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Stress is difficult to define. As Hans Selye (
the often called "Father of stress) opined,
"Everyone knows what stress is, but nobody
really knows". Selyes definition, Stress is
the nonspecific response of the body to any
Good Bad
stress or stress or
Eustress distress
Good stress or Eustress
The Eustress can be fun, exciting and full
of energy, especially in the short term.
Take a sudden danger and victoriously
resolve the situation safely, and get excited.
As when we are in a race to meet an exciting
time, dress for our wedding, or flying a ski
slope. It keeps our juices flowing.
The right amount of stress is stimulating
and healthy. We perform faster and better
jobs. Our muscles are strengthened.
Improves heart function. Increases
resistance. It sharpens thinking.
Some experts say the eustress can even help
your body fight infections.
Bad stress or distress
On the other hand, however, we
have the bad stress. When we
think about the types of stress,
distress is what we have in mind.
In fact, usually we call "stress",
without further. Here are some
examples of situations that cause
A truck is diverted to your lane
A job lost reduces your income
You or a loved one injured illegal?
When we are under this distress,
we tend to change and may even
break us inside. The pain may
Acute stress and chronic stress
Distress or acute stress is the most common type of stress. It appears
quickly and is usually short-lived. It is the most intense stress.
Episodic acute distress refers to a situation in which acute stress seems
to be a way of life. Life is constantly filled with stressful events one
after another.
If you have acute episodic discomfort you may have a long list of
outstanding tasks, you may have trouble saying no, and can seem to
always go in a hurry, while rarely arrive on time. You can become
abrupt, insensitive and irritable with others at home, at work, in the
supermarket and even in purely social situations.
You can have the habit of worrying and participate in blaming the rest.
You think the world is a dangerous place bad and harmful. And so, you
really suffer because of that belief.
The episodic acute stress response can actually become a habit that is
hard to break. Chronic distress is the kind of stress that comes from
long events and circumstances that are beyond your control.
Cognitive symptoms of stress
Memory problems
Inability to concentrate
Poor judgment
See only the negative
Anxious thoughts or rush
Constant concern
Emotional symptoms
Bad mood
Irritability or bad
Agitation, inability to
relax feeling
The sense of loneliness
and isolation
Depression or general
Physical symptoms
Aches and pains
Diarrhea or constipation
Nausea, dizziness
Chest pain, palpitations
Loss of sexual desire
Frequent colds
Behavioral symptoms
Eating more or less
Sleeping too much or too
Withdrawing from others
Delay or neglect
The use of alcohol, snuff or
drugs to relax
Nervous habits (nail
biting, body tics)

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