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Chapter 9

Mathematics of Asymmetric

Asymmetric-key cryptography uses primes extensively.

Figure 9.1 Three groups of positive integers

A prime is divisible only by itself and 1.

9.1.1 Continued

Example 9.1
What is the smallest prime?
The smallest prime is 2, which is divisible by 2 (itself) and 1.

Example 9.2
List the primes smaller than 10.
There are four primes less than 10: 2, 3, 5, and 7.
It is interesting to note that the percentage of primes in the range 1 to
10 is 40%.
The percentage decreases as the range increases.

9.1.3 Checking for Primeness

Given a number n, how can we determine if n is a prime?

The answer is that we need to see if the number is divisible
by all primes less than

We know that this method is inefficient, but it is a good


9.1.3 Continued

Example 9.5

Is 97 a prime?
The floor of 97 = 9. The primes less than 9 are 2, 3, 5, and 7. We
need to see if 97 is divisible by any of these numbers. It is not, so 97 is
a prime.
Example 9.6
Is 301 a prime?
The floor of 301 = 17. We need to check 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17.
The numbers 2, 3, and 5 do not divide 301, but 7 does. Therefore 301
is not
9.7 a prime.
Q. To find all primes less than n? say 100
A. sqrt(100)=10 i.e. check if any number divisible by
Sieve of Eratosthenes

9.1.4 Euler’s Phi-Function

Euler’s phi-function, f(n), plays a very important role in


Find no. of integers that r both smaller than n and

relatively prime to n.

Value of f(n) for large composites can be found only if n

can be factored into primes

9.1.4 Continued

We can combine the above four rules to find the value of

f(n). For example, if n can be factored as
n = p1e × p2e × … × pke
1 2 k

then we combine the third and the fourth rule to find

The difficulty of finding f(n) depends on the difficulty
of finding the factorization of n.

9.1.4 Continued

Example 9.7
What is the value of f(13)?
Because 13 is a prime, f(13) = (13 −1) = 12.

Example 9.8
What is the value of f(10)?

We can use the third rule: f(10) = f(2) × f(5) = 1 × 4 = 4, because 2
and 5 are primes.

9.1.4 Continued

Example 9.9
What is the value of f(240)?
We can write 240 = 24 × 31 × 51. Then

f(240) = (24 −23) × (31 − 30) × (51 − 50) = 64

Example 9.10
Can we say that f(49) = f(7) × f(7) = 6 × 6 = 36?
No. The third rule applies when m and n are relatively prime. Here 49
= 72. We need to use the fourth rule: f(49) = 72 − 71 = 42.
9.1.4 Continued

Example 9.11
What is the number of elements in Z14*?

The answer is f(14) = f(7) × f(2) = 6 × 1 = 6. The members are 1, 3,
5, 9, 11, and 13.

Interesting point: If n > 2, the value of f(n) is even.

9.1.5 Fermat’s Little Theorem

First Version

ap − 1 ≡ 1 mod p

Second Version

ap ≡ a mod p

Helpful for quickly finding exponentiations

9.1.5 Continued

Example 9.12
Find the result of 610 mod 11.
We have 610 mod 11 = 1. This is the first version of Fermat’s little
theorem where p = 11.
Example 9.13
Find the result of 312 mod 11.
Here the exponent (12) and the modulus (11) are not the same. With
substitution this can be solved using Fermat’s little theorem.

9.1.5 Continued

Multiplicative Inverses

a−1 mod p = a p − 2 mod p

Example 9.14
The answers to multiplicative inverses modulo a prime can be found
without using the extended Euclidean algorithm:

• 815mod17

• Factorize the power

– 87*8mod 17

• Calculate 87mod17
– 87 = 2097152mod17= 123361.8824 (Divide 87 with 17)
– Subtract all number before decimal from ans gives
– Multiply above with 17 (final ans-15)

• Calculate 88mod17
– 88 – 16777216mod17= 986895.0588235
– Subtract all number before decimal from ans gives
– Multiply above with 17 (final ans-1)
• 815mod17
• 8mod17=8
• 82mod17=64mod17=13
• 84mod17=169mod17=16
• 88mod17=256mod17=1
• 815mod17=88+4+2+1mod17=
(1*16*13*8)mod 17=1664mod17=15
• 521mod23
• 5mod23=5
• 52mod23=2
• 54mod23=4
• 58mod23=16
• 516mod23=256mod23=3
• 521mod23= 516+4+1=(3*4*5)mod23=60mod23 =14
9.1.6 Euler’s Theorem
Generalization of Fermat’s little theorem.
Modulus in Fermat’s theorem is a prime but
Modulus in Euler’s theorem is an Integer
First Version

af(n) ≡ 1 (mod n)
Second Version

Note a k × f(n) + 1 ≡ a (mod n)

The second version of Euler’s theorem is used in RSA.

9.1.5 Continued

Example 9.15

Find the result of 624 mod 35.

We have 624 mod 35 = 6f(35) mod 35 = 1.(f(35)= f(7)*f(5)=6*4=24)

Example 9.16
Find the result of 2062 mod 77.
If we let k = 1 on the second version, we have
2062 mod 77 = (20 mod 77) (20f(77) + 1 mod 77) mod 77 (f(77)=60)
= (20)(20) mod 77 = 15.
9.1.6 Continued

Multiplicative Inverses
Euler’s theorem can be used to find multiplicative inverses
modulo a composite.

a−1 mod n = af(n)−1 mod n

9.1.5 Continued

Example 9.17
The answers to multiplicative inverses modulo a composite can be
found without using the extended Euclidean algorithm if we know the
factorization of the composite:


RSA uses exponentiation for both encryption and decryption

with large exponents.

Unfortunately, most computer languages have no operator that

can efficiently compute exponentiation

So, we need algorithms that are more efficient

9.6.1 Exponentiation

Fast Exponentiation:
• Square & multiply method
• Treat the exponent as binary number.

nb is no. of bit

Figure 9.6 The idea behind the square-and-multiply method

9.6.1 Continued

9.6.1 Continued

Example 9.45

Figure 9.7 shows the process for calculating y = ax. In this case, x = 22
= (10110)2 in binary. The exponent has five bits.
Figure 9.7 Demonstration of calculation of a22 using square-and-multiply method

Squaring is done in each step except last step but multiplication is done
only when bit is 1

9.6.1 Continued

In each step Y is calculated as: Y= previous result of Y * a

The bit-operation complexity of the fast exponential
algorithm is polynomial.

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