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Quiz Bee

 ___________ key is widely distributed and

available to everyone.
 A. Private C. Car
 B. Public D. Password

 Private key is least likely use in
 A. Symmetric encryption C. Digital
 B. Asymmetric encryption D. All of the above

 Forms design is an example of this type of
 A. Data entry control
 B. Data transmission control
 C. Output control
 D. Source data control

 Information that needs to be stored securely
for 10 years or more would most likely be
stored in which type of file?
 A. Archive C. Encrypted
 B. Backup D. Log

 Sequentially pre-numbered forms is an
example of?
 A. Data entry controls
 B. Data transmission controls
 C. Processing controls
 D. Source data controls

 This batch processing data entry control sums
a non-financial numeric field.
 A. Batch total C. Hash total
 B. Financial total D. Sequence check

 This determines if the characters in a field are
of the proper type.
 A. Field check C. Range
 B. Limit check D. Reasonableness test

 This ensures that the input data will fit into the
assigned field.
 A. Limit check C. Size check
 B. Range check D. Validity check

 This tests a numerical amount to ensure that it
does not exceed a predetermined value nor fall
below another predetermined value.
 A. Completeness check C. Limit check
 B. Field check D. Range check

 This tests a numerical amount to ensure that it
does not exceed a predetermined value.
 A. Completeness check C. Range check
 B. Limit check D. Sign check

 Which of the following is least likely batch
 A. Financial totals C. Document size
 B. Record count D. Hash totals

 An error message that will tell the user to fill
the required field is an example of what
 A. Completeness check C. Limit check
 B. Field check D. Range check

 Batch totals are example of
 A. Data entry controls
 B. Data transmission controls
 C. Output controls
 D. Processing controls

 Computing hash total is a procedure to ensure
that the data entered into the system are
 A. Accurate C. Legal
 B. Complete D. Valid

 File labels are example of

 A. Data entry controls C. Processing

 B. Output controls D. Source data controls

 Message acknowledgment techniques are
example of
 A. Data entry controls
 B. Data transmission controls
 C. Output controls
 D. Processing controls

 Rejecting office supplies expense that
amounted to 1 million is an example of what
 A. Validity check C. Limit check
 B. Range check D. Reasonableness test

 Protecting companies' customer information is
the objective of?
 A. Privacy Principle
 B. Confidentiality Principle
 C. Availability Principle
 D. None of the above

 Protecting companies' own information is the
objective of?
 A. Privacy Principle
 B. Confidentiality Principle
 C. Availability Principle
 D. None of the above

 Which of the following statements is false
about confidentiality?

 A.Management must identify which

information is sensitive
 B.Each organization must follow standard
definitions of sensitive information
 C.Organization may include business plan as
one of their sensitive information
 D.All of the above are true
 Which of the following control would prevent
entry of nonexistent customer number in a
sales transaction?
 A. Field Check C. Validity Check
 B. Reasonableness check D. Batch Total

 Which of the following is a control that can be
used to verify the accuracy of information
transmitted over a network?
 A. Completeness check C. Parity bit
 B. Check digit D. Size check

 Which of the following is an example of
processing control?
 A. Input validation C. Check digit
 B. Parity checks D. Field check

 Which of the following is an example of the kind of
batch total call hash total?

 A.the sum of the purchase amount field in a set of

 B.the sum of the purchase order number field in a
set of purchase orders.
 C.the number of completed documents in a set of
purchase orders.
 D.All of the above

 Which of the following provides detailed
procedures to resolve the problems resulting
from flash flood that completely destroys a
company's data center?
 A. backup plan C. business continuity plan
 B. disaster recovery plan D. archive plan


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