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Presentation by Robby Schetlick

What is Schizophrenia?

● Mental Disorder involving a breakdown in

the relation between thought, emotion, and

● Results in withdrawal from reality and

faulty/distorted perception
Disease History
● Discovered in 1887 by Dr.Emile Kraepelin.

● The term was coined in 1911 by Eugen Bleuler

● Greek Roots: “schizo (split) - phrene (mind)

○ Result of a misunderstanding by the public
(Right - Kraepelin)
of multiple personalities (Left - Bleuler)

● As research continues, 5 types have made their

way into the DSM-III: disorganized, catatonic,
paranoid, residual, and undifferentiated
Causes of the Disease

It is currently unknown what causes the

● It is hypothesized to be a combination of
genetics and a trigger in your

● A microdeletion in chromosome 22, in a

region classified as 22q11, has been
linked with cases of schizophrenia

● Older people are more likely to display

symptoms- the disease is likely a
product of aging.
Schizophrenia Treatments

● There is no permanent cure

● Lifelong treatments include:

○ Antipsychotic and Anti-tremor

○ Cognitive therapy/Behavior therapy

○ Rehabilitation

○ Social skills training

Schizophrenia Identification
● Patients are incapable of self-diagnosis
● The most frequent scenarios are:
○ the family noticing and getting
professional help
○ or Police arresting schizophrenics
while they are in a psychotic state
● Combination of Methods for diagnosis:
○ Mental status, neurological exams,
laboratory work, lumbar puncture,
EEG, radiological scans, and/or
physical examinations
Schizophrenia Reproductive Model

● Sample size of 100, real world data starts with 1% of the population
having the disease
● Letter A - represents a parent not having the disease
● Letter B - represents a parent having the disease

● Assumptions
○ “Genotype” AA has a 1% chance of “Passing on” the disease
○ “Genotype” AB/BA has a 12% chance of “Passing on” the disease
○ “Genotype” BB has a 40% chance of “Passing on” the disease
● Model shows an increase in the prevalence of the disease

Bioethical Considerations

● Reproduction with one parent having

schizophrenia still results in a low risk, with 12%
of children getting the disease

● It is advised to get help from a medical

professional if both parents possess the
disease, increasing the chance of their children
being schizophrenics to nearly 40%

● Schizophrenia is NOT passed on directly, so it is

difficult to track and to determine risks other
than through data
Works Cited
● The History of Schizophrenia,

Citations ●
National Institute of Mental Health,
● “Schizophrenia.” National Institute of Mental Health,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
● “Treatment: Identification Of Schizophrenic Patients.”
Mental Help Treatment Identification of Schizophrenic
Patients Comments,
○ Links for ease of Reference:

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