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Understanding the stake

Function the stake A kind of the stake

The size of the stake Specification the stake

The advantages and disadvantages of the stake

Understanding the stake

The stake is a the foundation is use pillars that have been set into
the ground as a main burden .The manufacture of the foundation of
piles and done by uniting the trunk of the of which lie below the
construction and the foundation of the foundation .The principle of it
works namely withstand the force orthogonal ( perpendicular to
sumbung a mast through the absorption of against lenturan arising

Usually the implementation method of the foundation of piles and

conducted by using diesel hammer .This is a a kind of hammer /
hammerhead that is driven was charged by diesel .The system it
works this instrument will be do beating of the stake for several times
until ~
Function the stake

The stake in general functioning and used to as follows:

1 .To strengthen the foundation of the construction of buildings
.2 .To withstand the force horizontal style and the force that his direction sloping .
3 .To mengangker building that effected by force raised over resulting from pressure
hydrostatic or the overthrow of the moment
4 .To pass along the burden of building on wake up over the water or above the
spongy , toward a surface strong .
5 .To strengthen the surface of land or sand that has endurance the burden on the
weak .
6 .As a means of reinforcing and are communicators of construction in a building
The size of the stake

The size of the stake back into the right sizes , foundations of buildings of the stake
could be classified into 2 kinds of namely mini piles maxi pile .The stake mini pile is
pillars that is small in size and generally used in the foundation of inferior buildings and
tanah firm .While the stake maxi pile is the pole of the monorail, which can be relied on
to the foundation multistoried building and the land of the somewhat unstable .The
stake mini pile having a cross section in the form of a triangle and square .Is the size of
the stake triangular 28 able to withstand building constructions equal to the weight of
25-30 tons , while a pole measuring 30 able to 35-40 tons sustains a load .Meanwhile ,
a pole measuring 20 x square 20 can hold the burden and the pillar of the amount tons
square measuring 25 x 25 can hold the burden of 40 to 50 tons .
Piles maxi pile is the owner of large size and able to withstand that very heavy
loads.Even the maxi pile the size of 50 x 50 capable of propping load with weights
reached 500 tons.And piles maxi pile available to the cross section square and
circle.Meanwhile, long the stake in the market generally ranges from 3-12 meters.
Specification the stake

Specification of piles and it is important to note , the

stake specification else on the market depends on Himself on iron threaded = ( 10 / 13 ) mm
the factories its maker . length = 3000 mm and 6000 mm
Under this is wrong specifications bore piles the quality of concrete = k-450
commonly used . uk = 25 x25 cm
The stake ( mini pile uk = 28x28x28 cm Himself on iron threaded = ( 13 ) mm
Himself on iron threaded = ( 10 / 13 ) mm length = 3000 mm and 6000 mm
length = 3000 mm and 6000 mm the quality of concrete = k-450
the quality of concrete = k-450 specification of piles and ( maxi pile,
uk = 32x32x32 cm uk = square pile 30 x 30 cm at prestressed concrete )
Himself on iron threaded = ( 13 ) mm uk = square pile 35 x35 cm at prestressed concrete )
length = 3000 mm and 6000 mm uk = square pile 40 x 40 cm at prestressed concrete )
the quality of concrete = k-450 uk = square pile 45 x 45 cm at prestressed concrete
uk = 20 x 20 cm
A kind of the stake

1 .The stake the wood

the stake wood would have to be examined first before are
firmly set up a bit of their strength .Also need to be almost the
stake wood is in the characteristic of being strong and resistant
to weathering by land .Kinds of wood chosen that is hard and
resistant to the weathering of the ground , so that not damaged
during the process pemacangan and can perform its function
as the foundation stake for long periods .So only a kinds of
wood just that can be used to the stake
2 .The stake in this type of the stake must be designed ,
and still being treated beforehand , sehinnga on later on at
the age of the day that have been planned to be obtained
enough strength so as to hold on the movement , handling
, and pressure due to the process of installing , without
being damaged .

3.Piles armor in general piles steel often used is piles

pipe.But there are of steel profile piles box.When piles pipe
or box to be used is filled with concrete, so the quality of the
concrete minimum to 20 mpa or k-250, so as to have the
structure of good capacity.
The advantages and disadvantages of the stake
advantage discharging piles wood:
piles of wood relative lighter so easy to transporting.
tensile strength big community in extraction time to pemancangan not cause trouble such as at the stake concrete precast.
easy to slaughtering when a wooden pole has been unable to go back into the ground.
piles this wood better to friction pile than to end bearing pile of the pressure for relative small.
because the this wood relative flexible to the direction of horizontally on that compares with tiang-tiang stake in addition of wood,
when the it receives a horizontal not fixed, piles of wood it will bent and immediately return to position after horizontal load up
was missing.This is common in the dock where there are kesamping pressure from ships and boats

loss discharging the stake wood

because the stake event should always get situated under the ground water lowest so as to be durable , and if it had the lowest
of ground water was built it was very deep , this would increase the cost of extracting .
the stake which was built by of wood have small relative age than the express with sheet piles which was built by of steel or
concrete , especially in the area which the surface of the waters their land often up and down . At the time of the process of
for land rocky ( gravel ) wood can be the end of a pole stake can take many forms in the form of a broom or it could also be the
end of a pole was destroyed .When a wooden pole have been less straight , then on the day when will have been set to cause
deviations over the direction of which have been determined .
the stake timber does hold against which celestial bodies aggressive and fungus causing a canker
advantage discharging piles steel.
piles is readily inside of within it penyambungannya.
piles it has the capacity for support high.
in the appointment and pemancangan caused no danger

loss discharging the stake steel .

the stake is readily had corrosion .
part h pile can go haywire or in bengkokan by a major
advantage discharging the stake concrete .
1 .Because a made mast in a factory and the quality of strictly examination ,
the result more can be relied on .More was more the result of examination
to can be done at any time .
2 .The procedures of the project had not influenced by ground water
3 .Capacity of the can is predicted based on the formula the stake so that
ease to do controlling construction work .
4 .The manner of pulverization is the most suitable to maintain capacity of the

loss discharging piles concrete

1 .Because in practice cause vibration and noise and in the mainly solid on
urban and rural , are potential to cause problems around .
2 .Pemancangan difficult , if dimeter the too large
3 .When long piles less , hence to do penyambungannya difficult and need for
their special .
4 .When need cutting but in practice be more difficult and take a long time


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