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Mr. Bam’s

 for me, exercise is more than just physical, it’s
therapeutic. Michelle Obama

 Strength of mind is exercise, not rest. Alexander Pope

 It is exercise alone that supports the spirits, and keeps

the mind in vigor. Marcus Tullius Cicero
1. Movement is the main concept in

2. Movement as a concept should be integral in

the concepts function, activity & participation

(See ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health).

Body Functions Activities Environmental
& Structures & Participation Factors

Functions–Structures Capacity Barriers

Performance Facilitators

Impairment Disability Handicap

Physical therapy is concerned with identifying
and maximizing movement potential, within the
spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment and
Physical therapy involves the interaction between
physical therapist, patients or clients, families
and care givers, in a process of assessing
movement potential and in establishing agreed
upon goals and objectives using knowledge and
skills unique to physical therapists.
 Diagnose & manage movement dysfunction & enhance
physical & functional abilities.

 Restore, maintain, & promote optimal

 physical function,
 wellness and fitness,
 quality of life as it relates to movement & health.

 Prevent the onset, symptoms, &progression of

impairments, functional limitations, & disabilities that
may result from diseases, disorders, conditions, or
Physical therapists are
health care professionals
who diagnose and treat
individuals of all ages with
medical problems or other
health-related conditions
that limit their abilities to
MOVE and perform
functional activities in their
daily lives.
WHO. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease
attributable to selected major risks. 2009.
1. Obesity Physicians
2. Coronary artery disease
3. Diabetes Patients

4. Hypertension
5. Cancer
6. Depression and anxiety
7. Arthritis
8. Osteoporosis
9. Etc, etc, etc…
Aims of Therapeutic Exercise
• Kemampuan ambulasi
• Release contracted
soft tissues
• Mobilise joints
• Improve circulation
• Improve respiratory
• Decrease stiffness
• Improve muscle
• Improve endurance
• Improve co-ordination
• Promote confidence
and wellbeing
• Improve balance
• Promote relaxation



Latihan adalah proses sistematis dari
aktivitas fisik yang
LATIHAN …. ??? dilakukan secara
berulang-ulang dengan beban latihan yang
kian bertambah (Harsono, 1996)

Latihan merupakan pelaksanaan gerakan

secara berurutan dan berulang-ulang

Latihan merupakan aktivitas yang

memberikan tekanan fisik secara teratur,
sistematik, berkesinambungan, untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan fisik (Fox dkk, 1993)
 Aktifitas fisik
“Exercise is defined
as a subclass of  Direncanakan
physical activity
that include  Terstruktur
structured and  Gerak Tubuh
repetitive bodily yang berulang
which is done to  Untuk
improve or meningkatkan
maintain one or dan memelihara
 1 / > komponen
components of kebugaran
physical fitness jasmani
“Therapeutic exercise is the  Gerak tubuh yang
systematic, planned terencana
performance of bodily
movements, postures or  Aktifitas fisik
physical activities intended  Untuk mencegah dan
to provide a patient/client memperbaiki
with the means to:
 Mengembangkan,
(1) Remediate or prevent memperbaiki &
impairments, mengembalikan fungsi
(2) Improve, restore or
enhance physical function,  Mencegah atau
mengurangi faktor risiko
(3) Prevent or reduce health- kesehatan
related risk factors, and
(4) Optimize overall health  Mengoptimalkan, status
kesehatan, kebugaran
status, fitness or sense of dan kenyamanan
(Bompa, 1994)

“Training is usually defined as systematic

proccess of long duration, repetitive,
having the ultimate goal of improving
athletic performance”.

1. Proses yang sistematis dengan durasi

2. Berulang
3. Bertujuan meningkatkan kinerja
To help people restore lost function
(rehabilitative therapeutic exercise)

or acquire skills and functions considered

normal or expected
(habilitative therapeutic exercise).
 Exercise therapy for the rehabilitation of :
 Musculoskeletal injuries
Athletic injuries
Postsurgical trauma
Older populations
Psychological disorders (mind–body relationship)
 Exercise therapy for habilitation of:
Obese populations
Children with developmental disorders
General fitness
 Stretching
 Range of movement
 Strengthening
 Endurance exercises
 Proprioceptive or
balance training
 Cardio-vascular
 Cardiorespiratory  Speed
endurance  Power (strengt & speed)
 Muscular strength  Agility
 Muscular endurance  Balance
 Body composition  Reaction time
 Flexibility  Coordination
Ag ty
ilit c i
y e lo

Ba la nce Stength

si En
ina du
d ra
or nc
Ko e
• Move (Peningkatan tonus & sintesis ATP)
• Cell respiration (Peningkatan CO2)
• Gas exchange (Peningkatan respirasi)
• Heart rate increase (Peningkatan SV & CO)
• Arterioles widen (Temperatur tubuh meningkat)
• Edar darah ke otot skeletal meningkat & fungsi
fisiologis otot volunter terkoreksi.
 Isometric
 Concentric
 Eccentric
 Isokinetic
 Closed and open
chain exercises
(1) Readdiness (kesiapan),
(2) Overload (beban berlebih),
(3) Individuality,
(4) Specificity (kekhususan),
(5) Reversibility (kembali semula)
(6) Motivation
• Dalam latihan dikenal prinsip
Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand (SAID)
• Frequency
1. Duration
2. Intensity (sets, rept., recovery, interval)
3. Mode/Type of exercise
4. Progression

1. Pre exercise (warm up & stretching)
2. Exercise proper (training programme)
3. Post exercise (cold down & stretching)
 MACROCYCLE - yearly ( 1 - 4)
 MESOCYCLE - months
 MICROCYCLE - weekly

 PREPARATION PERIOD ( pre season)

 TRANSITION PERIOD (basic strength phase)
 COMPETITION PERIOD ( strength and power phase)
 TRANSITION PERIOD ( peak or maintenance phase)
 ACTIVE REST ( off season )
Parameter Latihan Rekomendasi Dosis Latihan Penguatan Otot

Intensitas 8 – 10 Grup Otot (AHA, 2004)

30 – 40 % (Sidik, 2010)
65 – 80 % (Sukadiyanto, 2011)
Jumlah Set 1 – 3 (AHA, 2004)
2 – 4 (Sukadiyanto, 2011)
Jumlah Repitisi 10 – 15 Kali (AHA, 2004)
8 – 12 Kali, (Sukadiyanto, 2011)
Frekuensi 2 – 3 Kali/Minggu (AHA, 2004)
3 – 5 Kali/Minggu (Sukadiyanto, 2011)
Durasi 4 – 8 Minggu (Sukadiyanto, 2011)
Istirahat / Set 2 – 4 Detik Untuk Atlet
Irama Gerak Lambat–Sedang (Sukadiyanto, 2011)
Jenis Kontraksi Isometrik
Waktu Latihan 60 – 90 Menit (Sukadiyanto, 2011)
No Bentuk Latihan Minggu
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Tungkai dan Kaki:
a. Mengangkat Tungkai 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
b. Membuka Tungkai ke Samping 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
c. Menekuk Lutut-Panggul 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
d. Rotasi Tungkai 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
e. Menekuk Pergelangan 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8

2 Lengan dan Tangan:

a. Mengangkat Lengan 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
b. Membuka Lengan ke Samping 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
c. Menekuk Siku 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
d. Memutar Lengan Atas 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
e. Deviasi Tangan 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
f. Memutar Lengan Bawah 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
g. Membuka Jari-Jari 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
h. Menekuk Pergelangan 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
3 Panggul:
a. Mengangkat Panggul 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
b. Menggeser Panggul 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
c. Memiringkan Panggul 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
d. Membuka Paha 1*3-5 1*4-8 2*3-5 2*3-5 2*4-8 2*4-8
4 Berguling:
a. Persiapan Berguling 1*2-3 1*2-3 1*3-4 1*3-4 1*3-5 1*3-5
b. Berguling ke Sisi Sehat 1*2-3 1*2-3 1*3-4 1*3-4 1*3-5 1*3-5
c. Berguling ke Sisi Sakit 1*2-3 1*2-3 1*3-4 1*3-4 1*3-5 1*3-5
5 Duduk:
a. Bangun Tidur 1*2-3 1*2-3 1*3-4 1*3-4 1*3-5 1*3-5
1) Mengangkat Badan 1*2-3 1*2-3 1*3-4 1*3-4 1*3-5 1*3-5
2) Duduk 1*2-3 1*2-3 1*3-4 1*3-4 1*3-5 1*3-5
a. Bergeser ke Depan 1*2-3 1*2-3 1*3-4 1*3-4 1*3-5 1*3-5
b. Berpindah Tempat
6 Berdiri dan Berjalan:
a. Berdiri 1*2-3 1*2-3 1*3-4 1*3-4 1*3-5 1*3-5
(sumber; Power & Howley, 2011)

Minggu Fase Frekuensi Set Repetisi

6–8 Pemula 2–3 x/minggu 1 – 3 8 – 10
8 – 10 Pemula 2–3 x/minggu 2 – 3 8 – 12

Minggu Fase Frekuensi Set Repetisi Beban

1–3 Pemula 2 x/minggu 2 15 15 RM
4 – 20 Kemajuan taraf 2–3 x/minggu 3 6 6 RM
20 > Pemeliharaan 1–2 x/minggu 4 6 6 RM

Thank you

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