
Some biological contaminants trigger allergic
reactions, including hypersensitivity
pneumonitis, allergic rhinitis, and some types of
Infectious illnesses, such as influenza, measles,
and chicken pox are transmitted through the
Symptoms of health problems caused by
biological pollutants include sneezing, watery
eyes, coughing, shortness of breath, dizziness,
lethargy, fever, and digestive problems.
Carbon Monoxide

Sources of Carbon Monoxide

Unvented kerosene and gas space
heaters; leaking chimneys and furnaces;
back-drafting from furnaces, gas water
heaters, wood stoves, and fireplaces;
gas stoves; generators and other
gasoline powered equipment;
automobile exhaust from attached
garages; and tobacco smoke.
Health Effects Associated with
Carbon Monoxide

At low concentrations, fatigue in healthy

people and chest pain in people with
heart disease. At higher concentrations,
impaired vision and coordination;
headaches; dizziness; confusion; nausea.
Can cause flu-like symptoms that clear
up after leaving home. Fatal at very high
Sources of Formaldehyde
Pressed wood products (hardwood
plywood wall paneling, particleboard,
fiberboard) and furniture made with
these pressed wood products.
Urea-formaldehyde foam insulation
(UFFI). Combustion sources and
environmental tobacco smoke. Durable
press drapes, other textiles, and glues.
Health Effects

Formaldehyde, a colorless, pungent-smelling

gas, can cause watery eyes, burning
sensations in the eyes and throat, nausea,
and difficulty in breathing in some humans
exposed at elevated levels (above 0.1 parts
per million).
High concentrations may trigger attacks in
people with asthma. Health effects include eye,
nose, and throat irritation; wheezing and
coughing; fatigue; skin rash; severe allergic
reactions. May cause cancer.

Sources of Pesticides
Products used to kill household pests
(insecticides, termiticides, and
disinfectants). Also, products used on
lawns and gardens that drift or are
tracked inside the house.
Health Effects

Irritation to eye, nose, and throat;

damage to central nervous system
and kidney; increased risk of cancer.
Sindroma Gedung Sakit (Sick Building

Istilah Sindroma Gedung Sakit (Sick Building

Syndrome) pertama-tama diperkenalkan oleh
para ahli dari negara Skandinavia di awal tahun
1980-an. Istilah ini kemudian digunakan secara
luas dan kini telah tercatat berbagai laporan
tentang sindroma ini dari berbagai negara
Eropa, Amerika dan bahkan negara tetangga
kita Singapura

Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a

combination of ailments (a syndrome)
associated with an individual's place of work
(office building) or residence.
A 1984 World Health Organization report into the
syndrome suggested up to 30% of new and
remodelled buildings worldwide may be linked to
symptoms of SBS. Most of the sick building
syndrome is related to poor indoor air quality
Building occupants complain of symptoms
such as
Eye, nose, or throat irritation
Dry cough; dry or itchy skin
Dizziness and nausea
Difficulty in concentrating
Sensitivity to odors
Increased incidence of asthma attacks/appearance of
asthma in non-asthmatics
Personality changes such as
Putative cases of bronchitis or pneumonia which do not
respond to antibiotic treatment
Symptoms resembling irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
1. Iritasi selaput lendir
Iritasi mata, mata pedih, mata merah, mata berair
2. Iritasi hidung, bersin, gatal
Iritasi tenggorokan, sakit menelan, gatal, batuk kering
3. Gangguan neurotoksik
Sakit kepala, lemah/capai, mudah tersinggung, sulit
4. Gangguan paru dan pernafasan
Batuk, nafas berbunyi atau mengi, sesak nafas, rasa
berat di dada
5. Gangguan kulit
Kulit kering, kulit gatal
6. Gangguan saluran cerna
Diare atau mencret
7. Lain-lain
Parameter yang diamati pada Sick Building
Kontaminan Gedung 1. Asbestos
2. Karbon Dioksida
3. Karbon Monoksida
4. Debu
5. Formaldehyde
6. Spora jamur
7. Bakteri
8. Kelembaban (terlalu tinggi, terlalu rendah)
9. Ion
11.Pollutan dari luar
16.Senyawa organik (volatile)
Parameter yang diamati pada Sick Building Syndrome
Parameter Keterangan
Sistem Ventilasi 1. Kecepatan ventilasi (terlalu cepat, terlalu lambat )
2. Buruknya distribusi udara
3. Sistem ventilasi yang tidak beroperasi
4. Pengatur suhu udara (air conditioner)
5. Buruknya penyaringan
6. Buruknya perawatan
Penghuni 1. Usia
2. Gender
3. Status kesehatan
4. Pekerjaan
Lain-lain 1. Bentuk gedung
2. Radiasi elektromagnetik
3. Tidak ada kontrol lingkungan
4. Pencahayaan
5. Kebisingan
6. Faktor psikologi
7. Stress
8. Terminal display
Jenis Tanaman Yang Dapat Menyerap
1. Lidah Mertua
2. Golden Photos
3. Sirih Gading
4. Tanaman Laba-laba
5. Bunga Krisan
6. Lidah Buaya
7. English Ivy
8. Pohon Naga
9. Bunga Lili

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