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American with disabilities act

What is the American with disabilities act?

 Was established in1990.

 Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
 Disabled people have same opportunities as everyone else.

 Must meet the requirements to get hired.

 Must have education, employment experience, skills, etc.
 Must be able to perform the essential functions of the job.
 An employer can’t refuse to hire you
 The employer can’t ask if you’re disabled.
 The employer can’t ask for a medical examination
Title II of the Americans with disabilities act

 Applies to state and local government

 Protects disabled people from discrimination
 Protected in places like:
 Police stations
 fire stations
 Schools
 Courts, etc
Disabilities covered by ADA and Title II

 Cancer
 Diabetes
 Epilepsy
 Cerebral Palsy
 Hearing or speech impairments
 Heart disease
What is Assistive Technology?

 A piece of equipment that helps a disabled person

 Helps perform a task that is difficult.
 Wheelchairs.
 Walkers.
 Braces.
 Electronic devises.
 hearing aids, etc.
Assistive technology
Assistive Technology

Helps with:
 Speaking, walking, typing, writing, seeing, hearing learning.
 Using AT, students can be successful in schools.
How captioning adds accessibilities to
YouTube videos

 Captions are text versions of videos

 Used for people who are deaf or blind.
 Helps people not fluent in the language of audio
 Captions can be ether closed or open.
 Closed caption is turned on or off
 Open caption is always visible
 Can be used in noisy environments.
What is “alt” tag?

 Used by blind people.

 Tells them what Is on the image.
 Describes the function of the image.
 Each image should have an alt text.
Why blinking/flashing content should
be avoided?

 it can trigger a seizure.

 Can be distracting.
 Can prevent people from concentrating on the information.
Crx Mouse

 Designed to speed up browsing.

 Allows you to program your own gestures.
 Includes forward, backwards, scrolling , refreshing, switching tabs.
 Individuals with disabilities can create various gestures.

 Technology used to send signals on a computer or wheelchair.

 Inhaling and exhaling through a tube.
 Used by people who cant use their hands.
Ghotit technology

 Provides spelling and grammar checks for texts.

 Accessible for people with dyslexia.
 Helps with reading and writing.
Students with disabilities 2017-2018





learning disabilities blind deaf hearing impaired autism

ADA Accessible hyperlink

title II


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