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Manoj Kumar Gudala

Oruganti Doraswami
Subhrajit Podder
S.M. Afsar
P.V Balaji
Gopi Chowdary
• With the coming of the Industrial Revolution, humans were able to
advance further into the 21st century. Technology developed rapidly,
science became advanced and the manufacturing age came into view.
• With all of these came one more effect, industrial pollution. But when
these factories became full scale industries and manufacturing units,
the issue of industrial pollution started to take on more importance.
• Any form of pollution that can trace its immediate source to industrial
practices is known as industrial pollution. Most of the pollution on
the planet can be traced back to industries of some kind
Causes of Industrial Pollution
1. Lack of Policies to
Control Pollution

2. Unplanned Industrial
5. Inefficient Waste Growth of Policies to
Disposal Control Pollution

4. Presence of Large 3. Use of Outdated

Number of Small Scale Technologies
Effects of Industrial Pollution
• Water Pollution:Water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in
the quality of water that has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks or
uses or lives in it. When humans drink polluted water it often has serious effects
on their health. Water pollution can also make water unsuited for the desired
• Soil Pollution:Soil pollution as part of land degradation is caused by the presence
of human-made chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment.
• Air Pollution:Air pollution means the presence of chemicals or compounds in
the air which are usually not present and which lower the quality of the air or
cause detrimental changes to the quality of life (such as the damaging of the
ozone layer or causing global warming).
• Global Warming: With the rise in industrial pollution, global warming has been
increasing at a steady pace. Smoke and greenhouse gases are being released by
industries into the air which causes increase in global warming
How to Control Industrial Pollution
• 1. Read labels and reject products.
• 2 .Reject companies and products.
• 3 .Investigate where a company's plants are located.
• 4 .Read reports from environmental groups.
• 5 .Plantation.
Initiatives taken by Indian Govt.
• Introduction of cleaner / alternate fuels like gaseous fuel (CNG, LPG
etc.), ethanol blend etc.
• Air Quality Index
• Solid Waste Management
• E-Waste Management
• Namaami Ganga
• Footsteps should be taken to treat the waste products from industries
properly. i.e. they should be able to treat the chemical materials in a
eco friendly way.
• Recycling should be done and production facilities should be checked
at proper intervals.
• Industrial laws should be abided and followed.
• Industrial standards of machinery and technology should be strictly

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