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IEH4E2 Penyusunan Proposal Ilmiah

( 2 sks)

Minggu 1: Pendahuluan
Deskripsi Perkuliahan

 Membahas tentang metoda penelitian/riset, sitasi dan

penulisan daftar pustaka, serta tata tulis dalam
pembuatan laporan penelitian ilmiah.
 Mahasiswa memilih topik penelitian dan dosen pembina
 Mahasiswa melakukan proses bimbingan dan konsultasi
proposal ilmiahnya minimal 6 kali pada dosen pembina.
 Pada akhir perkuliahan mahasiswa harus melakukan
pengujian proposal ilmiah yang disusunnya dengan
penilai dari Pembina TA1 dan seorang dosen penguji
sebagai reviewer.
Capaian Pembelajaran
 Mampu memahami pengertian dan tahap-tahap penelitian/riset
 Mampu mengaplikasikan tata tulis ilmiah dalam pembuatan
laporan penelitian ilmiah sesuai dengan bidang penelitiannya
 Mampu mengaplikasi teknik sitasi dan penulisan daftar pustaka
 Mampu menyusun proposal tugas akhir
Rule of Conduct

 Behave in class and no handphone use in class

 You must submit every assignment and other requirement on time (check
the timeline)
 You will get E, if you do plagiarism
Sistem Perkuliahan
 Perkuliahan di kelas hanya sampai dengan minggu ke 5
 Minggu ke 1 sd 5 : Perkuliahan tatap muka, pemilihan topik
penelitian, review paper
 Minggu ke 6 sd 12 : Proses bimbingan dengan dosen Pembina
TA1 (minimal 6 kali)
 UTS (mg ke8) : Mengumpulkan bab 1 dan bab 2 ke dosen
 Minggu ke 13 sd 14 : Proses penilaian/review Proposal TA atau
seminar TA1
Materi Perkuliahan
Minggu Materi Tugas
1 Pendahuluan, pengenalan topik TA, 1. Mhsw memilih keprofesian yang sesuai
pemilihan topik TA dengan MK pilihan dan minat TA di sd 25
Agt 2017 (kuota 40 mhsw per keprofesian)
2. Test EPRT
2 Metode penelitian 1. Penentuan pembina oleh KK
2. Review 1 paper
3 Sistematika penulisan Tugas Akhir 1. Mhsw menemui pembina, menentukan judul
TA dan memasukannya melalui link yang
2. Membuat kerangka penulisan Bab 1 dan Bab
4 Sitasi (standar Harvard) 1. SK pembina TA1 diterbitkan, mhsw
memasukan hasil EPRT ke admin FRI
2. Sitasi dan penulisan referensi dari 4 sumber
5 Penulisan makalah ilmiah
Marking System (1)

 Tugas kelas : 20% , terdiri dari

 Tugas 1 : review paper
 Tugas 2 : Kerangka Bab 1 dan Bab 2
 Tugas 3 : sitasi referensi
 Tugas 4 : bab 1 & 2 (UTS)
 Eprt : 10%
 Proposal TA : 70%, dengan komposisi
 Nilai Pembina : 40%
 Nilai Penguji : 30%
Marking System (2)

Nilai Skor Nilai Mata Kuliah

Matakuliah (NSM) (NMK)
80 < NSM A
70 < NSM ≤ 80 AB
65 < NSM ≤ 70 B
60 < NSM ≤ 65 BC
50 < NSM ≤ 60 C
40 < NSM ≤ 50 D
NSM ≤ 40 E

1. Sekaran, Uma, Business Research Methods: Skill Building

Approach, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 6th edition, 2013
2. Thiel, David v., Research Methods for Engineer,
Cambrige University Press, 2014
3. Hofmann, Angelika H, Scientific Writing and
Communication, Oxford University Press, 2010
4. London Imperial College, Citing & Referencing:
Harvard Style, The Library, 2012
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan

A. Selama pengambilan mk penyusunan proposal ilmiah, syarat

kelulusan :
Eprt ≥ 450
TAK ≥ 60
Menghadiri sidang Tugas Akhir mahasiswa lainnya

B. Disarankan untuk TA berkelompok

TUGAS 1 (Review Paper)
 Pilih satu paper dari jurnal/proceeding
internasional/nasional yang sesuai dengan topik TA
yang akan dipilih
 Kriteria penilaian :
Metode pemecahan masalah
Hasil penelitian
 Dikumpulkan pada minggu ke 3
TUGAS 2 (Kerangka Bab 1 dan 2)

 Buatlah kerangka penulisan Bab 1 dan 2 dengan:

 Menuliskan Bab dan sub bab yang direncanakan
 Menuliskan poin-poin yang kan dijelaskan pada setiap sub
 Kriteria penilaian :
Kelengkapan sub bab
Kesesuaian dengan tata tulis ilmiah
 Dikumpulkan pada minggu ke 4
TUGAS 3 (Sitasi dan Referensi)

 Cara penulisan sitasi (menggunakan standar Harvard)

 Pilih empat sumber ilmiah yang sesuai dengan topik TA
yang dipilih
 Buat sitasi atau cuplikan dari referensi-referensi diatas
yang dimasukkan dalam bab 2
 Tuliskan referensi-referensi tersebut dalam daftar
referensi sesuai standar Harvard
 Dikumpulkan pada minggu ke 5
What is it?
Definition of Research

A Systematic and Organized Effort to Investigate a Specific Problem or

Phenomena That Needs a Solution or Explanation
Prime objective: increase knowledge of natural

(Scientific Method)
 Formulate Hypothesis
 Execute Experiment
 Analyze Test Result
 Generalize Hypothesis Theory/Law
(New Knowledge)
 Publish the New Knowledge
Scientific Attitude

“…scientific attitude is a way of looking at the world. It is an attitude that values

craftsmanship, with pride in creativity, high quality standards, and hard
work.” (Neuman, 1994, p. 8).

Grinnell (1987, p. 125):”Many people learns about the “scientific method”

rather than about the scientific attitude. While the “scientific method” is an
ideal construct, the scientific attitude is the way people have of looking at
the world. Doing science includes many methods; what makes them
scientific is their acceptance by the scientific collective.” (Neuman, 1994,
p. 8)
Building Block of Science

Observation of Problem Area

Refinement of theory
(pure research) Theoretical Framework
or or
Implementation Network of Associations
(applied research)

of Data Hypotheses

of data Constructs Concepts
Data Research
Operational definitions
Collection design
Research Characteristics (1)

1. Start With A Definite Aim Or Purposes For The Research
1. Carefulness, Scrupulousness, And The Degree Of Exactitude In Research
2. Required A Good Theoretical Base And Sound Methodological Design
1. Hypotheses Can Be Tested By Applying Certain Statistical Test To The Data
Collected For The Purpose
Research Characteristics (2)

1. To Have Confidence, The Research Is Repeated In Other Similar
Precision And Confidence
1. Precision Reflects The Degree Of Exactitude Of The Result Base On The
2. Precision Reflect To How Close The Finding
3. Confidence Refers To The Probability That Our Estimations Or Testing
Hypothesis Are Correct
Research Characteristics (3)

1. Results Should Be Based On The Facts Resulting From The Actual Data Not
On Our Subjective Or Emotional Value
1. Refers To The Scope Of Applicability Of The Research Finding In One
Organizational Setting To Another Setting
1. Simple
Type of Research(1)

Basic Research Applied Research

1. Curiosity 1. Need/Problem
2. Theory/Explanation 2. Product/Services/Method
3. Neutral 3. Purposive
4. Public Domain 4. Private Domain

Discovery Invention

Basic Research Applied Research

- Curiosity - Need/Problem
- Theory/Explanation - Product/Services/Method
- Neutral - Purposive
- Public Domain - Private Domain

Discovery Invention
Types of Research(2)

 Basic Research
 Add or Contribute to The Body of Knowledge In A Particular Area
 Generate More Knowledge And Understanding of The Phenomena That
Occur And to Build Theory

 Applied Research
 Solve A Problem In The Work Setting
 Take The Decision And Action Properly And Effectively
Research Types
Research Types (1)

 Qualitative
 Natural setting
 Descriptive
 Concern with process rather then outcomes
 Inductive
 Meaning is essential
 Quantitative :
 Concrete/empiric
 Objective
 Systematic
 Measured and rational
Research Types (2)

 Based on the aim:

 Basic research
 Research and development
 Applied research

Basic Research Research and Applied

Development Research

Discovery new Invention, Knowledge/

knowledge development, product
and product application
Research Types (3)

Based on the natural setting:

 Experiment research
 Survey Research
 Natural Research

Basic Research and Applied

Research Development Research

Laboratory Natural Natural

Treatment Treatment No Treatment

Science Industrial Eng.

Object :Natural System Artificial System Integrated System

Output :Theory/Knowledge Product/service Value Added
Performance :Truth Benefit Efficiency
Validity : Absolute Relative Contextual
Start : Curiosity Need/Problem Need/Problem
Profession : Scientist Engineer Engineer/Manager
Basic Engineering Process

Symptom/Need Problem (Incl.Outcome)

Analysis(Incld. Experimentation)

Synthesis of Altv. Solution

Decision ( Best Altv.)

Solution, System, or

Prime objective: use the knowledge to

design and develops usable devices,
structure and processes for better human

Design Process
Identification of Need
Problem Definition
Alternative Solution
Why IE Was Born ?
Industrial Engineering ?

Industrial Engineering Is Concerned With the Design, Improvement,

and Installation of Integrated Systems of People, Material, Information,
Equipment, and Energy. It Draws Upon Specialized Knowledge and Skill
in the Mathematical, Physical, and Social Sciences Together With the
Principles and Methods of Engineering Analysis and Design to Specify,
Predict, and Evaluate the Results to Be Obtained From Such System
Integrated System


Material + Equipment + Information +
Integrated System

1. What is the special characteristics ?

2. What is the components ?
3. What is special form ?
4. What is Output ?
5. What is the performance criteria ?
Integrated Approach

Memandang Sesuatu Secara Menyeluruh Dan Komprehensif Tidak Bersifat


Systemic Approach


Expectation Reality
Objective Achievement
How To Get The Solution?
Common Sense? Use&Choose

Model Standard? Formulate

New Alternatives Build New Model Simulation


Model Building Process

Analyses of System
Modeler •Problem Formulation Real System
•Components Model

Model Formulation


Valid ?
Analysis of System

 Formulate the Problem

 Determine Performance Criteria
 Identification of Components Model
 Decision Variable
 Constraints
 Parameter
 Logical Relationship
Model Formulation

Determine the relationship among performance criteria, variables, parameters

and constraints

Objective function : V = f ( Xi, Yi, Ai )

Constraints : f ( Xi, Yi, Ai ) < Bi

 Value of Decision Variable

 Input For Decision Making

Feasible Best Optimal

(Simulation) (Heuristic) (Analytic)


Decision Criteria

Solution + Judgment

Scientific Art
Basic Knowledge And Tool

Basic knowledge
Physical Phenomena
Social Science
Method and Engineering Analysis
Systemic and Integrated
What IE Has To Do?

1. Problem Identification
2. Generate Alternatives
3. Know the Standard Models
4. Decide Performance Criteria
5. Choose the Best Solution
6. Make Decision
7. Anticipate Managerial Implication
8. Action
Impact of Operations Research

The development of industrial engineering has been greatly influenced by the

impact of an analysis approach called operations research.

This approach originated in England and the United States during 2nd World
War and was aimed at solving difficult war-related problems through the use
of science, mathematics, behavioral science, probability theory, and statistics.
Impact of Digital Computers

Digital computers permit the rapid and accurate

handling of vast quantities of data, thereby permitting
the IE to design systems for effectively managing and
controlling large, complex operations.

The digital computer also permits the IE to construct

computer simulation models of manufacturing facilities
and the like in order to evaluate the effectiveness of
alternative facility configurations, different management
policies, and other management considerations.
Emergence of Service Industries

In the early days of the industrial engineering profession, IE practice

was applied almost fully in manufacturing organizations. After the
2nd World War there was a growing awareness that the principles
and techniques of IE were also applicable in non-manufacturing

Thousands of Industrial Engineers are employed by government

organizations to increase efficiency, reduce paperwork, design
computerized management control systems, implement project
management techniques, monitor the quality and reliability of
vendor-supplied purchases, and for many other functions
Examples of IE Final Project
Examples of IE Final Project

1. Noise reduction of a wet/dry vacuum cleaner

2. Redesign of puck-stop toggle mechanism
3. Redesign of Coin and Card-Public Phone by using Design For Assembly
4. Design of inventory control system by using probabilistic methods

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