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Acro – extremity
Medical terminology Meaning

Acrophobia This is the fear of height

Acrocyanosis cyanosis of the extremities, characterized by blueness and coldne

ss of the fingers and toes
Acromegaly A chronic disease characterized by enlargement of the bones of
the head, the soft parts of the feet and hands
and sometimes other structures, due to excessive secretion
of growth hormone by the pituitary gland
Acroosteolysis This is the resorption of the distal bony phalanges


Adeno – gland
Medical terminology Meaning

Adenocarcinoma A malignant tumor of gland-like structure

Adenopathy Enlargement or disease of the glands, especially the lymphatic gla

Adenosarcoma A complex tumor containing both glandular and connective tissues

Adenology The branch of medicine dealing with the

development, structure, function, and diseases of glands
Adenovirus Any
of a group of DNA viruses that cause eye and respiratory diseases


Alba – white
Medical terminology Meaning

Albinism The white appearance of skin lacking melanin.

Algia – pain
Medical terminology Meaning

Athralgia Joint pain

Cephalgia Headache

Mastalgia Breast pain

Myalgia Muscle pain

Neuralgia Nerve pain

Angi – vessel
Medical terminology Meaning
Angitis inflammation of blood or lymph vessels

Angiogram X-ray image of the blood vessels gained after the injection of a
radiopaque contrast medium.

Angiogenesis formation of new blood vessels

Angioma Benign tumor made up of small blood vessels or lymph vessels

Angioedema Swelling similar to hives, but the swelling is under the skin instead of
on the surface.

Angioplasty A procedure in which the lumen of a blood vessel s opened to

improve blood flow
Angi – vessel
Medical terminology Meaning

Angiokeratoma a benign cutaneous lesion of capillaries, resulting in small marks

of red to blue color

Angiodysplasia Small vascular malformation of the gut

Angioneurotic edema A genetic form of angioedema

Angiokeratoma Angioedema
Arthro – joint
Medical terminology Meaning
Arthritis Inflammation of the joint
Arthralgia Pain in the joint
Arthrocentesis A clinical procedure of using a syringe to collect synovial fluid from a joint

Arthrology The study of joints

Arthrogram X-ray of a joint after the injection of a contrast medium

Arthrosis This is a chronic degenerative disease of the joint

Arthrodesis This is the artificial induction of joint ossification between two bones
Arthroscopy Examination of the interior of a joint
Auto – self
Medical terminology Meaning

Autologous From the same individual

Auto-agglutination Clumping of an individual’s red blood cells by his or her own serum

Auto-antibody Antibodies produced against the host’s own cells which are mistaken
to be foreign bodies
Autograft Tissue or organ transferred from one site of the patient’s body to
another site on his own body.

Autolysis Destruction of cells through the action of its own enzymes

Autotransfusion Injection of a person’s blood, taken out previously into his body
during an operation
Bio – living
Medical terminology Meaning

Biology Study of living organisms

Biomedicine A branch of medical science that applies biological and other natural-science
principles to clinical practice
Biopsy The process of removing a mass of cells or tissues for examination

Biotherapy A treatment to boost or restore the ability of the immune system to fight cancer,
infections, and other diseases.
Biomarker A traceable substance that is introduced into an organism as a means to examine
organ function or other aspects of health
Blast – germ
Medical terminology Meaning

Blastomere A type of cell produced by cleavage of the zygote after fertilization.

Blastocyst It is a structure formed in the early development of mammals; it is

made up of blastomere cells
Blastomere Blastocyst
Blephar – eyelid
Medical terminology Meaning

Blepharoplasty Surgical repair of the eyelids

Blepharitis Inflammation of the eyelids

Blepharospasm This is an uncontrolled abnormal blinking or spasms of the eyelids

Brachi – arm
Medical terminology Meaning

Brachial plexus Network of innervation to the upper limb

Brachial Pertaining to the arm

Brachial plexopathy A form of peripheral neuropathy; occurs when there is a damage

to the brachial plexus
Brachial plexus
Broncho – trachea, windpipe
Medical terminology Meaning

Bronchiolitis Inflammation of the bronchioles

Bronchoscope Apparatus used to for seeing the inside of the air passages.

Bronchodilator A substance that dilates the bronchi and bronchioles

Bronchospasm Sudden constriction of the muscles in the walls of the

Bronchogenic carcinoma Malignant neoplasm of the lung arising from the epithelium of
the bronchus or bronchioles
Bronchopneumonia Acute swelling of the walls of the smaller bronchial trees
Bucc – cheek
Medical terminology Meaning

Buccolabial Relating to the cheek and lip

Buccal mucosa Lining of the cheeks and the back of the lips, inside the mouth
where they touch the teeth
Buccinator muscle Major facial muscle underlying the cheek
Capit – head
Medical terminology Meaning

Capititis Inflammation of the scalp

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