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Module 9:

Arrays and Points

CS100 – Lecture # 18-21

Fall 2016

Goals of this Lecture

1. Arrays

2. Pointers

3. Pass by value

4. Pass by reference.

Readings & Quiz
• Chapter 6 (Units: 6.1-6.3)

Introducing Arrays
• An array is used to process a collection of data
of the exact same type

• Need for arrays:

• Storing ages of all students in the class
• How would you name all the variables?

• How would you remember the names of each variable?

• How would you process each of the variables?

So how to declare an array?
• Remember:
• int a = 0;

• To declare an array, we simply write ‘a’ with ‘[X]’:

• int a[5] = {1, 3, 3, 7, 999};

• The value in brackets is called

• A subscript
• An index

Two important points
• Arrays can be accessed by indices that start from 0
• So a[0] will in fact provide you with the first element of the

• So, Nth element has position N-1

• However, array length is ‘N’

• Hence:
• The largest index is one less than the size
• The first index value is zero
How is an
array stored
in memory?

Using Arrays in programs
• An indexed variable can be used anywhere as an
ordinary variable of the type

• a[0] is treated as an integer variable

• It can be used any where in your program!

A bit on the index
• a[3] is one of the indexed variables

• The value in the [ ]'s can also be an expression

• BUT, it should evaluates to an integer

• Any integer?
• No, an integer in the range 0 to (size -1)

So let’s play with the index

• for-loops are commonly used to step through

First index is 0 Last index is (size – 1)

• Example: for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)

cout << score[i] << " off by "
<< (max – score[i]) << endl;
could display the difference between each score and the
maximum score stored in an array

What if we overshoot an array?
• A common error is using a nonexistent index
• Index values for int a[6] are the values 0 through 5

• An index value not allowed by the array declaration is

out of range

• Using an out of range index value does not produce an

error message!

• If an array is declared as: int a[6];

and an integer is declared as: int i = 7;

• Executing the statement a[i] = 238; causes…

• The computer to calculate the address of the illegal a[7]
• (This address could be where some other variable is stored)
• The value 238 is stored at the address calculated for a[7]
• No warning is given!

Initializing Arrays
• int scores[3] = { 2, 12, 1 };

Is equivalent to:

int scores [3];
scores [0] = 2;
scores [1] = 12;
scores [2] = 1;

An other initialization
• int a[10] = {5, 5};

initializes a[0] and a[1] to 5 and

a[2] through a[9] to 0!

Class Fun!
• Filling an array
• Copying an array
• Sum and average value of an array
• Minimum and maximum values
• Linear search of a given element in an array
• Adding an element
• Removing an element
• Swapping an element

Filling an array

Slide 7- 16
Copying an array

Slide 7- 17
Sum and average value of an array

Slide 7- 18
Minimum and maximum values

Slide 7- 19
Linear search of a given element
in an array

Slide 7- 20
Adding an element

Slide 7- 21
Removing an element

Slide 7- 22
• Develop an algorithm for finding the most frequently occurring value in an array of numbers?
• A run is a sequence of adjacent repeated values. Give pseudocode for computing the length of the
longest run in an array. For example, the longest run in the array with elements
12553124322223655631 has length 4.
• Write a function reverse that reverses the sequence of elements in an array. For example, if
reverse is called with an array containing
1 4 9 16 9 7 4 9 11
then the array is changed to
11 9 4 7 9 16 9 4 1
• Magic squares. An n × n matrix that is filled with the numbers 1, 2, 3, . . ., n2 is a magic square if
the sum of the elements in each row, in each column, and in the two diagonals is the same value.
4 15 14 1
9 6 7 12
5 10 11 8
16 3 2 13
• Write a program that reads in 16 values from the keyboard and tests whether they form a magic
square when put into a 4 × 4 array. You need to test two features:
1. Does each of the numbers 1, 2, ..., 16 occur in the user input?
2. When the numbers are put into a square, are the sums of the rows, columns, and diagonals
equal to each other?
Up next!
• Streams - Reading and Writing text Files

• Structures


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