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Differentiation Rules
1. d
(c )  0
Differentiation Rules
1. d
(c )  0
Differentiation Rules
2. d du dv
(u  v)  
dx dx dx
Differentiation Rules
2. d du dv
(u  v)  
dx dx dx
Differentiation Rules
2. d du dv
(u  v)  
dx dx dx
Differentiation Rules
3. d du
(cu )  c
dx dx
Differentiation Rules
3. d du
(cu )  c
dx dx
Differentiation Rules
4. d n n 1 for any positive integer n
( x )  nx
Differentiation Rules
4. d n n 1 for any positive integer n
( x )  nx

Binominal Theorem
Differentiation Rules
5. d dv du
(uv)  u  v product rule
dx dx dx
Differentiation Rules
5. d dv du
(uv)  u  v product rule
dx dx dx
Differentiation Rules
6. du dv where v ≠ 0
v u
d u
( )  dx 2 dx quotient rule
dx v v
Differentiation Rules
6. du dv where v ≠ 0
v u
d u
( )  dx 2 dx quotient rule
dx v v
Differentiation Rules
7. d n n 1 for any integer n
( x )  nx
Exercise 13.1
Differentiation of Composite Functions
(A) Composite Functions
If y is a function of u, and u is a function of x,
then y is said to be a composite function of x.
If y = u7 and u = 5x2 + 2x + 3, then y is a
composite function of x. In fact, in this
case, we can write y = (5x2 + 2x + 3)7.
Differentiation of Composite Functions
(B) Differentiation
If y is a differentiation function of u, and u is a
differentiation function of x, then y is said to be a
differentiation function of x and

dy dy du
 
dx du dx chain rule
Differentiation Rules
8. d n n 1
( x )  nx for any rational number n
Exercise 13.2
Differentiation of
Inverse Functions and
Parametric Functions
Differentiation of Inverse Functions
and Parametric Functions
(A) Differentiation of Inverse Functions
Given that y = f(x) is a function of x, if it is
possible to express x as a function of y in the
form x = g(y), then x = g(x) and y = f(x) are
inverse functions of each other.
dy 1 where dx  0
 dy
dx dx
dy e.g x  5y  6

Differentiation of Inverse Functions
and Parametric Functions
(B) Differentiation of Parametric Functions
Parametric equations are in the form x = f(t) and
y = g(t). These equations can be used to describe
parametric functions.
dy dt dx
 where 0
dx dx dt

e.g. x  t  t, y  t  t
2 3
Exercise 13.3
Differentiation of Implicit Functions
When a function between two variables
x and y are represented by an equation
such that x and y are neither the subject
of the equation, then the function is said
to be an implicit function of x and y.

e.g. x  4 x y  3 y  6
5 2 3 4
Differentiation of Implicit Functions
x  4 x y  3 y  6
5 2 3 4

d 3 3 d d 4
5x  4 x
4 2
y y (4 x )  3 y  0

dx dx dx
2 dy 3 dy
5 x  4 x (3 y )  y (8 x)  3(4 y )
4 2 3
dx dx
2 2 dy 3 dy
5 x  12 x y
 8 xy  12 y
dx dx
dy  8 xy  5 x
3 4

dx 12 x y  12 y
2 2 3
Exercise 13.4
Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions
sin 
We have learnt that lim  1,
x 0 

where θ is measured in radians.

(A) Differentiation of sine function

(sin x)  cos x
Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions
(B) Differentiation of cosine function
(cos x)  sin x
Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions
(C) Differentiation of tangent function
(tan x)  sec x

Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions
(D) Differentiation of cotangent function

(cot x)   cos ec x

Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions
(E) Differentiation of sec function

(sec x)  sec x tan x
Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions
(F) Differentiation of cosec function

(cos ecx)   cos ecx cot x
Exercise 14.1
Differentiation of Trigonometric
Functions with Composite Function
or Implicit Function or Parametric
Find of the following.
y cos x  x sin y  0
d d d d
y cos x  cos x y  x sin y  sin y x  0
dx dx dx dx
dy dy
y ( sin x)  cos x  x cos y  sin y  0
dx dx
dy y sin x  sin y

dx cos x  x cos y
Second Derivatives
If y = f ’(x) is a differentiable function of x,
the derivative of y = f ’(x) with respect to x is
called the second derivative of y = f(x) with
respect to x and is denoted by d 2 y or
f ' ' (.xThat
) is 2
, y' '
d y d dy
 ( )
dx dx dx
Exercise 14.2

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