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Pitch for radio

Hollie Scarborough
The title of the radio station would be Crazy Baby Fm, this is because of the broadcast being aimed at children of
younger ages and describes the audience in the title which also helps to gain audiences as they recognize that
it’s aimed at younger viewers. And the Fm represents the frequency modulations is just what kind of waves are
transmitted but this also shows it’s a radio program to the audience.

The outline of what will happen on this radio show focus around entertainment and educating children so the
radio broadcast would include shows which are informed to children such as basic weather information. The
general build up of the show would consiste of the routine which children follow such as morning routines which
includes getting dressed or brushing teeth.

The show would rub between 6am and 6pm which is the general time which younger children tend to be active
during the day. This is based of time of other children's programs which tend to start earlier and finish late, such
as well known TV channel’s like cbeebies.

This idea is generally quite unique as many radio programs don’t attend to children of this young age. Also not
just focusing a basic education but also life skills the radio show touches on important areas which can help
children and their parents.
Budget Per bulletin:
Item where cost


Outside broadcasting Price per day


Radio studio £80 per hour +VAT

Sound £20 per day +VAT

RODE NTG3 Mic ntg3-mic/


presenter £10-100 per day


editor £20-250 per day


Travel £94.40

Total: £369.04
To start up low power FM station is can
cost under £15,000 however this is not
the large expensive it is to keep it
running which can cost up to £1000
month which can be a struggle if
there are no viewers. And with an
average of $400 per radio bulletin it
can get expensive, if there is no studio
or equipment at hand, and with no
employees. This chart shows how
much it would cost to produce a
1. The script will be book recording Equipment will be The script will be looked over
weeks with the recording,
29/01/18 wrote on this day room for picked up and looked rewrote if needed and editing, planning and
to look through monday the 5th, over and tested on finialished fo the recording on interviews all done in this time.
all the possibilities 13th and 15th. this day to make sure monday.
that could be everything is in use for The schedule is planned to
said and the best the recording in the allow time to do the necessary
outcome can be following week.
produced. activities required with free
spaces to allow any other
2. Recording of the The vox pops will be Music sourcing and effects will activities that may need to
05/02/18 presenter will be recorded on this day. be looked for on this day.
recorded on this For the information take coarse. The locations
day. Including required for the radio which will be used are
any extra bulletin.
recording such as
between the studio and
jingles will also be outside, the studio is where any
recorded on this interviews planning and
3. The interview will Re-recording will be Editing of the
recording will be taken place
12/02/18 be recorded on done on this day as radio will be since it allows time to sort out
this day. everything has been started on this the problems, also the editing
recorded and any day.
improvements can be may be done here. Outside is
made if needed. where the vox pops
4. Any final editing equipment The radio bulletin will conducted to get the opinions
19/02/18 will take place on returned. be Publish.
this day and
of the public, the locations
looked over. may change due to different
Contingency plan
Name: Hollie Scarborough
Title of project: Radio production-CrazyBaby FM headline
Potential problem Troubleshooting methods
Pre Production
Equipment not working The equipment may not be working due to it being damaged, so in case of this event there should be a backup recording device to use such
as a handphone.
No transport to location If there is not transport to location other transports may need to be used but if that transport is not available rather prolonge to another day or
uses to team record part of the work and continue the rest when available to attend.
Equipment not available Equipment may not be available because it is in use or is broke. In cases that equipment is unavailable recording should prolonged to another
day or other equipment needs to be used instead
Equipment breaking If equipment is broken it needs to be taken immediately to the owner to prevent further damage. It may get damaged by dropping the
equipment so when using equipment it needs to be carefully to prevent any damage.
Location not available If the location is not available for recording there must be a backup plan so further recording can be done to prevent getting delayed. But if
place is not found recording must be kept for another day. This may not be appropriate to record due to being busy or events that may be
going on, or someone is already using the space wanted.
Staff being hurt/unattended/ill In cases of staff being unattended it should be arranged for new people to take their place or if unneeded just continue recording. If anyone is
hurt or ill recording should stop to check the person, first aid should be carried to prevent any minor injury. If the person is to injured or ill to
continue then the recording must stop unless the is someone to replace them or recording is fine to progress with.
Post Production

Work being lost In case of this happening the files need to be more than one space, but if not the recording would have to be re done. This may happen due to
misplacing files or braking the equipment which the recording is on.
Computer crashing Upon editing saving the work should be done often in case of computer or program crashing. This prevents loss of a lot of work. But if the work is
not saved the editing will have to be re edited.
Contingency Plan
The contingency can indicate any future problems in pre production, production and post production. It helps
to plan for if these events did happen and helps us to keep to the budget and schedule as we have planned.

Pre production- The largest problem that can happen pre production is if the equipment is unavailable, if it is not available this slows
down the production schedule and could cost money to rent from another shop. This is why if renting the equipment you need to be
certain if the equipment will for definitely be available and have a back up plan.

Production- Health and safety is the largest problem that could appear the production, if they are hurt or taken ill they
need to be looked over to make sure they are well. Also there needs to be more people who can replace them if they
cannot continue the work. Another problem is the equipment breaking, in this case the equipment needs to be returned as
fast as possible to reduce damage, which will cost. In this situation other equipment will have to be sorted or they will have
to propon production to another day which costs both time and money.

Post product- The computer crashing/work loss is to largest problem that can happen during the entire unit as it would be
a large waste of time and money.To prevent this the work needs to be saved repeatedly while editing and save in more
than one place to avoid to work from being lost. In the circumstance that work is lost the production process will have to
be repeated.
Running order
The order in which the broadcast is run is important to
allow people to understand what is going on during the
show. There must be an intro, jingle, stories and outro to
keep the show running smoothly.

This is what a typical bulletin would look like in running

order form:

1 Station jingle 15

2 Presenter: Hello I’m (name) coming at you with the headlines at 12:00pm... 10

3 indent 10

4 presenter: Do you know the most popular girls name? ... 30

5 Interview 20

6 Presenter : “5-Year-old Empties Piggy Bank to Buy Milk For Classmate”. A girl... 40

7 Vox pop 20

8 Presenter: Next ‘Royal Mail reveals its Christmas 2017 stamps’. These were designed by ... 30

9 2nd presenter: Next ‘Royal Mail reveals its Christmas 2017 ... 10

10 Presenter: Mum and baby orangutan enjoy cuddles’ florida zoo. 40

11 Outside presenter:----- 30

12 Presenter: Finally ‘Pandas loving the snow!’. These panda ... 30

13 Vox 20

14 It is now 12:05 and you are listening to Crazy Baby Fm. 15

15 Station Jingle 15
The primary demographic audience is aiming for are aged between 1 and 5 years of age due to the content which will
be on the broadcasts which is meant to educate and entertain children's of these ages. The gender balances is equal since
at younger ages and the contents age they will not be gender specific. Sexuallity does not take place in the audiece for
this radio since they are young children and will not show strongly what sexuality they are. The socio-economic would be
class E, this is because 1 to 5 year olds ares rather in primary education or under adult care which means they will have no
class to go by since they are no working.

The secondary demographics audience will be the parents/careers of the children who will be listening with their children.
They will most probably be aged between 20 and 40 which is a large spectrum , but these are the ages when most people
tend to have children or work with children. The ratio of genders would be 70% female, I think this because women tend to
look after children more when they are younger. Especially workers who look after children. The sexuality will be highley
hetrosexual, this is due to women being birthing the children and the fact that women are stereotypically suppose to look
after children and have children, however the height or homosecuals adopting/fostsing children have inclined meaning
there are going to be a slightly larger audience who are not straight. The socio-economics could vary because many
different people choose to have children, however higher classes may chooses to place children in care so will not be
more susceptible to being the audience for the radio show.

Geodemographic audience will be based in the Uk due to the timing of the broadcast and the language spoken,
however other international locations may listen to it due to being on holiday or living in another country. This is easiest
especially with internet as you would be able to listen to different broadcast at choice.
News stories
The stories need to engage the audience and also need to be appropriate
for the age of the audience which is the main issue for this broadcast. This is
because the audience are young children and normally in bulletins they
uses news to do with politics or murders and this can not be used for the
younger audience as it may disturb or upset the audience so more joyful
news needs to be used.

In my news bulletin all stories are relevant to the age group and would not
go out of ethical issues, and they are also interesting and chosen to base
around the age group which have been chosen to present to.
Proposed presenters
Main presenter

The presenter will be female due to the audience being children and children react
better to the female voices since they have a higher pitch and it is much more
audible and comforting to them .

The age I propose would be someone in a motherly age range which would be
between the 20’s and 40’s, this is because children may find the voices familiar and
feel more relaxed and interested with the work.

The status of the presenter does not make a different as children will not recognize if
they are a well known person or not. However familiar voices from childrens Tv could
be used as they will know who they are.

Secondary presenter

If there was a secondary presenter to even out gender ratios there would be a man,
however he would have to make his voice higher in order to engage children in the
information he is giving out.

I would think between the ages of 20 and 30 as men's voices tend to lower as they
do get older, however having an older males voice may be fatherly to children and
bring more comfort.
Legal and ethical issues
Ethical issues are the choice whether something is right
Legal issues are what must be followed by law and
or wrong is a moral way, this also means the choice of
this helps us to prevent getting into trouble and losing
judging race, religion and/or ethnic backgrounds. This
money do to legal issues or even the broadcast
would affect rating of the broadcast and may causes
being stopped. Sometimes moral issues can also be
fines as some issues can be a legal issues as well.
incorporated with legal issues as it can offend or
harm people.
Discrimination is that act in where someone thinks less of
one do to physical appearance and/or acts. This may
Copyright is one of the largest issues with within any
appear in the broadcast due to description of someone
media as it’s easy to be done both on purpose or by
and them being bad. This could stay in children's minds
mistake. The the broadcast if any music or sound
and they could reflect that image of being bad which
effects are being used which we do not have rights
would be ethically wrong. However this is unlikely.
to we must make sure to gain rights of the material or
we could be fined.
Data protection is the action we take to protect in
information of the presenters and guests of on the show.
Defamation is use of false data. This must be
This is important as it keeps people from stalking or
prevented through making sure information is correct
harming them. Especially guests who may need more
as it could harm people or confuse and anger
protection due to position, such as a celebrity. Data
people. This again can be done mistakenly so when
protection being failed could cause problems as some
looking for data the information needs to be correct.
people may sue the broadcast.

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