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Nyi Mekar Saptarini
IR Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction of matter with

the electromagnetic spectrum
1. Electromagnetic radiation displays the properties of both
particles and waves
2. The particle component is called a photon
3. The energy (E) component of a photon is proportional to
the frequency. Where h is Planck’s constant and n is the
frequency in Hertz (cycles per second)
E = hn
4. The term “photon” is implied to mean a small, massless
particle that contains a small wave-packet of EM
radiation/light – we will use this terminology in the
5. Because the speed of light, c, is constant, the frequency, n, (number
of cycles of the wave per second) can complete in the same time,
must be inversely proportional to how long the oscillation is, or

___ hc
n= ___
 E = hn =
l l
c = 3 x 1010 cm/s
6. Amplitude, A, describes the wave height, or strength of the
7. Because the atomic particles in matter also exhibit wave and particle
properties (though opposite in how much) EM radiation can interact
with matter in two ways:
• Collision – particle-to-particle – energy is lost as heat & movement
• Coupling – the wave property of the radiation matches the wave
property of the particle and “couple” to the next higher quantum
mechanical energy level
8. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is used by chemists:

Frequency, n in Hz
~1019 ~1017 ~1015 ~1013 ~1010 ~105

Wavelength, l
~.0001 nm ~0.01 nm 10 nm 1000 nm 0.01 cm 100 m

Energy (kcal/mol)
> 300 300-30 300-30 ~10-4 ~10-6

g-rays X-rays UV IR Microwave Radio

nuclear core electronic molecular molecular Nuclear Magnetic
excitation electron excitation vibration rotation Resonance NMR
(PET) excitation (p to p*) (MRI)

The IR Spectroscopic Process
1. The quantum mechanical energy levels observed in IR
spectroscopy are those of molecular vibration
2. We perceive this vibration as heat
3. When we say a covalent bond between two atoms is of
a certain length, we are citing an average because the
bond behaves as if it were a vibrating spring connecting
the two atoms
4. For a simple diatomic molecule, this model is easy to
5. There are two types of bond vibration:
• Stretch – Vibration or oscillation along the line of the bond


symmetric asymmetric
• Bend – Vibration or oscillation not along the line of the bond

scissor rock twist wag
in plane out of plane
6. As a covalent bond oscillates – due to the oscillation of the dipole of
the molecule – a varying electromagnetic field is produced

7. The greater the dipole moment change through the vibration, the
more intense the EM field that is generated
8. When a wave of infrared light encounters this oscillating EM field
generated by the oscillating dipole of the same frequency, the two
waves couple, and IR light is absorbed
9. The coupled wave now vibrates with twice the amplitude

IR beam from spectrometer

“coupled” wave

EM oscillating wave
from bond vibration
Potential Energy (E) rotational transitions

Vibrational transitions

Interatomic Distance (r)

Potential energy resembles classic Harmonic Oscillator

The IR Spectrum
1. Each stretching and bending vibration occurs with a
characteristic frequency as the atoms and charges involved
are different for different bonds

The y-axis on an IR
spectrum is in units of %
transmittance In regions where
no osc. bond is
interacting with IR
In regions where the EM light,
field of an osc. bond transmittance
interacts with IR light of nears 100%
the same n –
transmittance is low (light
is absorbed)
2.The x-axis of the IR spectrum is in units of wavenumbers, n,
which is the number of waves per centimeter in units of cm-1
(Remember E = hn or E = hc/l)
3. This unit is used rather than wavelength (microns)
because wavenumbers are directly proportional to the
energy of transition being observed
High frequencies & wavenumbers equate higher energy
is quicker to understand than
Short wavelengths equate higher energy

4. This unit is used rather than frequency as the numbers

are more “real” than the exponential units of frequency
5. IR spectra are observed for the mid-infrared: 600-4000
6. The peaks are Gaussian distributions of the average
energy of a transition
7. In general:
Lighter atoms will allow the oscillation to be faster – higher energy
This is especially true of bonds to hydrogen – C-H, N-H and O-H
Stronger bonds will have higher energy oscillations
Triple bonds > double bonds > single bonds in energy

Energy/n of oscillation
Normal IR instrument similar to UV-vis
- main differences are light source & detector
i) Light Source:
- must produce IR radiation
- can’t use glass since absorbs IR radiation
- several possible types
a) Nernst Glower

Zr, Ce, Th

- rare earth metal oxides (Zr, Ce, Th) heated electrically
- apply current to cylinder, has resistance to current flow generates heat
(1200o – 2200o C).
- causes light production similar to blackbody radiation
- range of use ~ 670 – 10,000cm-1
- need good current control or overheats and damaged
b) Globar
- similar to Nernst Glower but uses silicon carbide rod instead of rare earth
- similar usable range
c) Incandescent Wire Source
- tightly wound nichrome or rodium wire that is electrically heated
- same principal as Nernst Glower
- lower intensity then Nernst Glower or Globar, but longer lifetime
d) CO2 Laser
- CO2 laser gas mixture consists of 70% He, 15% CO2, and 15% N2
- a voltage is placed across the gas, exciting N2 to lowest vibrational levels.
- the excited N2 populate the asymmetric vibrational states in the CO2 through
- infrared output of the laser is the result of transitions between rotational states
of the CO2 molecule of the first asymmetric vibrational mode to rotational
states of both the first symmetric stretch mode and the second bending mode
- gives off band of ~ 100 cm-1’s in range of 900-1100 cm-1
- small range but can choose which band used & many compounds have IR
absorbance in this region
- much more intense than Blackbody sources
e) Others
- mercury arc (l > 50 mm) (far IR)
- tungsten lamp (4000 -12,800cm-1) (near IR)
ii) Detectors: two main types in common IR instruments
a) Thermal Detectors
1.) Thermocouple
- two pieces of dissimilar metals fused together at the ends
- when heated, metals heat at different rates
- potential difference is created between two metals that varies with
their difference in temperature
- usually made with blackened surface (to improve heat absorption)
- placed in evacuated tube with window transparent to IR (not glass
or quartz)
- IR “hits” and heats one of the two wires.
- can use several thermocouples to increase sensitivity.

metal1 metal2

- +
IR transparent
material (NaCl)
2.) Bolometer
- strips of metal (Pt, Ni) or semiconductor that has a large change in
resistance to current with temperature.
- as light is absorbed by blackened surface,
i resistance increases and
current decreases
- very sensitive hn

b) Photoconducting Detectors
- thin film of semiconductor (ex. PbS) on a nonconducting glass
surface & sealed in a vacuum.
- absorption of light by semiconductor moves from non-conducting to
conducting state hn
- decrease in resistance  increase in current
- range: 10,000 -333 cm-1 at room temperature

to IR
c) Pyroelectric Detectors
- pyroelectric (ceramic, lithium tantalate) material get polarized
(separation of (+) and (-) charges) in presence of electric field.
- temperature dependent polarization
- measure degree of polarization related to temperature of crystal
- fast response, good for FTIR
iii) Other Components
a.) Sample Cell
- must be made of IR transparent material (KBr pellets or NaCl)

Liguid Sample Holder NaCl plates

b.) monochromator
- reflective grating is common
- can’t use glass prism, since absorbs IR
iv) Overall Instrument Design

-Need chopper to discriminate source

light from background IR radiation
-Monochromator after sample cell
- Not done in UV-Vis since letting in
all hn to sample may cause
photdegradation (too much
- IR lower energy
- Advantage that allows
monochromator to be used to
screen out more background IR
- Source weak, need long scans
- Detector response slow – rounded
v) Fourier Transfer IR (FTIR) – alternative to Normal IR
- Based on Michelson Interferometer

1) light from source is split by central mirror into 2 beams of equal intensity
2) beams go to two other mirrors, reflected by central mirror, recombine and
pass through sample to detector
3) two side mirrors. One fixed and other movable
a) move second mirror, light in two-paths travel different distances before
b) constructive & destructive interference
c) as mirror is moved, get a change in signal
Destructive Interference can be created when two waves from the same
source travel different paths to get to a point.

This may cause a difference in the phase between the two waves.
• If the paths differ by an integer multiple of a wavelength, the waves will also be
in phase.
• If the waves differ by an odd multiple of half a wave then the waves will be 180
degrees out of phase and cancel out.
- observe a plot of Intensity vs. Distance (interferograms)
- convert to plot of Intensity vs. Frequency by doing a Fourier Transform

- resolution Dn = 1/Dd (interval of distance traveled by mirror)

Advantages of FTIR compared to Normal IR:
1) much faster, seconds vs. minutes
2) use signal averaging to increase signal-to-noise (S/N)

increase S / N  number scans

3) higher inherent S/N – no slits, less optical equipment, higher light intensity
4) high resolution (<0.1 cm-1)

Disadvantages of FTIR compared to Normal IR:

1) single-beam, requires collecting blank
2) can’t use thermal detectors – too slow

In normal IR, scan through frequency range. In

FTIR collect all frequencies at once.
Application of IR
1) Qualitative Analysis (Compound Identification)
- main application
- Use of IR, with NMR and MS, in late 1950’s revolutionized organic chemistry
► decreased the time to confirm compound identification 10-1000 fold
a) General Scheme
1) examine what functional groups are present by looking at group
frequency region: 3600 cm-1 to 1200 cm-1
b) Group Frequency Region
- approximate frequency of many functional groups (C=O,C=C,C-H,O-H) can be
calculated from atomic masses & force constants
- positions changes a little with neighboring atoms, but often in same general
- serves as a good initial guide to compound identity, but not positive proof.
Abbreviated Table of Group Frequencies for Organic Groups
Bond Type of Compound Frequency Range, cm-1 Intensity
C-H Alkanes 2850-2970 Strong
C-H Alkenes H 3010-3095 Medium
675-995 strong

C-H Alkynes C C H 3300 Strong

C-H Aromatic rings 3010-3100 Medium

690-900 strong
0-H Monomeric alcohols, phenols 3590-3650 Variable
Hydrogen-bonded alchohols, phenols 3200-3600 Variable, sometimes broad
Monomeric carboxylic acids 3500-3650 Medium
Hydrogen-bonded carboxylic acids 2500-2700 broad
N-H Amines, amides 3300-3500 medium
C=C Alkenes 1610-1680 Variable
C=C Aromatic rings 1500-1600 Variable
C C Alkynes 2100-2260 Variable
C-N Amines, amides 1180-1360 Strong
C N Nitriles 2210-2280 Strong
C-O Alcohols, ethers,carboxylic acids, esters 1050-1300 Strong
C=O Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters 1690-1760 Strong
NO2 Nitro compounds 1500-1570 Strong
c) Fingerprint Region (1200-700 cm-1)
- region of most single bond signals
- many have similar frequencies, so affect each other & give pattern
characteristics of overall skeletal structure of a compound
- exact interpretation seldom possible because of complexity
Fingerprint Region
- complexity  uniqueness
The IR Spectrum: The detection of different bonds
1. As opposed to chromatography or other spectroscopic
methods, the area of a IR band (or peak) is not directly
proportional to concentration of the functional group
producing the peak
2. The intensity of an IR band is affected by two primary
a. Whether the vibration is one of stretching or bending
b. Electronegativity difference of the atoms involved in the
c. For both effects, the greater the change in dipole moment
in a given vibration or bend, the larger the peak.
d. The greater the difference in electronegativity between the
atoms involved in bonding, the larger the dipole moment
e. Typically, stretching will change dipole moment more than
3. It is important to make note of peak intensities to show the
effect of these factors:
• Strong (s) – peak is tall, transmittance is low (0-35 %)
• Medium (m) – peak is mid-height (75-35%)
• Weak (w) – peak is short, transmittance is high (90-75%)
• * Broad (br) – if the Gaussian distribution is abnormally
(*describing a bond that spans many energies)

Exact transmittance values are rarely recorded

Infrared Group Analysis
A. General
1. The primary use of the IR is to detect functional groups
2. Because the IR looks at the interaction of the EM
spectrum with actual bonds, it provides a unique qualitative
probe into the functionality of a molecule, as functional
groups are merely different configurations of different types
of bonds
2. Since most “types” of bonds in covalent molecules have
roughly the same energy, i.e., C=C and C=O bonds, C-H
and N-H bonds they show up in similar regions of the IR
3. Remember all organic functional groups are made of
multiple bonds and therefore show up as multiple IR bands
5. The four primary regions of the IR spectrum

Bonds to H Triple bonds Double bonds Single Bonds




4000 cm-1 2700 cm-1 2000 cm-1 1600 cm-1 600 cm-1
1. Alkanes – combination of C-C and C-H bonds
• C-C stretches and bends 1360-1470 cm-1
• CH2-CH2 bond 1450-1470 cm-1
• CH2-CH3 bond 1360-1390 cm-1
• sp3 C-H between 2800-3000 cm-1

(w – s) (m)
2. Alkenes – addition of the C=C and vinyl C-H 1-Octene
• C=C stretch at 1620-1680 cm-1 weaker as
substitution increases
• vinyl C-H stretch occurs at 3000-3100 cm-1
• The difference between alkane, alkene or alkyne
C-H is important! If the band is slightly above
3000 it is vinyl sp2 C-H or alkynyl sp C-H if it is
below it is alkyl sp3 C-H

(w – m)
(w – m)
3. Alkynes – addition of the C=C and vinyl C-H bonds 1-Octyne
• C≡C stretch 2100-2260 cm-1; strength depends on
asymmetry of bond, strongest for terminal alkynes,
weakest for symmetrical internal alkynes
• C-H for terminal alkynes occurs at 3200-3300 cm-1
• Internal alkynes ( R-C≡C-R ) would not have this


(m – s)
4. Aromatics Ethyl benzene
• Due to the delocalization of e- in the ring, C-C
bond order is 1.5, the stretching frequency for
these bonds is slightly lower in energy than
normal C=C
• These show up as a pair of sharp bands, 1500
& 1600 cm-1, (lower frequency band is stronger)
• C-H bonds off the ring show up similar to vinyl
C-H at 3000-3100 cm-1

(w – m) (w – m)
4. Aromatics
• If the region between 1667-2000 cm-1 (w) is free of interference (C=O
stretching frequency is in this region) a weak grouping of peaks is
observed for aromatic systems
• Analysis of this region, called the overtone of bending region, can lead to a
determination of the substitution pattern on the aromatic ring

1,2 disubstituted (ortho or o-)

1,2 disubstituted (meta or m-)
1,4 disubstituted (para or p-)

5. Unsaturated Systems – substitution patterns
• The substitution of aromatics and alkenes can also be discerned
through the out-of-plane bending vibration region
• However, other peaks often are apparent in this region. These peaks
should only be used for reinforcement of what is known or for
hypothesizing as to the functional pattern.
cm-1 cm-1
985-997 730-770
C CH2 905-915 R

C C 960-980 R 735-770
C C 665-730 860-900
H H R 750-810
C CH2 885-895
R R 800-860
C C 790-840
Diisopropyl ether
6. Ethers – addition of the C-O-C asymmetric
band and vinyl C-H bonds
• Show a strong band for the antisymmetric C-
O-C stretch at 1050-1150 cm-1
• Otherwise, dominated by the hydrocarbon
component of the rest of the molecule

7. Alcohols 1-butanol
• Strong, broad O-H stretch from 3200-3400 cm-1
• Like ethers, C-O stretch from 1050-1260 cm-1
• Band position changes depending on the alcohols
substitution: 1° 1075-1000; 2° 1075-1150; 3° 1100-
1200; phenol 1180-1260
• The shape is due to the presence of hydrogen

(m– s)

8. Amines - Primary 2-aminopentane
• Shows the –N-H stretch for NH2 as a doublet
between 3200-3500 cm-1 (symmetric and anti-
symmetric modes)
• -NH2 has deformation band from 1590-1650 cm-1
• Additionally there is a “wag” band at 780-820 cm-1
that is not diagnostic

(w) (w)
9. Amines – Secondary pyrrolidine
• N-H band for R2N-H occurs at 3200-3500
cm-1 as a single sharp peak weaker than
• Tertiary amines (R3N) have no N-H bond
and will not have a band in this region

(w – m)
Pause and Review
• Inspect the bonds to H region (2700 – 4000 cm-1)
• Peaks from 2850-3000 are simply sp3 C-H in most organic molecules
• Above 3000 cm-1 Learn shapes, not wavenumbers!:

V-shape peak
-N—H bond for 2o
Broad U-shape peak amine (R2N—H)
-O—H bond
W-shape peak
-N—H bond for 1o
amine (RNH2)
Sharp spike 3000 cm-1
-C≡C—H bond
Small peak shouldered
just above 3000 cm-1
C=C—H or Ph—H
10. Aldehydes Cyclohexyl carboxaldehyde
• C=O (carbonyl) stretch from 1720-1740 cm-1
• Band is sensitive to conjugation, as are all
carbonyls (upcoming slide)
• A highly unique sp2 C-H stretch appears as a
doublet, 2720 & 2820 cm-1 called a “Fermi


11. Ketones
• Simplest of the carbonyl compounds as far as
IR spectrum – carbonyl only
• C=O stretch occurs at 1705-1725 cm-1

Ethyl pivalate
12. Esters
• C=O stretch at 1735-1750 cm-1
• Strong band for C-O at a higher frequency
than ethers or alcohols at 1150-1250 cm-1

4-phenylbutyric acid
13. Carboxylic Acids:
• Gives the messiest of IR spectra
• C=O band occurs between 1700-1725 cm-1
• The highly dissociated O-H bond has a broad band
from 2400-3500 cm-1 covering up to half the IR
spectrum in some cases

(w – m) (s) (s)
Propionic anhydride
14. Acid anhydrides
• Coupling of the anhydride though the ether
oxygen splits the carbonyl band into two with
a separation of 70 cm-1
• Bands are at 1740-1770 cm-1 and 1810-
1840 cm-1
• Mixed mode C-O stretch at 1000-1100 cm-1

(s) (s)
Propionyl chloride
15. Acid halides O

• Clefted band at 1770-1820 cm-1 for C=O

• Bonds to halogens, due to their size (see Cl
Hooke’s Law derivation) occur at low
frequencies, only Cl is light enough to have
a band on IR, C-Cl is at 600-800 cm-1


16. Amides pivalamide
• Display features of amines and carbonyl
compounds NH2

• C=O stretch at 1640-1680 cm-1

• If the amide is primary (-NH2) the N-H stretch
occurs from 3200-3500 cm-1 as a doublet
• If the amide is secondary (-NHR) the N-H
stretch occurs at 3200-3500 cm-1 as a sharp

(m – s) (s)
17. Nitro group (-NO2) 2-nitropropane
• Proper Lewis structure gives a bond order of O

1.5 from nitrogen to each oxygen N

• Two bands are seen (symmetric and

asymmetric) at 1300-1380 cm-1 and 1500-
1570 cm-1
• This group is a strong resonance
withdrawing group and is itself vulnerable to
resonance effects

(s) (s)
18. Nitriles (the cyano- or –C≡N group) N
• Principle group is the carbon nitrogen triple C

bond at 2100-2280 cm-1

• This peak is usually much more intense than
that of the alkyne due to the electronegativity
difference between carbon and nitrogen

Effects on IR bands
1. Conjugation – by resonance, conjugation lowers the energy of a double
or triple bond. The effect of this is readily observed in the IR spectrum:


1684 cm -1 1715 cm -1
• Conjugation will lower the observed IR band for a carbonyl from 20-
40 cm-1 provided conjugation gives a strong resonance contributor
C X X= NH 2 CH 3 Cl NO 2
1677 1687 1692 1700 cm-1

H 2N C CH 3 vs.

Strong resonance contributor Poor resonance contributor

(cannot resonate with C=O)

• Inductive effects are usually small, unless coupled with a

resonance contributor (note –CH3 and –Cl above)
2. Steric effects – usually not important in IR spectroscopy, unless they
reduce the strength of a bond (usually p) by interfering with proper
orbital overlap:

CH 3
C=O: 1686 cm-1 C=O: 1693 cm-1

• Here the methyl group in the structure at the right causes the
carbonyl group to be slightly out of plane, interfering with

3. Strain effects – changes in bond angle forced by the constraints of a

ring will cause a slight change in hybridization, and therefore, bond
strength O O

1815 cm-1 1775 cm-1 1750 cm-1 1715 cm-1 1705 cm-1

• As bond angle decreases, carbon becomes more electronegative,

as well as less sp2 hybridized (bond angle < 120°)
4. Hydrogen bonding
• Hydrogen bonding causes a broadening in the band due to the
creation of a continuum of bond energies associated with it
• In the solution phase these effects are readily apparent; in the gas
phase where these effects disappear or in lieu of steric effects, the
band appears as sharp as all other IR bands:

Gas phase spectrum of


Steric hindrance to H-bonding

in a di-tert-butylphenol

• H-bonding can interact with other functional groups to lower

frequencies H

C=O; 1701 cm-1

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