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Energa solar y paneles solares

In this presentation we will present about
solar energy and solar panels, so that it is
used, for what it is worth, the consequences.
En esta presentacin daremos a conocer sobre
la energa solar y paneles solares, para que se
usa, para que sirve, las consecuencias.
What is solar energy?
It is a renewable energy, obtained from the use of
electromagnetic radiation from the Sun. The solar
radiation that reaches the Earth has been exploited by
the human being since Antiquity, through different
technologies that have been evolving. Today, the heat
and sunlight can be exploited by means of various
sensors such as photovoltaic cells, heliostats or thermal
collectors, which can be transformed into electrical or
thermal energy. It is one of the so-called renewable
energies or clean energies, which could help solve
some of the most urgent problems facing humanity.
Que es la energa solar?
es una energa renovable, obtenida a partir del
aprovechamiento de la radiacin electromagntica
procedente del Sol. La radiacin solar que alcanza la
Tierra ha sido aprovechada por el ser humano desde la
Antigedad, mediante diferentes tecnologas que han
ido evolucionando. Hoy en da, el calor y la luz del Sol
puede aprovecharse por medio de diversos captadores
como clulas fotovoltaicas, helistatos o colectores
trmicos, pudiendo transformarse en energa elctrica
o trmica. Es una de las llamadas energas renovables o
energas limpias, que podran ayudar a resolver
algunos de los problemas ms urgentes que afronta la
How is it developed?
Photovoltaic solar energy: It is used to
produce electricity through semiconductor
plates that are altered by solar radiation.
Concentrating solar thermal energy: It is used
to produce electricity with a conventional
thermodynamic cycle from a fluid heated at
high temperature (thermal oil).
Como se llevo a cabo?
Energa solar fotovoltaica: Es usada para
producir electricidad mediante placas de
semiconductores que se alteran con la
radiacin solar. Energa termosolar de
concentracin: Es usada para producir
electricidad con un ciclo termodinmico
convencional a partir de un fluido calentado a
alta temperatura (aceite trmico).
Where can it be used?
Active solar energy: for low temperature use (between 35 C and
60 C), it is used in homes; of medium temperature, reaches 300
C; and high temperature, reaches up to 2000 C. The latter is
achieved by striking the sun's rays in mirrors, which are directed to
a reflector that carries the rays to a specific point. It can also be for
tower stations and parabolic mirrors.
Passive solar energy: Take advantage of the sun's heat without the
need for mechanisms or mechanical systems.
Solar thermal energy: It is used to produce low temperature hot
water for sanitary use and heating.
Photovoltaic solar energy: It is used to produce electricity through
semiconductor plates that are altered by solar radiation.
Concentrating solar thermal energy: It is used to
produce electricity with a conventional thermodynamic
cycle from a fluid heated at high temperature (thermal
Hybrid solar energy: Combine solar energy with other
energy. According to the energy with which it is
combined is a hybridization:
Renewable: biomass, wind energy.
Non-renewable: fossil fuel.
Solar wind energy: It works with the air heated by the
sun, which climbs up a chimney where the generators
Como es usada?
Energa solar activa: para uso de baja temperatura (entre 35 C y 60 C), se
utiliza en casas; de media temperatura, alcanza los 300 C; y de alta
temperatura, llega a alcanzar los 2000 C. Esta ltima, se consigue al
incidir los rayos solares en espejos, que van dirigidos a un reflector que
lleva a los rayos a un punto concreto. Tambin puede ser por centrales de
torre y por espejos parablicos.

Energa solar pasiva: Aprovecha el calor del sol sin necesidad de

mecanismos o sistemas mecnicos.

Energa solar trmica: Es usada para producir agua caliente de baja

temperatura para uso sanitario y calefaccin.

Energa solar fotovoltaica: Es usada para producir electricidad mediante

placas de semiconductores que se alteran con la radiacin solar.
Energa termosolar de concentracin: Es
usada para producir electricidad con un ciclo
termodinmico convencional a partir de un
fluido calentado a alta temperatura (aceite
Energa solar hbrida: Combina la energa solar
con otra energa. Segn la energa con la que
se combine es una hibridacin:
Renovable: biomasa, energa elica.25
No renovable: Combustible fsil.
Energa elico solar: Funciona con el aire
calentado por el sol, que sube por una
chimenea donde estn los generadores.
What are the countries or regions that
leads it?
Pases que usan mas la energa solar Megawatts

Alemania 17200 Megawatts.

Espaa 3800 Megawatts
Japn 3600 Megawatts
Italia 3484 Megawatts
Estados unidos 2528 Megawatts
Como es, como se genera,
which are the solar panels

A solar panel or solar module is a device that

captures the energy of solar radiation for its
use. The term includes solar collectors, usually
used to produce domestic hot water by solar
thermal energy, and photovoltaic panels, used
to generate electricity using photovoltaic solar
How is it done

A solar water heater uses the energy of the sun

to heat a liquid, which transfers the heat to a
heat storage tank. In a house, for example,
domestic hot water can be heated and stored in a
hot water tank.

The panels have a receiving plate and conduits,

adhered to it, through which liquid circulates.
where it can be used

A solar panel can be used to produce both hot

water through solar collectors and electricity
through photovoltaic panels. Photovoltaic
panels are made up of numerous silicon cells,
also called photovoltaic cells, that convert
light into electricity.
which are the main countries that lead
this issue
CHINA 130,4 GW




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