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"The People Could Fly"

perceive (v.)
to come to realize something, usually
via the senses
OF: perception (n.)
ex. Through the fog, I could barely
perceive my lost cat sitting by a trash can.
ex. My perception of the situation changed
once I realized he was lying.
scorn (n.)
the feeling that someone or something is
worthless or despicable

OF: to scorn (v.)

ex. The banker felt scorn towards the beggar
on the sidewalk.
Ex. The food critic scorned the French fries
because she thought they looked frozen.
seer (n.)
rhymes with fear
a person who claims to supernaturally
see the future

ex. My neighbor recommended the palm

reader, but I dont believe in seers.
Ex. The seer told my mother that she would
always live by water.
folk tale (n.)
story shared in a culture that is passed
down orally and often features a moral

ex. Many of the Disney princess stories are

examples of German folk tales.
Ex. My favorite folk tale is Paul Bunyan and
his blue ox, Babe
dialect (n.)
a form of a language that is particular
to a specific region or group

ex. There is one national language of the

Philippines, but thousands of dialects.
Ex. Neapolitan is a dialect of Italian.
simile (n.)
a comparison of two unlike things using the words
like or as

Ex. The sneaky salesman was sly as a fox.

Ex. On a beautiful moonlit night, the lake was like a

metaphor (n.)
a comparison of two unlike things that does not
use like or as.

Ex. One of the most famous metaphors is Robert Burns

My love is a red, red rose.

Ex. Mrs. Rosenbaums grammar lessons are a walk

through the park.
personification (n.)
giving human qualities to a non-human thing

OF: personify (v.)

ex. The abandoned house looked depressed.

ex. My computer throws a fit every time I try to use it.

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