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Review on Parts of Speech and

Elements of language
1. Form: sounds—syllables—words—phrases—
2. Meaning
Part of Speech
(Word Classes)
• Noun
• Verb
• Adjective
• Adverb
• Pronoun
• Preposition
• Conjunction
• Article
• Functions : as Subject or Object in a sentence.
The car is in the garage.
I have a car.
• How to recognize a noun
1. As the subject or object position
2. After Possessive Pronoun such as My book, her bike, his
laptop, your coming etc
3. After Adjective such as scary face, haunted house,
beautiful flowers.
4. After Preposition such as in the house, for the flower, after
the class, at the station, for coming.
5. Prefixes such as –ion, -ment, -er, -ist, -ance, etc
6. Can be pluralized for countable noun---books, shirts

• Common vs Proper Noun

Common Noun: names any one of a group or persons, places,
things, or ideas and is generally not capitalized
Proper Noun: names a particular person, place, thing, or idea, and
is capitalized.
• Countable vs Uncountable Noun
Countable Noun: can be counted 1,2,3,4, etc
can be pluralized by adding –s/es such as books, oranges, flowers
Uncountable Noun: cannot be counted 1, 2,3,4,etc.
cannot be pluralized by adding-s/es such as oil, meat, sand, etc
Meal, something in gass and liquid form, science, diseases
Function as Predicate in sentences
For example :
• She reads a novel.
• They watched a movie last night.
• We are here.
• He was there.
Types of Verbs
• Main Verb or Full Verb
serves as the only verb in the sentences.
Caroline eats pizza.
• Helping Verb
cannot serve as the only verb in the
Caroline will eat pizza.
Caroline will pizza*
Helping Verbs
• Helping verbs include :
 To be
 Modal
 Do/does/did/has/have/had
• In English, Verb is influenced by TIME so there
are TENSES in English.
• There six standard tenses
tenses Examples
Present We go
Past We went
Future We will go
Present Perfect We have gone
Past Perfect We had gone
Future Perfect We will have gone
• Verb is also influenced by the Subject
especially in Present Tense
He drives a car to office every morning.
• Verb is also influenced by Voice (Active or
Mother cooks rice
Rice is cooked by mother
Function : modifying Noun
Most Adjective occurs :
1. Before NOUN: delicious meal, cheap
restaurant, adorable baby
2. Before a LINKING VERB : seem, appear, look,
become, feel, sound, hear, taste.
The camera looks expensive.
The story sounds scary
Functions :
1. Modifying VERB
The car moves slowly.
2. Modifying ADJECTIVE
Very big
3. Modifying ADVERB itself
so slowly
1. Adv of time: in the morning, in the night, in 1977
They moved to London in 2004.

2. Adv of place : in the house, in the class, in Jakarta

My friend lives in Jakarta.

3. Adv of manner: Adj + -ly : quickly, slowly, carefully, honestly

The bus moves so quickly.

4. Adv of frequency: sometimes, always, usually, never, seldom

We always have a meeting every month.

5. Adv of degree: very, so, too, more, much, most.

The car is so expensive
• A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a
• Personal Pronoun:
as subject : I, you, we, they, he, she, it.
as object: me, you, us, them, him, her, it.
• Possessive Pronouns : my, your, our, their, his,
her, its
• Demonstrative Pronouns: this, that, these, those
• a word that connects a noun or a pronoun to some other word
in a sentence—to make a prepositional phrase.
• a function word that typically combines with a noun phrase to
form a phrase which usually expresses a modification or
• Examples of preposition: on, at, in, by, for, from, across,
beside, near, etc
• The conjunction is the part of speech used as a “joiner” for words, phrases,
or clauses in a particular sentence.
• In the English language, conjunctions come in three basic types:
the coordinating conjunctions, the subordinating conjunctions, and
the correlative conjunctions.
• Coordinating conjunction : is to join words, phrases, and clauses together,
which are usually grammatically equal. For example : and, but, or.
• Subordinating conjunction: is used in linking two clauses together.
subordinating conjunctions also describe the relationship between the
dependent clause and the independent clause in the sentence. For examples:
while, when, although, before, if, so that, because.
• Correlative conjunction: simply pairs of conjunctions which are used to
join equal sentence elements together. For examples: either…or,
neither…nor, not only…but also, both….and
• A word to express strong emotion.
• For examples : yeah, ouch, wow, oops, etc.
A group of words with no subject and predicate.
A phrase consists of Headword and Modifier.
Kinds of Phrase
• Noun Phrase (NP)--- headword is NOUN
• Adjective Phrase (AdjP)---- headword is Adj
• Adverb Phrase (AdvP)--- headword is Adv
• Verb Phrase (VP)---headword is VERB.
Noun Phrase
• Headword is NOUN
• Modifier : Adjective
• Examples:
 Blue ocean
 High mountain
 Sunny day
 Happy holiday
Adjective Phrase
• Headword is Adjective
• Modifier: Adv of degree
• Examples:
 Very high
 So clear
 Too far
 More expensive
 Most helpful
Adverb Phrase
• Headword is Adverb
• Modifier is adverb
• Examples :
 So slowly
 Almost there
 Usually here
 Always late
Verb Phrase
• Headword is VERB
• Modifier is Adverb
• Examples:
 Move quickly
 Dance beautifully
 Never come
• A group of words with Subject and Predicate. But a clause
cannot be classified as a sentence.
• Clause is usually accompanied by CONJUNCTION
I will go to London if I have much money.
Noun Clause
• Noun Clause (NCl) : Sub Clause functions as
Adjective Clause
• Adjective Clause (Adj Cl):Sub Clause functions
Adverb Prases
• Adverb Clause (Adv Cl): sub clause functions

An eagle always flies alone…..

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