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Satu Mare 10th – 11th November 2016
 Romania will be pioneer on organizing activities and planning weekly plan. This
organisaiton and planning will go on the next meetings. As coordiantor of the
project, Romanian team will follow the timetable of TTALAs and TPMs, and inform
the partners about these meetings in advance.
 Romania is responsible for following the wok plan in each country.
 In Romania:
 In the school, teachers will attend workshops to discuss about the project and to
popularize among teachers. Also students will attend language training workshops
and will prepare materials about the participating countries and about the region.
The parents' support is also very important so we will arrange meetings with them
to let them know about the project and to listen to their ideas and proposals in
connection with the effective development of the project. The school's Board
includes representatives of City Council so during the meetings we will discuss with
them about the project to be developed.
 Topics in Romania:
 • Drafting of the final report, collecting outputs and results
 • Compilation of the Hands in Hands magazine
 • Compilation of the Project Diary
 • Budget monitoring, evaluation
 Turkey will deal with the twinspace and eTwinning portal, and organize the
meetings on Skype.
 Turkey is responsible for following the wok plan in each country.
 Topics in Turkey:
 • concretization of the work program
 • Understanding the project and the objectives
 • Preparation of the 1st transnational teaching and learning activity in Romania
 In Turkey:
 - Information boards will be prepared to introduce the project to local community,
other schools, students and parents.
 - Folk dance course will be opened and the students will be trained from the
beginning to the end of the project.
 - Informative seminers will be organized and teachers, students and parents will be
informed about the project and partner countries.
 - A publicty folder about the project will be created and distributed to other schools.
 - Language, and Literacy courses will be opened to provide the REFUGEES'
adaptations in to the project.
 Poland is responsible for the dissemination and
evaluation of the project.
 Poland will be responsible for collecting the
results and products for EST (? Mobility tool)
 In Poland:
 Polish team'll set up School Europeans Club and
they will search partner countries, schools, and
make folders and diaries about project, articles
to their newspaper and website.
 Germany will deal with Europass Mobility Documents and inform
the partners before each TTALAs.
 Germany is responsible for the dissemination and
evaluation of the project.
 Topics in Germany:
 • Drafting of the intermediate report
 • Collecting outputs and results
 • Possible changes in the work program
 • Budget control and verification of time
 Croatia will be responsible for collecting the results and
products for EST.( ?Mobility tool?)
 Croatia is responsible for following the products in each
 In Croatia:
 The school will inform about the upcoming project activities
through the school website, notice board and local media.
The project will be officially introduced at schools and pupils
and teachers will be encouraged to participate actively. They
will be in touch using Skype, e-mail, Twinspace or social
network to prepare the upcoming project activities.
 They will go on attending Erasmus+ seminars and meeting to
the colleagues, principals and local authorities to arrange
project activities in advance.
 Portugal is responsible for following the products in each country.
 Portugal will be responsible for ICT and web-site of the project.
 In Portugal:
 There will be workshop for Erasmus+ participants to learn how to
use the project's Twinspace and applications that can be useful for
the project. The project team will be in charge to organise cultural
activities as well as pedagogical material to be used by partners.
 There will be teacher training for CLIL and linguistic preparation.
 As they have a European Club, pupils will meet with the teachers
to prepare and develop some of the project activities.
 Special Needs Education teachers will also participate in the
workshop and they will organise the activities in which will involve
special needs students.
 - Linguistic - knowing and implementing new methods
 - The usage of ICT tools - using new ICT methods and programs in education
 - Working with children with disabilities, refugees and special needs as well as gifted students,
we individualize works and identify needs of our students.
 - Being a part of organizing, planning, dissemination and evaluation stages in the project
 - Having enough materials for the games and plays
 Organizing regular meetings online (on Skype) before any international mobility
 - Discussions and agreements on the three cross-border project meetings
 - Preparation of a work plan with concrete distribution of the tasks
 - All partners will share the results, products and ideas for further work with each other
 - The school coordinators are responsible for the continuous contact with the coordinating
 - The partners communicate using modern ICT technologies. The eTwinning platform with a
private TwinSpace plays an important role. Skype meetings and e-mails are also important for
completing the preparations
 - Project participants should respond the incoming e-mails within 2-3 days.
 - During the Transnational Teaching and Learning Activities, students and teachers will
participate various lessons in order to get an insight into everyday school life of the host
countries and experience enjoyable lessons through games.
 .
 The results which are planned to fulfill during Transnational
Teaching and Learning Activities
 - Presentations that are performed by the partner schools at each
 - Posters/bulletin boards about presenting the partner schools in
each partner school building
 - Articles, Lectures and presentations on the website, in the
national press, in teacher meetings and school conferences
 - Students Of TTALAs are mandatory responsible for the
dissemination of the results from the TTALA (Reports
upperclassmen, student council, etc., posters, website, wall
newspapers) (Implementation after each TTALA)
 - Project Logo; competition among the participants from the
partner schools
 - Christmas Cards and New Year greetings concerning hands in
hands games
 European Project Diary: Students and teachers who participate in TTALAs, make
comments about their journey to target country, its food and drinks,
accommadatation/host family, the activities and workshops, what they learnt during
the activities etc. at the end of each meeting.
 - Creating a unity and solidarity tree (Giving an international unity and solidarity
message-cross curriculum)
 - Starting after 1 TTALA, under the leadership of the Portugal school an interactive
project site will be created for the documentation and dissemination of the project
and the exchange of documents, videos and results
 - Blog for teachers: It is used to prepare for teaching and educational experience
 - "Hands in Hands Magazine": After each TTALA the host country is responsible for the
magazine as a newspaper in print out. Contents are explored during the meetings
games, plays, information and pictures related to each TTALAs, puzzles, cartoons,
photos, stories, products, hospitality ... At the same time the current output is
incorporated online at the project website
 - Creating a huge games collection calendar
 - Coloring the friendship wall themed hands in hands games
 - Exhibitions about hands in hands games with pictures
 - Creating an album including whole activities and games from the beginning to the
end of the project
 - A simple folk dance played holding hands for a show
 - Creating a message circle for Europe holding hands in hands
 - Creating a common teaching methodology book through games at the end of the
 1- Conducting a analysis with various data collection instruments
(questionnaire,interview, observation etc.) to determine which games
are well known and popular.
 2- Preparing questionnaires to get the views of both teachers and
students in termsof the method “teaching” with the help of games.
 3- Hanging posters, pictures and banners on the notice boards of the
schools highlighting the importance integration, cooperation and
intercultural knowledge.
 4- Preparing game workshops at schools,
 5- Preparing a contest to choose the most popular game strategies.
 6- Preparing a handbook of game rules in different languages with
 7- Preparing “Hands in Hands” badges or designing T-Shirts
 8- Designing a logo for “Hands in Hands” - preparation for international
logo contest on etwinning later on.

 Teachers and students from other schools in

 - Municipality and local organisations in
 - Host families and their friends
 - Our pupils' friends
 - Parents' neighbours
OBSERVATION TO THE PROJECT  Aplicatia are ca puncte tari: tema interesanta, elementele de
noutate/inovare si transnationalitate bune tinand cont de tipul
 The application has as strengths: interesting topic, the scolilor si amploarea proiectului, realizarea unei bune pregatiri
innovations / innovation and good transnationality taking into pentru
account the type and scale of the project schools, to make a  implementare, asigurarea unei bune vizibilitati a proiectului,
good preparation for implementation, ensuring good visibility prezentarea competentelor dorite pentru cadrele didactice
of the project, presentation skills desired teachers involved implicate in activitatile proiectului si justificarea existentei lor in
in project activities and justify their existence in schools and descrierile scolilor si alocarea clara de sarcini in concordanta cu
descriptions clearer allocation of tasks in accordance with competentele demonstrate, producerea de materiale cu un mare
demonstrated competencies, producing materials with a potential de diseminare si valorizare, un program de activitate clar
dissemination and valorisation great potential, a clear work si un calendar bine corelat, o diseminare buna online pe canale
program and timetable into line, a good dissemination on relevante.
 Puncte slabe:
relevant online channels.
 - Absenta unei analize de nevoi clare, de tip SWOT de exemplu, din
- The absence of a clear needs analysis, SWOT example care sa rezulte atat nevoile de dezvoltare institutionala, cat si cele
specifice pentru grupurile tinta;
proving the needs of both institutional development, and the
 - Neformularea obiectivelor specifice pentru proiect;
specific target groups;
 - Modul de prezentarea a evaluarii (inclusiv a rezultatelor
- Failing to lodge specific objectives for the project;
asteptate), monitorizarii, asigurarii calitatii si a controlului bugetar;
- Presentation of evaluation (including expected results),
 - Modul de prezentare a impactului asteptat, in special asupra
monitoring, insurance quality and budget control;
- Presentation of the expected impact, particularly on
 - Nu sunt identificati factori cheie in realizarea multiplicarii si
valorizarii rezultatelor;
- Not identified key factors in achieving and valuing  - Necesita completari si precizari modul de realizare a coordonarii,
multiplication results;
numarul diferit de elevi pe flux
- Requires additions and clarifications how to achieve  ce participa la activitatile de invatare, indicatorii de performanta,
coordination, the different number of students per stream
activitatile de diseminare
participating in learning activities, performance indicators,  directa, de selectie a elevilor si pregatire administrativa a
dissemination of activities, selection of student activitatilor de invatare;
administrative preparation of learning activities;  - Se recomanda realizarea in diseminarea directa de activitati
- It is recommended to perform direct demonstration demonstrative de utilizare a metodologiei produse pentru cadrele
activities in disseminating the use of didactice interesate din alte scoli in colaborare cu
product methodology for teachers from other schools  autoritatile educationale din fiecare tara/locale in toate scolile si
interested in cooperation with comunitatile implicate in proiect;
education authorities in each country / local in all schools  - Propunem revizuirea bugetului pentru acele distante care au fost
and communities involved in incadrate gresit pe banda de distanta >2000 km;
project;  - Apreciem ca pentru obtinerea rezultatelor proiectului, asa cum
- Propose budget review distances for those who were sunt prezentate in candidatura, sunt suficiente 24 de luni.
framed on the wrong lane  
distance> 2000 km;
- We appreciate that for getting the project results, as
presented in the application,
24 months are sufficient.

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