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Gita Ayu Asmarani NIM :

Sonia Laila M NIM :
Agustinus Yosgi K NIM :
Function Of Respiratory System
1. Take the O2 from outside goes into the body, circulating in the
blood. Next occur the combustion process in cells or tissues.
2. Removing the CO2 that is happening from the rest of the rest
of the burning results brought by the blood that comes from
the cell (network). Next released through the respiratory
3. To protect the surface from lack of fluids and change the body
4. For the establishment of communication like talking, singing,
shouting, and produces sound.
Anatomy and Histology
• Nose (nasal) is an
organ that
functions as a
means of
(respiration) and
olfactory senses
The parts of the nose:
1) Rod nose: the front wall of the nose are formed by the
ossa nasalis.
2) the tip of the nose: the lower part of the lateral wall of
the nose are shaped by cartilage.
3) Septum nasi: the walls that limit the two nasal
4) the lateral wall of the nasal cavity (cavity rice).
The Function Of The Nose
The function of the nose in the respiratory process
1) Air warmed by the surface, konka and septum nasalis
after passing through the pharynx, the temperature was
approximately 36 ᵒ C
2) Air moisturized. A large amount of air passing through
the nose when you reach the pharynx moisturizing more
or less 75%
3) smell. On the regular breathing, respiratory 5-10% air
through a slit olfaktori. In a breath of air with loud, 20%
of respiratory air via the olfaktori gap.
The pharynx (throat) is a muscular membrane channels perpendicular to its
position between the cervical vertebrae and kranii base VI.
The pharyngeal area is divided into three parts:
1) Nasopharynx
The lateral wall of the nasopharynx are two holes:
a) Osteum pharynx. Between the nasopharynx oropharynx with bounded by
faringis, a narrowing of the istmus pharynx formed by cranial surface of the
palate, mole, arkus faringeopalantinus, the back wall of the nasopharynx and
oropharynx with.
b) medial Aperture (tuba faringeotimpanika eustachii), on the lateral wall
there is a bony, which look like the folds into the lumen of the pharynx
2) the oropharynx, had two relationships:
a) Ventral cavity with oris, istmus limits through fausium.
Consists of palate mole, glosopalatinus deksta,
glosopalatinus sinistra, arkus and dorsum of the lingua.
b) Kaudal against radiks lingua, there is a hole that is the
boundary between the larynx and pharynx, there is a
crease between the pharynx and Epiglottis which is the
boundary between the oral and pharyngeal.
3) Laringofaring, has a relationship with the larynx via
the laryngeal aditus i.e. mouth laringues.
Voice vocal folds have a high elasticity and can produce a
sound that is produced by the vocal cords. Factors that
determine a peak frequency of the sound and production
depends on the length and tension of the strain that
evokes the frequency and vibration are produced.
The larynx (the base of the throat) is a network of cartilage
which is equipped with a membrane, muscle, connective
tissue, and ligament.
The Structure Of The Larynx
Laryngeal framework consists of:
1) Cartilage consists of two tiroidea:
2) krikoidea: Cartilage ring-shaped ventral part is narrow,
wide arkus is lamina
3) aritenoidea: a pair of Cartilage shaped like a triangle with
the apex on the cranial
4) epiglotika: Cartilage shaped tapered kaudal called
5) Os hioid and kartilaines:
a) Corpus ossis hioid
b) Kornuminus: three small bone protrusion narrowing to
kranialis bone dipertengahan
c) Kornumayus: the back bone that start from the lateral
portion of the corpus hioid
The Function Of The Larynx
Vocalizations are speaking involve the respiratory system
include special arrangements to talk.
The trachea is the tube-shaped pipes like the letter C
formed by bone-enhanced cartilage by membranes, a
passer-by and the length is about the diameter of 2, 5
• The Structure Of The Trachea
The trachea branches into two bronchi left and right.
The trachea is formed by the bones of a ring-shaped
cartilage is composed of 15-20 ring. The inside of the
trachea lies the septum is called karina, located a bit
kekiri of median field. The inside of the trachea lies the
cells contain lia is useful for removing foreign objects that
The Function Of The Trachea
Cartilage between kartila and eksofagus lapisannya
turned into elastic so as to pave the way of food and the
food goes into the stomach. Nerve stimulation
sympathetic dystrophy widen the diameter of the trachea
and large volume when changing the occurrence of
respiratory process
A continuation of the trachea bronchi bronchial prinsipalis
consists of two parts:
1) Bronchial prinsipalis dekstra: length is about 2, 5 cm
go into right pulmonary hilar pulmolanis, branch out
bronchial lubarus superior.
2) Bronchial prinsipalis sinistra: narrower and longer and
more horizontal than bronchial dekstra length is about 5
cm, go to hilar pulmonalis, branched into two (the
superior and inferior lobaris bronchi). Bronchial lobaris is
a smaller branch of the bronchi.
Pulmo is one of the organs of the
respiratory system that sits
inside the pouch formed by the
parietal pleura and pleural
viseralis. Pulmonary grayish blue
and speckled because dust
particles which enter the
passage by phagocytes.
Broncho pulmonari segment is an area that is managed by the branches of the
The right lung has 10 segments:
1) superior Lobe apical segment: the superior and anterior
2) Lobe lateral segment and medius: medial
3) inferior Lobe superior segment, medio: basalt, basalt, antero later basalt, basalt
Left lung consists of 8 segments:
1) superior Lobe posterior segment: apiko, anterior, superior and inferior
2) inferior Lobe superior segment: anteriomediobasal, lateralbasal, laterobasal
The pleura is the membrane smooth serosa, forming a pouch lung spots are.
Pleural has two laipsan:
1) parietal Pleura: a layer that is directly related to the lungs and enters the visura
pulmonary lobe-lobe, separate from the lung.
2) Pleural effusions: viseralis associated with endotorasika, vasia is a surface in
the wall of the thoracic.
C. Ventilation
Pulmonary ventilation system is continuously updating the air in the areas of
pulmonary gas exchange, when the air and lungs to each other.
Mechanical ventilation for respiratory airflow started in the lung had to be coined by
the fall in pressure in the alveoli involves elastitas, complaint, pressure and gravity.
1) Elastilitas: the return of the original form after the change because of the strength
of the outside.
2) Complaints: the ability of the lung to inflate
Complain =
Pulmonary complaints total is 0.131 L/cm
3) pressure: air that captured the way breath is a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen
(99.5%) and a small amount of carbon dioxide and water vapor 0.5%.
4) Gravity is due to the large number of perukaran: air that occurs on the top of the
lung than pulmonary base.
D. Physical Principles Of Gas
After the alveoli air exchanged with fresh air, the next step is the
diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood and carbon
dioxide diffusion from the blood into the alveoli of the lungs.
For the occurrence of diffusion should be no source of energy that
was held by the kinetic movement of the molecule itself so all the
molecules in any circumstances continuously experiencing some
kind of movement, to the free molecule are not physically attached
to one another means of linear movement of molecules at high
speeds until you met with another molecule by means of this fast
moving molecules among one another.
E. Oxygen and Carbon
External respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between
the lung and pulmonary blood capillaries. During inspiration, atmospheric air
contains oxygen entering the alveoli. Deoxygenated blood is pumped from the
right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to the pulmonary capillaries that
surround the alveoli. PO2 alveolar 105 mmHg, oxygenated pO2 blood entering
the pulmonary capillary is only 40 mmHg. As a result of these pressure
differences, oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into deoxygenated blood until the
balance is reached, and the deoxygenated blood pO2 is now 105 mmHg.
When diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into deoxygenated blood, carbon
dioxide diffuses in the opposite direction. Up to the lung, pCO2 is
deoxygenated blood 46 mmHg, alveoli is 40 mmHg. Because of the difference
in pCO2, carbon dioxide diffuses from deoxygenated blood into the alveoli
until pCO2 drops to 40 mmHg. Thus pO2 and pCO2 deoxygenated blood which
leave the lung are the same as air in the alveolar. The carbon dioxide which
diffuses into the alveoli is exhaled out of the lungs during expiration.
When diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into
deoxygenated blood, carbon dioxide diffuses in the
opposite direction. Up to the lung, pCO2 is deoxygenated
blood 46 mmHg, alveoli is 40 mmHg. Because of the
difference in pCO2, carbon dioxide diffuses from
deoxygenated blood into the alveoli until pCO2 drops to
40 mmHg. Thus pO2 and pCO2 deoxygenated blood
which leave the lung are the same as air in the alveolar.
The carbon dioxide which diffuses into the alveoli is
exhaled out of the lungs during expiration.
Transport of Carbon Dioxide in
the Form of Bicarbonate Ions
 The reaction of carbon dioxide with water in red blood cells
Carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood reacts with water to form
carbonic acid. This reaction occurs very slowly and is not
important if there is no protein enzyme in the red blood cell called
carbonic anhydrase, which functions to catalyze the reaction of
carbon dioxide with water and accelerate this reaction 5000 times.
Therefore, in contrast to reactions in plasma that require seconds
or minutes, then in the red blood cell this reaction occurs so fast
that it reaches an almost perfect balance in a split second. This
allows large amounts of carbon dioxide to react with the red blood
cell fluid even before the blood leaves the capillary tissue.

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