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IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

Table of Contents


IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay 2

About you
I am Archana K presently working as Assistant professor in the Department of
Telecommunication ,BMSCE Bangalore. The course chosen for flipped class
room activity is Microwave and Radar in which the topic chosen is
Introduction to Smith charts.

IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay 3


Introduction to Smith charts

Microwave and Radar

Telecommunication Final year Engineering

Engineering students

BMS College of Engineering

IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay 4

Out-of-class Segment
This section helps you design the Out-of-Class segment of
Flipped Classroom Strategy.

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About Out-of-Class Segment
 Meant mainly for Information-Transmission to student.
 Mostly help achieve lower-order cognitive levels (Recall-Understand-Apply)
 Teacher takes time to search and locate videos.
 Out-of-Class activity should not be too lengthy,
(ideally think of 1 lecture being transferred outside)

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Out-of-class Activity Design -1
Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity
At the end of watching the videos student should be able to
 Will be able to plot parameters like impedance , admittance and recognize open and
short circuit points on smith chart(understand level)
 Will be able to calculate various parameters like load impedance , input impedance.
(apply level)

Key Concept(s) to be covered

 Plotting of impedance , admittance(both load and source parameters)
 To calculate load impedance,input impedance at various points on the
transmission line.

IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay 7

Out-of-class Activity Design - 2
Main Video1 Source URL1:
Main Video2 Source URL2:
License of Video Standard YouTube License
Mapping Concept to Video Source

Constant R,Xl circles of smith chart 0.00– 13.23 13.23mins

Calculation of input impedance,load

0.00-5.00 5.00mins
IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay 8
Out-of-class Activity Design - 3
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective

Learning Additional Instructions
Assessment Strategy duration
Objective (if any)
(in min)

Q.Plot the following load impedance point on 4mins Watch V1 and answer Q
1.To plot the given
the smith chart for the line having
parameters on
characteristic impedance of 50Ω.
smith chart
i)ZL=(50+j50), ii)ZL=(300-j50)
Q. Using smith chart, calculate load impedance 5mins Watch V2 and answer Q
2.Calculate load of the transmission line whose characteristic
impedance impedance is 300Ωwith the source impedance
of (270-j274)Ω f line length of 1.3λ.
Expected activity duration 9mins IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay 9
In-class Segment
This section helps you design the in-class segment of Flipped Classroom Strategy.

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About In-Class Segment
 Make sure that In-Class segment contain activities for effective learning
• In active learning student goes beyond listening, copying of notes.
• Execution of prescribed procedures.
• Students are required to talk, write, reflect and express their thinking.
 Engage students in higher-order thinking (Analyze-Evaluate-Create).
 Ensure that students get feedback on their work, either from peers or you.
 Ensure to provide summary that connects Out-of-Class and In-Class activities.

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In-class Activity Design -1
Learning Objective(s) of In - Class Activity

At the end of the class, students will be able to,

 Solve problems on admittance of the transmission lines(ANALYZE Level)
 will be able to calculate normalized length of the transmission line.

Key Concept(s) to be covered

1. Open and short circuit analysis to calculate impedance
2. Calculation of normalised length of the line

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In-class Activity Design -2
Active Learning activity(ies) that you plan to do

Real world problem solving using.

 Think-Pair-Share

Concept clarification using

 Peer Instruction

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In-class Activity Design -2
Peer Instruction Strategy – What Teacher Does
Pose the PI questions at the start of the class and provide summary of basic properties of
smith chart and simplification.

Q1:A VSWR of 3.25 is observed on a line with a voltage minima at 0.205λ from the
terminal load end of the section.What is the value of the normalized load admittance at
the terminals?Use smith chart as admittance chart.

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In-class Activity Design -2

TPS Strategy – What Teacher Does

Think(~ 3mins)
Instruction: obtain the calculated values of admittance.
Think individually and write down the solution indicating the steps.

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In-class Activity Design -2

TPS Strategy – What Teacher Does

Pair (~ 6mins)
Instruction : pair up with the immediate neighbor to compare the calculated values.
Instructors also moves around to verify the scenarios in different groups

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In-class Activity Design -2

TPS Strategy – What Teacher Does

Share (~ 8mins)
Instructors asks a group to share their answer with class and see whether there are
different answers.
After sharing is done ,instructor gives feedback on the correct solution and highlights the
difference approaches to arrive at the solution.

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In-class Activity Design -2

Peer Instruction Strategy – What Student Does

 For question they will first vote individually.
 Then they will discuss with peers and come to consensus.
 Listen to instructors explanation

Justify why the above is an active learning strategy

In the above strategies, students are required to go beyond mere listening and execution of
prescribed steps. They are required to think deeply about the content they were familiarized
in out-of-class and do higher order thinking.
There is also feedback provided (either through peer discussion or instructor summary)
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