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and Protein
Hope Arana & Najae Reynolds
Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is one of the
two kinds of nucleic acids (along with RNA) Structural characteristics of DNA:
that is found in the nucleus of the cell. It is
constructed of nucleotides that consist of ● The molecule consists of two strands
four bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, or that have crossbars. The strands twist
thymine), deoxyribose, and a phosphate around each other to form a double
group. In the nucleotides, genetic helix.
information can be found. ● The uprights, or strands, of the DNA
ladder consist of alternating
★ DNA Fun Fact: Every human being phosphate groups and the
shares 99% of their DNA with every deoxyribose portions of the
other human. nucleotides.
● The rungs of the ladder contain paired
In the human body, our DNA holds our nitrogenous bases, which are held
genes, which determine which traits we together by hydrogen bonds. Adenine
inherit, such as our hair and eye color. Genes always pairs with thymine, and
also control all the activities that take place cytosine always pairs with guanine.
in our cells throughout a lifetime.

Ribonucleic acid, or RNA, is a copied from a

specific region of DNA (making it single There are three types of RNA:
stranded unlike DNA) and its purpose is to
synthesise a protein. It is constructed by ● Messenger RNA- directs synthesis to
nucleotides that consists of four bases: the protein
cytosine, guanine, thymine, uracil. ● Ribosomal RNA- joins the ribosomal
proteins to make ribosomes
★ Fun fact: About 5% of the weight ● Transfer RNA -binds to an amino acid
of a human cell is RNA. and holds it place with the ribosome to
make a protein during translation
In the human body, RNA carries out the
instructions encoded in DNA for protein

Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is the The energy-transferring reaction occurs

“energy currency”of living organisms. ATP when there is an addition of a water
transfers energy from energy-releasing to molecule liberates energy, removing the
energy-requiring reactions reactions that phosphate group leaving over the molecule
maintain cellular activities adenosine diphosphate or ADP

Structurally ATP consists of three

phosphate groups attached to adenosine, ★ Fun fact: ATP is required for the
which is composed of adenine and ribose. biochemical reactions involved in
any muscle contraction.
Protein Synthesis
Protein Synthesis starts with DNA and RNA. In
DNA, there are genes that provide instructions
for making proteins. In order to synthesis a
protein, the information contained in a specific
region of DNA is first transcribed, or copied, to
make a specific molecule of RNA. The RNA
attaches itself to a ribosome, where the
information contained in the RNA is translated
into a corresponding specific sequence of
amino acids to form a new protein molecule.

★ Fun fact: Protein synthesis progresses at

a rate of about 15 amino acids per

In the human body, the proteins that are made

during protein synthesis determine the
physical and chemical characteristics of cells
and, on a larger scale, of organisms.

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