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•Answers the question “What if?

•The researcher manipulates independent variable
and measures dependent variables in order to
establish cause-and-effect relationship between them.

-The independent variable is controlled or set by

the researcher.
-The dependent variable is measured by the researcher.
Illustration of independent and dependent variables

-Suppose Student A and Student B are in the same grade level and have
Same level of mental ability. Student A is given three hours to study a certain
lesson and Student B is given two hours to study the same lesson. Then they
Are given the same test on the lesson. When the test papers of the two
Students are scored, Student A gets a higher score than Student B.

The independent variable is manipulated by the experimenter is time and the

dependent variable is achievement.
So, the result of the experiment infers that the longer the time one is given to
Study a material, the higher his achievement is on the material in terms of
test scores.
Characteristics of Experimental Research

•The choice of setting

-consider the nature and context of the problem being
investigated and then choose the design and setting that
is most appropriate.

•Establishing Cause-and-effect through comparisons

•Multivariate Studies
-include all of those experiments in which there are either
Multiple independent variable (age, gender, qualification,
Institute, method of instruction) or multiple dependent
Variables (test score, attention span, time taken, skill acquisition,
Performance rating) or in some cases, both.
Advantages of Experimental Research

•Control over variables

This kind of research looks into controlling independent
variables so that extraneous and unwanted variables are

•Determination of cause and effect relationship is easy

Because of its experimental design, this kind of research
looks manipulates variables so that a cause and effect
relationship can be easily determined.

•Provides better results

When performing experimental research, there are specific control
set ups as well as strict conditions to adhere to. With these two in
place, better results can be achieved. With this kind of research,
the experiments can be repeated and the results checked again.
Getting better results also gives a researcher a boost of confidence.
Advantages of Experimental Research

•Control over variables

This kind of research looks into controlling independent
variables so that extraneous and unwanted variables are

•Determination of cause and effect relationship is easy

Because of its experimental design, this kind of research
looks manipulates variables so that a cause and effect
relationship can be easily determined.

•Provides better results

When performing experimental research, there are specific control
set ups as well as strict conditions to adhere to. With these two in
place, better results can be achieved. With this kind of research,
the experiments can be repeated and the results checked again.
Getting better results also gives a researcher a boost of confidence.
Disdvantages of Experimental Research

•Can’t always do experimental

Several issues such as ethical or practical reasons can hinder an
experiment from ever getting started. For one, not every variable that
can be manipulated should be.

•Creates artificial situation

Experimental research also means controlling irrelevant variables
on certain occasions. As such, this creates a situation that is somewhat artificial

Subject to human error

Researchers are human too and they can commit mistakes. However,
whether the error was made by machine or man, one thing remains certain:
it will affect the results of a study.
•Participants can be influence by environment
Those who participate in trials may be influenced by the environment around
them. As such, they might give answers not based on how they truly feel
but on what they think the researcher wants to hear. Rather than thinking
through what they feel and think about a subject, a participant may just
go along with what they believe the researcher is trying to achieve.

•Manipulation of variable isn’t seen as completely

Experimental research mainly involves the manipulation of variables,
a practice that isn’t seen as being objective. As mentioned earlier,
researchers are actively trying to influence variable so that they can
observe the consequences.

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