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Cryptography –

What is Cryptography?
Cryptography derived its name from a
Greek word called “Kryptos” which
means “Hidden Secrets”.

Cryptography is the practice and study

of hiding information. It is the Art or
Science of converting a plain
intelligible data into an unintelligible
data and again retransforming that
message into its original form.

It provides
Confidentiality, Integrity, Accuracy.
What is Cryptography

In a narrow sense
Mangling information into apparent unintelligibility
Allowing a secret method of un-mangling

In a broader sense
Mathematical techniques related to information security
About secure communication in the presence of adversaries

The study of methods for obtaining the meaning of encrypted
information without accessing the secret information

Cryptography + cryptanalysis
Cryptography is the science of secret writing is an
ancient art; the first documented use of cryptography in writing
dates back to circa 1900 B.C. when an Egyptian scribe used non-
standard hieroglyphs in an inscription.
Some experts argue that cryptography appeared spontaneously
sometime after writing was invented, with applications ranging
from diplomatic missives to war-time battle plans.
It is no surprise, then, that new forms of cryptography
came soon after the widespread development of computer
communications. In data and telecommunications,
cryptography is necessary when communicating over any
untrusted medium, which includes just about any network,
particularly the Internet.
There are five primary functions of cryptography today:
1. Privacy/confidentiality: Ensuring that no one can read the
message except the intended receiver.

2. Authentication: The process of proving one's identity.

3. Integrity: Assuring the receiver that the received message has

not been altered in any way from the original.

4. Non-repudiation: A mechanism to prove that the sender really

sent this message.

5. Key exchange: The method by which crypto keys are shared

between sender and receiver.
In cryptography, we start with the unencrypted data, referred to
as plaintext. Plaintext is encrypted into ciphertext, which will in
turn (usually) be decrypted back into usable plaintext.
The encryption and decryption is based upon the type of
cryptography scheme being employed and some form of key. For
those who like formulas, this process is sometimes written as:
P = Dk(C)
where P = plaintext, C = ciphertext, E = the encryption
method, D = the decryption method, and k = the key
What is Encryption / Decryption

Encryption –
◦ The process of converting plain text into an
unintelligible format (cipher text) is called

Decryption –
◦ The process of converting cipher text into a plain
text is called Decryption.
What is a Key
◦ In cryptography, a key is a variable value that is applied
using an algorithm to a string or block of unencrypted text
to produce encrypted text, or to decrypt encrypted text.
The length of the key is a factor in considering how
difficult it will be to decrypt the text in a given message.

What is a Block Cipher?

◦ A block cipher is an encryption method that applies a
deterministic algorithm along with a symmetric key to encrypt
a block of text, rather than encrypting one bit at a time as in
stream ciphers.
There are several ways of classifying cryptographic algorithms
The three types of algorithms that will be discussed are :
Secret Key Cryptography (SKC): Uses a single key for both
encryption and decryption; also called symmetric encryption.
Primarily used for privacy and confidentiality.
Public Key Cryptography (PKC): Uses one key for encryption
and another for decryption; also called asymmetric encryption.
Primarily used for authentication, non-repudiation, and key
Hash Functions: Uses a mathematical transformation to
irreversibly "encrypt" information, providing a digital fingerprint.
Primarily used for message integrity.
What are the Types of Cryptography
Symmetric Key Cryptography (Secret Key Cryptography)
◦Same Key is used by both parties
1. Simpler and Faster

1. Less Secured
Asymmetric Key Cryptography (Public Key Cryptography)
◦ 2 different keys are used
◦ Users get the Key from an Certificate Authority

1. More Secured
2. Authentication

1. Relatively Complex
Secret Key Cryptography

plaintext ciphertext


ciphertext plaintext

Using a single key for encryption/decryption.

The plaintext and the ciphertext having the same size.
Also called symmetric key cryptography
Secret Key Cryptography

plaintext ciphertext


ciphertext plaintext

Using a single key for encryption/decryption.

The plaintext and the ciphertext having the same size.
Also called symmetric key cryptography

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