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Climate change impacts
Future projections
Measuring oxygen in the seawater
• Oxygen is the third most frequently measured
ocean tracer following T and S
• Winkler titration method (1888)
- Wet chemistry, performed on site
- Most accurate
• Electronic and optical sensors
- Calibration is crucial
- Possible to deploy on floats, gliders, etc
Observed oxygen distribution
Observed variability of oceanic O2
• Global ocean deoxygenation?
Gruber et al. (2007)


Stramma et al
Oxygen and marine ecosystem

Image from an ROV off the Oregon coast

Figure 1. Keeling et al., (2010) after a low oxygen event

Low O2 can reduce the respiratory capacity of marine heterotrophs,

leading to reduced physiological performance or death.
Oxygen and marine ecosystem
Deadzones or Coastal Hypoxia
Glacial-interglacial changes?

• The intensity of the North Pacific

Oxygen Minimum Zone has varied
over the past 100ky.

• This has implications for the

ocean’s redox chemistry and the
overall fertility of the ocean.

• Reasons for the O2 changes are


Van Geen et al. [2003]

Global oxygen cycle: processes

Vertical profile of
observed O2
Controls on atmospheric oxygen
• More than 90% of oxygen molecule is in the atmosphere
• 20% of atmospheric gas
(78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide)

• Opposite tendency relative to CO2

• Source: photosynthesis
• Sink: respiration
• Geologic timescale
• Burial of organic matter leads
to atmospheric O2 increase
Observations of oceanic oxygen
Oceanic oxygen
• Near saturation at the surface
- O2 is within a few percent of saturation with
atmosphere (high concentrations)
- O2 ≈ O2sat(T,S)
• Consumed by respiration
• Depleted at depth
- Hypoxic: below 60 mmolO2/kg
- Suboxic: below 5 mmolO2/kg
Oxygen Minimum Zone
Figure 3a
Ocean vertical motions

Distribution of oxygen-depleted waters

• Indo-Pacific is more depleted in oxygen relative to

the Atlantic
• Oxygen gets depleted in some coastal regions
Downwelling supplies O2 to the ocean
Upwelling and biological productivity
Oxygen utilization
Apparent Oxygen Utilization
O2 = O2 sat (T, S) - AOU
Solubility effect effect

Heat content of the ocean

Integrated effect of respiration

Biological productivity
Aging of water masses
Declining oxygen in warming climate
Warming and circulation change
O2 = O2 sat (T, S) - AOU
Solubility effect effect

Temperature increase

Slower vertical exchange of

Future projection
• Model simulations for the 21st century
future climate

• What are the uncertainties?

Expanding OMZ?!
Tropical Pacific Region California Current Region

Stramma et al. (2008) Deutsch et al. (2011)

Decadal-scale fluctuations or climate trend?

Ocean biogeochemistry model
• Divide up the oceans into grid cells
• Input: solar heating, rain rate, surface wind, …
• Given the state at time=t, predicts for t+1

Initial cond
(time=t) Computer time = t+1
T, S, nutrient, code T, S, nutrient,
carbon, alkalinity carbon, alkalinity,
Boundary cond: productivity, …
Heating, wind,
dust, atmos
pCO2, dust…
A hindcast simulation
O2 on sq = 26.8 Climatology
• Expansion of OMZ during late 20th
• Minimum extent of OMZ around mid
1970s Eastern tropical Pacific

Model climatology
ENSO cycle and O2 Compensations

+O2 inventory

- AOU O2

Major El-Nino events
The Mechanism: Upwelling and AOU
Deutsch et al. (2011)

La-Nina El-Nino

• Colder and increased O2sat • Warmer and decreased O2sat

• Stronger lateral O2 supply • Weaker lateral O2 supply
• Increased biological O2 • Decreased biological O2
consumption consumption
 OMZ expansion  OMZ contraction
Deadzones or Coastal Hypoxia
Deutsch et al. (2011)

La-Nina El-Nino

• Increased nutrient supply

• Increased biological O2
 Hypoxia
Land vs ocean CO2 uptake
Land vs ocean CO2 uptake


Slope = a
Decline of
oceanic O2

Slope = b

Accounting for ocean O2

outgassing implies that CO2
uptake by land must have been
smaller, and ocean CO2 uptake + Ocean
larger than previously thought.
Oxygen, ocean biogeochemistry
and climate
Atmospheric O2 changes
Climate indicate:
Greenhouse Changes in ocean
effect Light,
Heat, water, SST, circulation and
momentum dust biological productivity

Ocean Biological
circulation Nutrient Productivity Changes in the carbon
cycle and ocean CO2
Transport uptake.
+ mixing Photosynthesis
+ respiration

carbon, O2

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