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The Stoat


1. Annotate examples of violence 3. The father’s response is interesting –

in paragraphs 1-3/ what is the hurt + pessimism. How does the
narrator’s father doing? Make nature of an advert makes the search
notes on the mood. Note the cold? The phrase ‘the woe that is
father’s reactions to his son’s tale marriage’ sums up the tone of this
story. The response suggests there are
2. Note the son’s retort. Comment
a lot of lonely people. Comment on
on the effect of ‘counter thrust’.
the father’s reaction to the
The tone of the exchange
respondents. Note the details on the
between father and son is polite
but lacks warmth. Is there
evidence for this?/ Underline key 4. There is a cruelty to the ridiculing
words and phrases about the attitude of the uncle. Find evidence.
study. Comment on the Note the uncle’s offer and the
reference to emotions at the narrator’s feelings. The tone at the
bottom of p.2 (note the change bottom is nihilistic. Looking back, can
in time) you find lots more examples of this.
Analysis notes

 2. there is a detachment in the

discussion between the father and
the son that the author signals by
selecting the sons profession to be
a medical one like a doctor this
allows him to examine it with
clinical ease and perfection

5. The narrator’s feelings about his 7. The dialogue is terribly cold. Underline
father courting are cold. His examples. The reference to the uncle
philosophical response (‘Who was and his comment is interesting. Note the
he…’) is correct but does not seem cyclical structure and the way violence
right. Comment on this. Find more opens and closes this story.
examples of nihilistic comment. Note
the return to the violent beginning and
its link to the evening ahead
6. How is Miss McCabe’s comment
thoughtless? The conversation about
money is tense. Find evidence. Note the
narrator’s sad response to the evening’s
events. Like the beginning the heart
attack is unexpected. The father’s
feelings about Miss McCabe are terribly
harsh as well as his plans. Note them
and how they are tragically contrasting
to Miss McCabe’s. What is the reason
for linking the father to the stoat?
More analysis notes
Further analysis

1. The story portrays dysfunctional or conflictual relationships. Look again at them and
annotate negative words and phrases – father + son, father + uncle, father + Miss
2. The narrator is a medical student. Find evidence of his clinical world view. His
perspective on life, people and relationships is logical but profoundly unsatisfying.
Find evidence
3. The lexical choices are clever at creating the nihilistic mood. Note the ‘uncle’s
mordant voice’. Find lots of other examples
4. How does the episode of the rabbit and stoat both frame the story and create a
dark mood, exploring themes of survival, selfishness and a lack of compassion or
5. What does the motif of running link the animal world and the human world? What
does it suggest about existence?
6. The idea of plans and dreams is contrasted against the unexpected heart attack.
What does this suggest about life? Is this a healthy perspective to hold?
7. It is difficult to reconcile the allegory with the human narrative. But this is perhaps
the point. Can you explain why?
Further analysis notes

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