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1. The Learning is based on the competency to
equip completely to the learners that includes
aspects of attitude, knowledge and skills
2. The Learning is based production is learning
in emphasize on albumen the results of
learning in the form of goods and services
3. PRAKERIN is the implementation of
reducation that blends as a whole and
4. Methods implemented in order to improve
the quality of middle to vocational school

5. To reach relevansi between

education to the needs of labor
1. TheBenefits For Industry
a.The company can know the quality of the
PRAKERIN who learned and work in the
b.Give satisfaction for business industry
because recognized participated derermine of
emotion front of the nation through
c.The company can gave the task to participants
PRAKERIN for the sake of company as
competence and ability owned
2. The Benefits For School

a. To give the expertise professional for students

b.Give satisfoction for the implementation of

education school graduation more tarred

c. Gained packed usefull

3. The Benefits For Students

a. More meaningful because after graduating from

will really had the expertise professional

b. To improve standard his life life and to the

development of gourself

c. To remove the pride and sense of confidence

1. Produces workes who have professional

2. Strengthening linkages and equivalence

relations between SMK and industry

3. Improve the effiency of the education and

training of qualified manpower professional

4. Give recognition and appreciation for work

experience as part of the educational process
15 February 2016 To May 2016

The Place
Central Statistick Agency (BPS) Street
Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Input data for the economic census resuits in frasfer to the
center so that the indonesian citizen looking for economic data
can be quickly found to be easy.
1.Sometimes job given I do not understand

2. Semotime there are not job

Prakerin activity is very beneficial for the
students especially SMK3 WATAMPONE country
due to their activity in the demand for student
PRAKERIN have independent attitude and able to
interact with others.
The school in order to monitor the
activities of students who are
conducting on intensive PRAKERIN
so that any difficulties that arise can be
solved together.

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