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Started on 12-Jan-2012

அநீ தியினால்
சிக்கல் கள்

நீ திக்கான விதிகள்
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans

நீ திக்கான

நீ திக்கான திட்டம்

நீ திக்கான
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Eddy Joel
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

Brief summary

1. The Gentiles are without excuse because they have suppressed the knowledge of God they received from
nature and their conscience. 1:18-32.

2. The Jews are also under the condemnation of God 2:1 - 3:8

3. God judges according to:

a. Truth. 2:2-5
b. Works. 2:6-10
c. Impartiality. 2:11-16

4. Both the moral and religious Jews fail to meet His standard.

5. Paul concludes his discussion of the guilt of the Jews by reminding them they do not obey the Law (2:17-29)
nor believe the “oracles of God.” 3:1-8

6. The divine verdict (3:9-20) is universal: “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” 3:23
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

1. The first eleven verses are the core of the book (3:21-31), revealing that in Christ, God is both judge and
2. Justification is by
a. GRACE (the SOURCE of salvation). 3:21-24
b. The BLOOD (the basis of salvation). 3:25-26
c. FAITH (the CONDITION of salvation). 3:27-31.

Chapter 4 illustrates the principle of justification by faith apart from works in the life of Abraham.
1. Justification issues in reconciliation between God and man. 5:1-11
2. It is brought about by the love of God which is:
a. Causeless. 5:6
b. Measureless. 5:7-8
c. Ceaseless. 5:9-11
3. Paul contrasts the two Adams and the opposite results of their two acts.
4. The righteousness of the Second Adam (Christ) is imputed to all who obey
Him, leading to reconciliation.
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

Chapter 9
1-2 Paul has sorrow for fellow Jews. Heavy heart.
2Ti 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

3 Willing to be lost for others. Would you?

Gal_3:10, Gal_3:13 11. epahag;gpukhzj;jpdhNy xUtDk; Njtdplj;jpy; ePjpkhdhfpwjpy;iynad;gJ
ntspauq;fkhapUf;fpwJ. Vnddpy;> tprthrj;jpdhNy ePjpkhd; gpiog;ghd; vd;W vOjpapUf;fpwNj.
13. kuj;jpNy J}f;fg;gl;l vtDk; rgpf;fg;gl;ltd; vd;W vOjpapUf;fpwgb> fpwp];J ekf;fhfr; rhgkhfp>
epahag;gpukhzj;jpd; rhgj;jpw;F ek;ik ePq;fyhf;fp kPl;Lf;nfhz;lhh;.

4 Special blessings of the Jews:

1. Adopted as God's special people.
2. Were given a special law.
3. Under special covenants.
4. Had special promises of salvation, protection.

5 Christ came in the flesh as a Jew.

2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

6 God's Word has not failed, not lack power.

1. Not all born a Jew are faithful to God.
2. Faith, not birth, is the key.

APPLY: To the church -

1. "Not all on a church role are Christians."
2. We fail to fellowship some who might be right with God.
3. We fellowship some who are not right with God.

7 Not automatic - Seed of Abraham is not =

1. Blood line.
2. Genealogy
Seed of Abraham = THOSE WHO HAVE FAITH.
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

8 Children of flesh <> children of God

Children of God = children of promise
Children of God = children through Christ Gal 3:16

9 God made a promise. It was kept. (Gen 18:10)

Sarah shall have a son. She had Isaac.
10 Same is true of Rebecca. She had Jacob.

11 God had a plan.

Foreknowledge of God said:
1. Before they were born.
2. Before they had done good or evil.
3. Before they had done any works.
God choose, elected, according to His purpose:

12 Elder (Esau) shall serve younger (Jacob).

2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

13 God loved Jacob. God "hated" Esau.

1. Nothing to de with their eternal salvation.
2. Not hate in sense of "despise, bad feelings"
3. "Relative preference for one thing over another"

14 Is God unrighteous? NO!

Is God unfair? unjust? playing favorites? NO!

15 God is God!
Mercy to those He chooses.
Compassion on those He chooses.
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

16 IT IS NOT UP TO US TO DECIDE! We are not smarter than God.

(Jer_10:23; Isa_55:8-11)
We are JUST:
1. Servants (to do ONLY what is given)
2. Runners
We are NOT: the Boss, in charge, the ruler, Lord

17 Look at the example of Pharaoh.

1. God raised him up, put him on the throne.
2. God knew that through this God's power would be demonstrated to all,
Israel and Egypt.
3. God's name would be known throughout the earth.
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

18 Mercy given where mercy was needed.

Whom He will (wanted, decided) He hardened.
1. Plagues (Miracles?) 2. Pharoah 3. God
4. Egyptians 5. Moses 6. Israel

19 We have no right to question God.

To question God implies, that we are smarter, know more about the matter,
are wiser than God.
Who will find fault with God?
Who will resist His will? (Can you change God's plan?)
முள் ளில் உடைக்கிைது?
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

20 Who am I (or you) to reply against God?

Who designed whom?
Who is in charge: the thing formed or the designer?

21 Who is in charge in the pottery shop? Clay or Potter?

Take a lump of clay - I can make it into a beautiful vase that will be a work of art;
OR; I can make a plain old bean pot.
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

22 "What if ...?"
1. God wants to show His wrath, anger?
2. God wants to show His power?
3. God wants to be long-suffering with wickedness?

23 4. God wants to show His riches and glory?

5. God want to show mercy?

24 6. God wants to call us? bless us? save us?

7. God wants to be patient with us?
8. God wants to save Gentiles (Whites, blacks, poor, rich)?
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

25 Quote from Hos 2:23(1051). God can adopt anyone He wants to adopt. Those which
are not His people, can be made the people of God.
God can love whom He wants to love.
26 The prophecy will be fulfilled (Hos 1:10)
Those who are not God's people, can be called God's people & made children of God.

27 Isaiah taught this: (Isa_10:22)

1. Israel will be like sand on a beach in number.
2. Only a remnant will be saved.

28 The Lord can stop the work, cut it short, when He sees that it is best. God can end
this world anytime He is ready.

29 God is Lord of Sabaoth (hosts, armies) (நேடனகளின் கர்ை்ைர்)

NOT: Sabbath = seventh day of the week
When God decides to "quit us" = Sodom and Gomorrah
2016 – 2017 (Oman)
Bible Study – The Epistle to Romans Eddy Joel

30 Gentiles -
1. Did not always follow God's laws
2. Have been offered righteousness
3. Obtained righteousness through faith
31 Israel -
1. Followed God's laws
2. Has not obtained righteousness
32 WHY?
1. Did not seek to believe (have faith)
2. Tried to obtain by "works of the law"
3. Works became a "stumbling stone"
33 In Zion there is a stumbling stone, rock of offense Whosoever -
1. Believes on Him (Christ)
a. Mat_21:42
b. 1Pe_2:6-8
2. Shall not be ashamed.

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