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Aini Zulea bt Zulez 62212217188

Hifzatu Nuril Husna bt Azman 62214115251

Noramira bt Abul Aziz 62215217245

Preparing for…
Dr. Ilham Sentosa bin Anwar Malik
 Making estimations about future customer demand using historical data and other
 Proper demand forecasting gives businesses valuable information about their
potential in their current market and other markets.
 Qualitative forecasting
-Used when there isn’t a lot of data available to work with, such as for a relatively new
business or when a product is introduced to the market.

 Time series analysis

-When historical data is available for a product or product line and trends are clear,
businesses tend to use the time series analysis approach to demand forecasting.

 Causal models
-the most sophisticated and complex forecasting tool for businesses because it uses
specific information about relationships between variables affecting demand in the
 It allows businesses to more effectively optimize inventory, increasing turnover
rates and reducing holding costs.
 It provides an insight into upcoming cash flow, meaning businesses can more
accurately budget to pay suppliers and other operational costs.
 Anticipating demand means knowing when to increase staff and other resources to
keep operations running smoothly during peak periods.
A wide variety of analysis tools can be used to model consumer demand


Demand patterns consist of some basic classes of components, seasonality, and
trend. Seasonality refers to the portion of demand fluctuation accounted for by a
reoccurring pattern.
 Resource planning system or enterprise resources planning refers to the systems

and software packages used by organizations to manage day-to-day business

activities, such as accounting, human resource, procurement, project
management and manufacturing
ERP plays an important role in reducing inefficiency, reducing waste and
ensuring that workers are better in their task. ERP also benefit to company to:

1. Improved efficiency across multiple departments and organizations

working within the supply chain

2. Improve customer service automation of workflow for reduced overhead

and operational costs

3. Reducing IT issues and problems are less

 A component of supply chain management, inventory management supervises the
flow of goods from manufacturers to warehouses and from these facilities to point of
 To supply and support the balance of demand and supply.

 To effectively cope with the forward and reverse flows in the supply

1. Stock review

2. Just-in-time (JIT) Methodology

3. ABC analysis method

 for example :
 SHOP 1
 30min else free!
 Order 1 =< 30min . Order 2 =< 30 min , order 3 =<30min
 SHOP 2
 average 30min orelse free!
 Order 1= 10min, order 2 =20min, order 3=60min

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