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Effect of Application of Brain GymAgainst Efforts to Overcome

drowsiness In the learning Process of nursing student University of

Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Group 1

Rian Andito
Arifin Setiawan
Deaayu Septiani
Muslyna M Suad
Nur Anjani
Shahadati Nurandrian
Topic Definition
Research Methods

This study refers to drowsiness during the learning process in the classroom. Drowsiness that
strike any person at certain moments is a natural or natural, but sleepiness also have implications
for a person which may cause distraction during learning so that what is conveyed by the lecturer
can not be understood well by students

Until now sleepy issues still a major problem for students when learning in the
classroom. Problems that can not be overcome sleepiness is very influential on
the seriousness of learning in the classroom.

What is the
Why can we have drowsiness ?

Sleepiness is a result of lack of oxygen in the brain. Oxygen is

needed by brain cells to perfrom routine daily activites. When
oxygen circulating in the blood is insufficient metabolic needs of
the brain to be deprived of oxygen.
Levels of drowsiness

 Mild drowsiness
 Moderate drowsiness
 heavy drowsiness
 Mild drowsiness is a tendency to fall asleep without the desired time and circumstances
do not actually need full concentration or in a state that could be said to be relaxed.

 Moderate drowsiness is a condition where a person is asleep without desired when

doing light physical activity that requires attention.

 Heavy drowsinessor or sleep is a state of falling asleep that occurs when a person is
active, for example were talking or being aeten.
Brain Gym movements or brain gymnastics is a touch
can stimulate the brain and the functioning optimally.
What are the
benefits of brain
exercise for us?
Brain Gym can be used to help students to be more ready to accept the lesson, improve concentration
range, improve focus and memory, improve communication skills, emotional control, end others. That
is why this exercise is suitable for students, especially in supporting learning at school and at college.
Brain Gym is also very practical, because it can be done anywhere, anytime by anyone. Portions
proper exercise is about 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day.
Method and materials research
In this research method we use quatitaive data.

15 Respondent
19 Question drowssiness in
the classroom)

12 multiple
question and 7
Materials research use the questionnaire that is often used to measure subjective sleepiness.
The Stanford sleepiness scale (SSS) describe the state of drowsiness at a time and can change
depends on the situation. The scale is between 1 and 7
No. Situation Scale (score)

1. Feeling active, vital, alert, get up 1

2. Working on a high level. But not at the summit, to concentrate 2

3. Relax, get up, do not alert, responsive. 3

4. Misty (foggy) bit, not on top, let down. 4
5. Misty, began to lose interest, attention when kept waking up, 5
6. Drowsiness, chose to lie, fight drowsiness, woozy. 6
7. The state of falling asleep, asleep immediately mlai, unable to 7
withstand wake.
Score: 6-7 normal, 8-12 mild drowsiness, 13-17 moderate drowsiness, 18+ heavy drowsiness
Result No. Question Answer

Yes% No%

1 was inactive during the 11 73% 4 27 %

process of teaching and
learning in the classroom

2 Feel concentrate on the 15 100% 0 0%

teaching and learning
process in the classroom

3 Feel relaxed during the 7 45% 7 45%

process of teaching and
learning in the classroom

4 Feel like to lie down during 0 0% 15 100%

the process of teaching and
learning in the classroom
No Question
Yes% No%

Feeling began to lose

interest in learning
5 during the process of 0 0% 15 100%
teaching and learning
in the classroom

Feeling sleepy during

the process of
6 0 0% 15 100%
teaching and learning
in the classroom

Feel asleep during the

process of teaching
7 0 0% 15 100%
and learning in the






Thank you...

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