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Sensitivity to Change

When a small change in x produces a large change in the

value of a function f(x), we say that the function is relatively
sensitive to changes in x. The derivative f’(x) is a measure of
this sensitivity.
Derivatives in Economics
Economists have a specialized vocabulary for rates of change and
derivatives. They call them marginals. In a manufacturing operation,
the cost of production c(x) is a function of x, the number of units
produced. The marginal cost of production is the rate of change of
cost with respect to the level of production, so it is .
Sometimes the marginal cost of production is loosely defined to be
the extra cost of producing one more unit.
Basic Vocabulary
 x is # of units produced or sold
 P is the price per unit
 R is the total revenue from selling x units R = xP
 C is the total cost of producing x units
 C is the average cost per unit C ( x)
 P is the total profit from selling x units
P = R - C ( need to read P in context)
 The break-even point is the number of units for which
 Marginal Revenue (extra revenue from selling one additional item.)
 Marginal Cost (extra cost of producing one additional item.)
 Marginal Profit (extra profit from selling one additional item.)
Connection to Derivatives
 Let C(x) represent the dollars needed to produce x
tons of steel in one week.
 To produce h additional tons it would cost C(x+h)
 The average cost of producing each additional ton
would be

C ( x  h)  C ( x) C ( x  h)  C ( x)

( x  h)  x h
Marginal Cost
 The limit as h approaches zero is the marginal cost of
producing more steel per week when the current
production level is x tons

dC C ( x  h)  C ( x )
 lim
dx h0 h
Marginal Cost
 Marginal Cost is sometimes defined to be the cost of
producing one additional item
C ( x  1)  C ( x)

 For large values of x ,

 C ( x  1)  C ( x)
Example Derivatives in Economics
Suppose that the dollar cost of producing x washing machines
is c  x   2000  100 x  0.1x 2 .
Find the marginal cost of producing 100 washing machines.

The marginal cost is c  x  
 2000  100 x  0.1x 2  100  0.2 x

The marginal cost of producing 100 machines is 100  0.2 100   $80

The actual cost of producing one more machine is found by

computing C(101) – C(100).
What is that value?
Find the average cost per unit and the marginal
cost when 1,000 units are produced if the cost function
C ( x)  8300  3.25 x  40 3 x
The total cost of producing and selling n units of
a certain commodity per week is given by
C (n)  1000 
Find the average cost and marginal cost when
800 units are produced.
P( x)  20  4 x  , x0
P(x) is the price of a single item when x items are
Manufactured. Find the Revenue function and the
Marginal revenue function.

When is the Revenue increasing?

For what x is the marginal revenue a maximum?

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