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Contents & References

Chapter 1: Introduction to The Fundamentals of Distillation
Chapter 2: Shortcut Methods
Chapter 3: θ Method of Convergence for Conventional Columns
Chapter 4: θ Method of Convergence for Complex Columns
Chapter 5: Simulation of Distillation Columns Using Aspen Plus
and Hysys
Chapter 6: Equilibrium & Rate-based Modeling for
Multicomponent Distillation
Chapter 7: Reactive Distillation
Chapter 8: Sequencing Distillation
Chapter 9: Tray Efficiency
Chapter 10: Column Hydrodynamic Design

1) C. D. Holland, “Fundamentals of Multicomponent Distillation”,

McGraw Hill, 1981.

2) C. J. King,“Separation Processes”, McGraw Hill, 1980.

3) Coulson & Richardson, “Chemical Engineering-Design”, Volume 6,


4) R. E. Trybal, “Mass Transfer Operations”, McGraw Hill, 1980.

5) M. Van Winkle, “Distillation”, McGraw Hill, 1967.

Chapter 1

Fundamental principles involve in distillation

“MESH” Equations
“Material Equilibrium Summation Heat”

1- Equilibrium relationships
2- Component material balances
3- Total material balances
4- Energy balances
Generalized Equilibrium Relation

: fugacity of component i in the vapor phase

: fugacity of component i in the liquid phase

: fugacities of pure component i in the liquid and vapor state

Generalized Equilibrium Relation

Generalized Equilibrium Relation
Determination of Bubble-point and Dew-point
Temperatures of Multicomponent Mixtures

The state of equilibrium for

two-phase system (vapor and
liquid) with c number of

By elimination of yi in the
second equation and replace
in by Kixi then we have:
The Ki=Ki(T) and we have to
find The temperature so the f(T)
is represent the dependence of
Ki to temperature. Newton
method and trial and error is
needed here to find the T that
make f(T)=0,
Finally the bubble point
temperature will be obtained.
Determination of Bubble-point and Dew-point
Temperatures of Multicomponent Mixtures

If we want to find the dew point

temperature the trend is similar:
By rearranging the first expressions
we have:

Now The Dew point function

similarly expressed:

The derivative of F(T) for using the

newton method for iteration is
needed so that we can find the T of
dew point that F(T)=0.
Determination of Bubble-point and Dew-point
Temperatures of Multicomponent Mixtures
If after we calculated T of bubble point we use the yi‘s to
calculate T of Dew point we will see that the both will be
equal. For the binary mixture the result is shown in the graph:
Determination of Bubble-point and Dew-point
Temperatures of Multicomponent Mixtures
Example 1-1:
a) If we have this information for a three component
mixture, compute the bubble point temperature at P=1atm
by Newton’s method, starting at Tn= 100˚F,
Determination of Bubble-point and Dew-point
Temperatures of Multicomponent Mixtures

Solution a):
Determination of Bubble-point and Dew-point
Temperatures of Multicomponent Mixtures
Determination of Bubble-point and Dew-point
Temperatures of Multicomponent Mixtures


Determination of Bubble-point and Dew-point
Temperatures of Multicomponent Mixtures

Which is close enough to the f(T3)

So the bubble point temperature is : 516.8˚ R= 56.8˚ F
Determination of Bubble-point and Dew-point
Temperatures of Multicomponent Mixtures
b) Find the composition of the vapor in equilibrium with the liquid
Solution b):

We must find the temperature that makes F(T)=0

Determination of Bubble-point and Dew-point
Temperatures of Multicomponent Mixtures
The resulted yi’s from part (a) were used to
determinate dew-point temp. in part (b), at
the same pressure. As we can see,
These two temperatures are equal.
Use the Kb Method for determination of bubble point
and dew point temperatures

This method used for avoiding trial and

error in calculation of bubble point and
dew point temperatures and it is based on
the relative volatility (αi) of component i
with respect to component b:

Ki and Kb calculated at the same

temperature and pressure. component b is
the base component that maybe or may
not be in the mixture.
Use the Kb Method for determination of bubble point
and dew point temperatures
When the xi and P are given and it is
desired to determine the bubble point
temperature then by rearrangement of the
first formula we have:

Summation of members of above eq.

over component i and rearrangement
Because the αi’s are independent of T we
can calculate them in any arbitrary
temperature and given pressure. After Kb
has been evaluated by the eq. the bubble
point temperature will be determined by
the its relationship with Kb
Use the Kb Method for determination of bubble point
and dew point temperatures
If yi’s are known instead of xi’s then
the desired formula for determining
the dew point temperature will be
obtain first by this:
and then summing over all component
to obtain:

This equation is used to determine the dew

point temperature in the manner similar to
determination of bubble point
Use the Kb Method for determination of bubble
point and dew point temperatures
Example 1-2)
Solve Example 1-2 using Kb method.
Take Kb=K1 and assume T=100˚ F:
Use the Kb Method for determination of bubble
point and dew point temperatures
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage
Isothermal flash process
The name of iso thermal flash
process is commonly given to
the single stage separation
process that is shown:
The name “isothermal”
originated from the fact that the
temperature of the flash drum as
well as the vapor and liquid
streams are all constant at Tf
(flash temperature).
The flash temperature (Tf) is not
necessarily equal to feed
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage

The problem in flash process is to find the total flow rates Vf and Lf
and respective compositions {yi} and {xi} for the vapor and liquid
streams formed in the flash process.
The equlibrium and material balance relations made 2c+2 equation
for 2c+2 unknown (xi, yi, Lf anf Vf).
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage

Summation of members of the

last equation over component i

Elimination of yfi from equation

before, flowing by some
rearrangements gives:
Elimination of Lf from the eq
and use of above eq. yields:

Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage

When both sides of the last eq is

summed over all component i
and the results so obtained is
restated in functional form, the
flowing expression of the flash
function is obtained.

and the derivative gives:

Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage
A graph of branch of the function
P(Ψ) which contains the positive
root is presented in the figure:
After the positive root that makes
P(Ψ)=0 has been found, both Lf
and Vf may be calculated using
the fact that Ψ=Vf/F and the total
material balance.
Solution of every term in P(Ψ)=0
will give us the correspond xif
and when the whole value of xif ’s
were obtained the yif ’s will be
obtain by the yif=Kixif
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage
Example 1-3)
It is proposed to flash the flowing feed at T=100˚ F and P=1 atm.

If feed rate is 100 mol/h

Compute VF, LF, {yFi} and {xFi}
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage

First we have to be sure that the TF lies between dew point
and bubble point temperatures.
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage

With a few trials more we have: Ψ=0.787

VF= 78.7, LF= 21.3, and {yFi} and {xFi} are:
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage
If the feed has the heat required
for isothermal flash process
then the Q that must be added to
the drum to perform the flash
would be zero. So the flash
would be adiabatic and we
When the liquid and vapor form
ideal solutions, the enthalpies
Hf and hf of vapor and liquid
streams respectively, maybe
computed as follows:
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage (isothermal flash process)
Example 1-4)
On the basis of Example 1-4 solution compute the enthalpy
(H) that the feed must have to flesh that occur adiabatically
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage (isothermal flash process)
Calculation of the enthalpy of the feed:
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage (adiabatic flash process)
Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage (adiabatic flash process)
One simple method:

Hn: The assumed enthalpy with the trial number n

δn: The difference between assumed enthalpy (Hn)
and specified enthalpy (H)

The goal is to determine TFn so that δn=0

Separation of Multicomponent Mixture by Use of
One Equilibrium Stage (adiabatic flash process)

Numerical method (interplolation regulafalsi):

 To initiate the procedure it is necessary evaluate δ

for each of two assumed temperature TF1 and TF2.

 The resulted T is another base for subsequent trial.

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