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Yanti Harjono, MKM

Dept IKK / IKM
FK UPN Veteran Jakarta
Uji komparatif variabel numerik
Variabel dependent dengan skala ukur interval
atau rasio
Variabel independent lebih dari 2 kategorik
Data harus terdistribusi normal
Varian data harus sama
Memeriksa syarat uji repeated anova yaitu distribusi data
harus normal
Jika distribusi data normal, maka dipilh uji repeated anova
Jika distribusi data tidak normal maka diupayakan untuk
melakukan transformasi data supaya distribusi data
menjadi normal
Jika transformasi data menghasilkan distribusi data yang
normal maka dipilih uji repeated anova
Jika transformasi data tidak menghasilkan distribusi normal
maka dipilih uji Friedman sebagai uji alternatif repeated
Jika pada repeated anova atau uji Friedman menghasilkan
p< 0,05 maka dilanjutkan dengan melakukan uji Post Hoc
Heart disease is one of the largest causes of premature death and
it is now known that chronic, low-level inflammation is a cause of
heart disease. Exercise is known to have many benefits, including
protection against heart disease. A researcher wants to know
whether this protection against heart disease might be afforded by
exercise reducing inflammation. The researcher was also curious
as to whether this protection might be gained over a short period
of time or whether it took longer. In order to investigate this idea,
the researcher recruited 20 participants who underwent a 6-month
exercise training program. In order to determine whether
inflammation had been reduced, the researcher measured the
inflammatory marker called CRP pre-training, 2 weeks into
training and post-6-months-training
Klik Analyze
> General Linear
Model > Repeated
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Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Partial Eta

Pillai's Trace .756 51.209b 2.000 33.000 .000 .756

Wilks' Lambda .244 51.209b 2.000 33.000 .000 .756
Time Hotelling's Trace 3.104 51.209b 2.000 33.000 .000 .756
Roy's Largest 3.104 51.209b 2.000 33.000 .000 .756
a. Design: Intercept
Within Subjects Design: waktu P<0,05
b. Exact statistic
Mauchly's Test of Sphericitya

Measure: MEASURE_1
Within Subjects Mauchly's Approx. Chi- df Sig. Epsilonb
Effect W Square
Greenhouse- Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound

time .500 22.848 2 .000 .667 .684 .500

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent
variables is proportional to an identity matrix.

a. Design: Intercept
Within Subjects Design: time

b. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are
displayed in the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table.
p < 0,05
Pencari perbedaan
Ada perbedaan pengukuran pada pengukuran pretraining dan
Ada perbedaan pengukuran pada pengukuran minggu ke-2 dan
Sopiyudin, uii statistik untuk kedokteran dan

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