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Group 14
Rhizky Shasqia Putri Nur 11020160091
Andi Bagaskara Sudirman 11020160094
Ratu Sri Bestari 11020160104
Achmad Imron 11020160114
Andi Suryanti Tenri Rawe 11020160124
Siti Aerisia Dewi Fortuna Lestari 11020160140
Andi Indah Khairunnisa 11020160134
Ratri Ayu Imran 11020160144
Miftahuljannah Ali 11020160154
Atmaraya Abdullah 11020160174


A baby boy, newly born on February 1, 2019 with a birth weight of 1500 gram l
ength of 45 cm. Mother's First Day of Last Period (HPHT) on June 8, 2018. On
examination of the axillary temperature, the baby's temperature is 36.20C. Fro
m history of the work of the mother and husband is only day laborers History of
the mother during pregnancy and childbirth with a nutritional status of 160 heig
ht and weight body of 40 grams.
• A baby boy
• Newly born on February 1, 2019 with a birth weight of 1500 gram
length of 45 cm.
• Mother's First Day of Last Period (HPHT) on June 8, 2018.
• On examination of the axillary temperature, the baby's temperatur
e is 36.20C.
• From history of the work of the mother and husband is only day la
borers History of the mother during pregnancy and childbirth with
a nutritional status of 160 height and weight body of 40 grams.
1. How are the characteristic of the low birth weight ?
2. What the Clasisification of the low birth weight ?
3. What the cause of the low birth weight ?
4. What the relation between Maternal and Nutrition ?
5. How the tret and preventif of the low birth weight ?
6. Explain the complication of the low birth weight ?
7. What is the moeslim perspektif of the scenario ?
Physiology Of Fetal Development
• Embrio will develop from the age of 3 weeks of the product
s of conception.
• In the clinic at 4 weeks of gestational age with ultrasound
will appear as gestational sac size of 1 cm, the embryo has
not looked.
• In the sixth week of the last menstrual-age conceptions-size
d 5mm four-week embryo, gestational sac size of 2-3cm. Lo
oks ultrasound heart rate.
• At the end of the eighth week of gestation, six weeks of ag
e sized embryos of 22-24mm, which would seem a relativel
y large head and a bulge fingers.
Gestational age Organs
6 The formation of the nose, chin, palate and lung bulge. The fingers have been formed, but still cl
utched. Heart already fully formed.

7 Eye appears on the front. Formation of eyebrows and tongue.

8 Similar human form. began the formation of the external genitalia. Circulation through the umbi
lical cord begins. Bone begins to form.

9 Great half the fetal head, formed 'face' of the fetus; eyelid formed but it will not open sampaii 28
13-16 The fetus measuring 15 cm. This is the beginning of the 2nd trimester. Fetal skin was transparen
t, had begun to grow lanugo (fine hair on the fetus). The fetus moves on, that suck and swallow
amniotic fluid. Has formed meconium (feces) in the gut. The heart beats 120-150x / min.
Gestational age Organs
17-24 Components eyes fully developed, also fingerprints. The whole body covered by vernix caseosa
(fat). The fetus has a reflex.

25-28 This time is called the beginning of the 3rd trimester. Where there is rapid brain development. T
he nervous system controls the movement and function of the body, the eyes have been opened.
The survival of this very difficult period when born.
29-32 When a baby is born, it is possible to live (50-70%). The bones have been perfect, breathing mo
vements have been regular, relatively stable temperature.

33-36 Fetal weight 1500-2500 grams. Fetal skin fur (lanugo) begin to decrease, at 35 weeks of pulmon
ary already mature / fetus can live without difficulty.

38-40 Since the 38th week of pregnancy are called full term, where the baby will include the entire ute
rus. The waters began to decrease, but still within normal limits.
How are the characteristic of the low birth weight ?

•Characteristic features baby born normal :

•Weight body 2500-4000 grams
•Long body 48-52 cm
•Circumference chest 30-38 cm
•Circumference head 33-35 cm
•Frequency heart 120-160 times per minute
•Respiratory ± 40-60 times per minute
•Skin baby new born visible redness and slippery because network sub cutaneous enough
•Hair lanugo not visible, hair head usually visible perfect
•Nail rather long and limp
•genitalia: for female labia labia already cover labia minora and for man testicular already down
to scrotum
•Reflex suction and swallow already well
•Reflex morrow or movement hug when shocked already well
•Reflex graps or menggengam already well
•Have elimination that well, meconium for baby that new born will Exit 24 hours first and
colored black brown,

Source : Introduction lecture ObstetricsProf. dr. IBGManuaba, Sp.OG (K),et al, 2007. Jakarta: EGC
How are the characteristic of the low birth weight ?

Low birth weight (LBW, birth weight<2500g) is a signific
ant health problem in children all around the World (Abdeazdan
Low birth weight (LBW) is defined as a birth weight of
less than 2500 g (up to and including 2499 g), as per the Wo
rld Health Organization (WHO). Low birth weight is further ca
tegorized into very low birth weight (VLBW, <1500 g) and ex
tremely low birth weight (ELBW, <1000 g) (Cutland, 2017).
Abdeyazdan, Z. (2017). A Comparative study on growth pattern of Low Birth Weight. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 106.
Cutland, C. L. (2017). Low birth weight: Case definition & guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation of maternal immunization safety data. E
lsevier Sponsored Documents.
• High Birth Weight (HBW) = > 4200 Gram
• Normal Birth Weight (NBW) = 2500 – 4200 Gram
• Low Birth Weight (LBW) = 1500 – 2500 Gram
• Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) = 1000 – 1500 Gram
• Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW) = < 1000 Gram

Boeri, L. (2016). Low Birth Weight Is Associated with a Decreased Overall Adult Health Status and Reproductive Capability ± Results
of a Cross- Sectional Study in Primary Infertile Patients. PLOS ONE, 14.
Nejad, N. H. (2014). The Incidence of Low Birth Weight (LBW) and Small- for- Gestational Age (SGA) and its Related Factors in
Neonates, Sabzevar, Iran. International Journal of Pediatrics, 74.
What the cause of the low birth weight ?

Etiological factors -add tobacco use (tobacco, chewing tobacco consumption, and tobacco for t
herapeutic use)
-lack of calorie intake
-low weight before pregnancy
-sex fetus
-short body
-previous LBW history
-general morbidity rates
-environmental risk factors such as lead exposure
-types of air pollution

that contribute to the incidence of spent bodies

What the relation between Maternal and Nutrition ?

Relationship of nutritional status of mothers with low birth weight

• Maternal nutritional status affects fetal growth & development.
• Mothers with poor nutritional status will cause the fetus to experience impair
ed placental growth and function.
• Malnutrition in the mother will reduce the expansion of blood volume which r
esults in inadequate pumping of blood from the heart. This reduces blood flo
w to the placenta & reduces the transport of nutrients to the fetus, resulting i
n the growth of obstructed babies and births with Low Birth Weight (LBW).

Saimin, J. 2006. The Relationship Between Birth Weight and Maternal Nutritional Status Based on Upper
Arm Circumference. Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin Univ
ersity. Macassar.
How the treatment and preventif of the low birth weight ?
• 1) LBW
Considering that there is no need to perfect the w
ork of the body tools necessary for growth and de
velopment as well as self participation with the en
vironment outside the womb, it is necessary to ag
ree on environmental regulation, provide food, an
d if needed need oxygen, protection and increase
vitamins and iron.
1. Adjust the temperature of the environment L
BW is easy to overcome hypothermia, there
fore the temperature must be tightly adjuste
d. Can with fluids on the baby's body, then
wrapped. Or it could be by placing it under a
lamp or in an incubator. And if there is no el
ectricity, it could be the kangaroo method, w
hich is to put the baby in the mother's arms
(skin to skin).
3. Prevent cyanosis How to prevent cyanosis can be by
giving oxygen so that oxygen saturation in the baby'
s body can be returned within normal limits.
4. Prevent infection LBW is easily attacked by infection.
This is caused by the body's resistance to infection d
ecreases, relatively unable to form antibodies and th
power of phagocytosis and the reaction to inflammat
ion is not good. Therefore, consideration should be g
iven to the principles of infection protection, includin
g g oves before and after being held by the baby, cl
osing the baby's bed as soon as it is no longer used,
closing the baby's leather cord and umbilical cord.
5. Provision of vitamin K 1 mg dose intra-muscular, once given.
Giving vitamin K to immature babies is the same as babies with
normal weight and maturity.
6. Intake must be guaranteed In premat
ure babies, suction reflex, swallow and c
ough are not perfect. Gastric capacity is
still small, digestive enzyme power, mos
t lipases are still lacking. Drinking begin
s when the baby starts 3 hours so that
the baby does not experience hypoglyc
emia and hyperbilirubinemia. In babies
born with 2000 grams or more, they ca
n shrink when given. Babies weighing le
ss than 1500 grams are less capable of
mother's milk or bottled milk, especially
in the first days. In this case the baby is
given a drink through the stomach son
PreventionIn case of preventive / preventive low birth weig
ht (LBW) is an important step. Things you can do:
1. Increasing periodic pregnancy checks at least 4 ti
mes during the period of pregnancy and starting f
rom the age of the young pregnancy. Pregnant wo
men who are suspected of being at risk, especially
risk factors that lead to giving birth to LBW babies
must be quickly reported, monitored and referred
to more capable health care institutions,
2. Health education about fetal growth and develop
ment in the womb, danger signs during pregnancy
and self-care during pregnancy so that they can m
aintain their health and the fetus is well conceived,
3. The mother should be able to plan her delivery at
a healthy reproductive age period (20-34 years), a
4. Need support from other related sectors to play a
role in improving maternal education and family e
conomic status so that they can increase access to
the utilization of antenatal care and maternal nutri
tional status during pregnancy.
Explain the complication of the low birth weight ?

1. Respiratory distress syndrome

2. Retinopathy of prematurity
3. Brain disorders ( Intracranial hemorrhag
e, cerebral palsy ).

Cunningham FG, Leveno JK, Bloom SL, Spong Cy, Dashe JS, Hoffman BL, Casey BM, Sheffield JS. The preterm newborn .
Williams Obstetrics. 24st ed. eBooks McGraw-Hill,2014.
Cunningham FG, Leveno JK, Bloom SL, Spong Cy, Dashe JS, Hoffman BL, Casey BM, Sheffield JS. The preterm newborn . Williams Obstetrics. 24 st ed. eBooks McGr
What is the moeslim perspektif of the scenario ?

The verses of the Qur'an that explains about the pregnancy very much,
generally associated with the signs of Allah, of His greatness and power.
Among them, the Qur'an Surah Al-Mukminun / 23: 12-14.

‫ولقد خلقنا اإل نسان من سللة من طين ○ ثم جعلناه نطفة فى قرار مك‬
‫ين ○ ثم خلقنا النطفة علقة فخلقنا العلقة مضغة فخلقنا المضغة عظام‬
‫ فتبارك هللا احسن الخالقي‬,‫ا فكسونا العظام لحما ثم أنشأنه خلقا ءاخر‬

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