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Chapter one Conventional methods of modern oil

and gas well logging Geological Application


Although modern oil and gas well logging method has been made
much progress, but at present, traditional logging series are still the
main source of logging data in the oilfield, their information is systemic
and richness, and is the main basis in geological logging analysis.

Chapter one Conventional methods of modern oil
and gas well logging Geological Application

Full understanding , analysis and excavating of conventional

logging curves in the geological information for the settlement of the
specific problems in the oil geological exploration and development,
can greatly enhance the exploration and development effectiveness.

This chapter provides a general introduction to well logging principles and
geological application.
Conventional methods of modern oil and gas well logging can be divided into
three categories :
(1) Lithology logs : SP (Spontaneous Potential) and GR (Gamma ray);
Their primary use is correlation ,and primary interpretive target is gross lithology
determined (the distinction between reservoir and nonreservoir)
(2) porosity logs : AC( Acoustic log)、Den (Density log)、CNL( Compensated
neutron log ) ;
Their primary use is used to determine porosity and permeability of reservoir.
(3) Resistivity log : Cond(conductivity log)、 Ra (Conventional Resistivity
Log)、RLL(Laterolog)、 Microlog、 Microlaterolog 、Micro-spherically focused
log ;
Their primary use is used to determine water saturation (Sw) and to identify oil
Section 1. Natural Gamma Ray and geological application

1.1 Principles
Natural gamma Ray (GR) logs measure the natural radioactivity
intensity in formations, the radioactivity intensity depend on Quality
content of radioactivity in formations.
Natural radioactivity intensity in sedimentary rock depend on shale
content due to adsorption ability of radioactive elements (uranium,
thorium and potassium) in clay particles is capable of other skeleton
particles (quartz, feldspar ...)
However, some non clay particles might also produce a
high gamma ray response if the sandstone contains potassium
feldspar, mica, glauconite(海绿石), or uranium-rich waters.
This will interfere with geological interpretation by the natural
gamma logging .

1.2 Instruments and curve characteristics
(1) Depth of investigation of gamma ray instruments is
about 15 cm, and Radius of investigation is about 30 cm.

(2)Logging curve is mid-point of a symmetrical

formation,and maximum amplitude of gamma ray curve is
located in the central part of Formation ;
(3) Amplitude of gamma ray curve concerns with the thickness of
formation. and the thinner is the thickness of formation, the lower is
amplitude of gamma ray curve.
Generally, when the thickness of formation is more than twice or
three times the detection radius, half amplitude point can be used to
define boundary of formation.

Standardization curve unit
is API
1.3 Geological Application (应用)

1. Gypsum(石膏)

2. Tight limestone
3. Shaly limestone

4. Correlation line

1. lithology and correlation 划分岩性及地层对比

we can establish different lithology by different gamma features to

different lithology. Such as :shale with high gamma, sandstone with lower
gamma readings, limestone and dolomite with lower gamma value, cryptite(泥
晶灰岩) with higher gamma value.
Coal :lower GR、den; high
AC、CNL and Rt

Sandstone:lower GR;high
den;lower AC and CNL;
middle - high Rt

Shale:high GR、lower
den;middle-high AC; high CNL、
lower Rt

Dolomite:lower GR; high

den ; lower AC、lower
CNL(≈0); middle-high Rt
2. Shale volume calcalation(计算泥质含量)
Because shale is usually more radioactive than sand or carbonate,
gamma ray logs can be used to calculate volume of shale in porous
reservoir. The volume of shale expressed as a decimal fraction (十进制
小数) or percentage is called Vshale. This value can then be applied to the
analysis of shale sands to calculate Sw.
Calculation of the gamma ray index is the first step needed to
determine the volume of shale from a gamma ray log:
The second step is to use several nonlinear empirical responses as well
as a linear response to calculate Vshale .
Compared to the linear response, all nonlinear relationships are more
optimistic; that is, they produce a shale volume value lower than that
from the linear equation.
For a first order estimation of shale volume, the linear response,
where Vshale = IGR , should be used.

The nonlinear responses, in increasing

optimism (lower calculated shale
volumes), are:
The minimum gamma ray value
(GRmin) occurs at 13,593 ft and is 14
APl units.
The maximum gamma ray value
(GRmax) occurs at 13,577 ft and at
13,720 ft and is 130 APl units. These
are the shaliest zones in the interval
The gamma ray readings from
three depths are shown in the table left
From Equation 3.1, the gamma ray
index (IGR) is:
1. For each zone below, find the
gamma ray index value (IGR) on the
horizontal scale on the bottom.
2. Follow the value vertically to
where it intersects curve each of the
curves listed below.
3. From each curve, move
Figure is a chart for correcting the
horizontally to the scale at the left
and read the shale volume. This is gamma ray index (lGR) to the shale
the amount of shale in the formation volume (Vshale). (Western Atlas,
expressed as decimal fraction. 1995)
3. Analysis on sedimentary facies by curve (沉积微相分析)

GR logging curve is a primary means for sedimentary microfacies

analysis. Sedimentary sequence、grain size of sandstone、supply 、
sort and so on can be inferred by use of shape of GR curve、contact of
top and base and amplitude of curve. Further, microfacies and
microevironment can be determined. Specific research methods and
content will be introduced in the future.
Section 2、 Spontaneous Potential Log and Geological Application

2.1 General
The spontaneous potential (SP) log was one of the earliest
measurements used in the petroleum industry, and it has continued to
play a significant role in well log interpretation. Most wells today have
this type of log included in their log suites.
Primarily, the SP log is used for determining gross lithology (i.e.,
reservoir vs. nonreservoir) through its ability to distinguish perme able
zones (such as sandstones) from impermeable zones (such as shales).
It is also used to correlate zones between wells. However, as will be
discussed later in this course, the SP log has several other uses that are
perhaps equally important.
2、 Spontaneous Potential Log and Geological Application

2.2 Principles (原理)

The SP log is a record of direct current (DC)

voltage (or potential) that develops naturally (or
spontaneously) between a moveable electrode
in the wellbore and a fixed electrode located at
the surface (SPMN)(Doll,1948).

It is measured in millivolts (mV).

2.2 Basic Principles (原理)
Electric voltages arising primarily from electrochemical factors
within the borehole and the adjacent rock create the SP log response.
These electrochemical factors are brought about by differences in
salinities between mud filtrate and formation water within permeable
Salinity of a fluid is inversely proportional to its resistivity, and in
practice salinity is indicated by mud filtrate resistivity (Rmf) and
formation water resistivity (Rw). Because a conductive fluid is needed
in the borehole for the generation of these voltages, the SP can not be
used in nonconductive (e.g., oil-base) drilling muds or in air-filled
SP response equation: c1
SP=K lg

SP = Spontaneous Potential (from the log)

K = electrochemical coefficient ( temperature and ion component –
dependant; for sodium chloride fluid (Nacl溶液), at 18℃, K=-69.6
C1 = Formation water salinity(地层水溶液浓度)
C2 = Mud filtrate salinity (泥浆液浓度)
We can use resistivity to represent salinity because salinity of a
fluid is inversely proportional to its resistivity , for the reason , SP
response equation can be rewrited, as follow: (c1=1/Rw,c2=1/Rmf)

Rmf Rmf = mud filtrate resistivity

SP=-69.6 lg
Rw Rw = formation water resistivity
SP=-69.6 lg

The following relationships are true:

if Rmf > Rw, then the SP deflection is negative for permeable rock;
if Rmf = Rw, then the SP deflection is zero for permeable rock;
if Rmf < Rw, then the SP deflection is positive for permeable rock.
R25 CN
GR 2 80 10 40

5 20
层 深度 颜 岩芯剖面 岩性 取芯情况 2
孔隙度 解释结论 试油 产量
SP (m) 色 结论
代 RLLD 0.01 1000 AC 0 25
-5 10 码 2 80 200 500
14 灰色粉砂质泥岩

SP反转 气(m3)


14 灰色油斑砂砾岩


14 灰色含砾细砂岩 水(t/d)

灰、浅灰、绿 气(m3)
14 灰色砂砾岩 3690

SP反转 14
灰、浅灰、绿 -

荧光粉砂岩 灰色荧光砂砾岩、

SP反转 荧光粗砂岩


14 灰色粉砂质泥岩

2.3 Curve characteristics (SP曲线特征)
1. SP log curve also is affected thickness of formation、shale content、
hydrocarbon and so on except that difference between the formation
water and mud filtrate salinity .

The chart (left) can be used

to correct affection of
thickness of formation.
horizontal scale on the
bottom is Rt/Rw;vertical
scale on the left is the ratio of
SP/SSP ;d is mud invaded
Static spontaneous potential (SSP) zone diameter ; The curves in
represents the maximum SP that is a the chart represent different
thick, shale-free, porous, and permeable formation thickness
2.3 Curve characteristics (SP曲线特征)
2. SP curve is mid-point of a
symmetrical formation,and maximum
amplitude of SP curve is located in the
central part of formation ;
Generally, when the thickness of
formation is more than five times the
borehole diameter, half amplitude point
can be used to define boundary of
2.3 Curve characteristics (SP曲线特征)

3. The SP response of shales is relatively constant and follows a

straight line called a shale baseline. The SP value of the shale baseline
is assumed to be zero, and SP curve deflections are measured from this
baseline. Permeable zones are indicated where there is SP deflection
from the shale baseline.
For example, if the SP curve moves either to the left (negative
deflection; Rmf > Rw) or to the fight (positive deflection; Rmf< Rw)
of the shale baseline, permeable zones are present.
2.4 Geological Application (应用)
1. Identification of reservoir (识别储层):
Reservoirs are shown as deflections( either positive or negative)
from a relatively stable shale baseline. The direction of the deflection
is determined by the relative salinities (resistivities) of the formation
water (Rw) and the mud filtrate (Rmf), and is not directly related to
formation porosity or permeability.
if Rmf > Rw, then the SP deflection is negative for permeable rock;
if Rmf = Rw, then the SP deflection is zero for permeable rock;
if Rmf < Rw, then the SP deflection is positive for permeable rock.
2. We use SP and RT curve to make correlation between wells.
2.4 Geological Application (应用)

3. Distinguish hydrocarbon- and water-bearing zones

In hydrocarbon-bearing zones, the SP deflection is reduced. This
effect is called hydrocarbon suppression (Hilchie, 1978). Hydrocarbon
suppression of the SP is a qualitative phenomenon, and cannot be used to
determine the hydrocarbon saturation of the formation, but can help us to
distinguish hydrocarbon- and water-bearing zones.
2.4 Geological Application (应用)
4. We offen use SSP from water-bearing zones to calculate formation
water resistivity (Rw): the parameter of Rw is an important to
calculate water saturation(Sw).
5. Calculation of shale content (Vsh): Vsh  1 
SP:SP from interesting layer (解释层的自然电位幅),mv;
SSP:Static spontaneous potential from a thick, shale-free, porous,
and permeable water-bearing formation.(纯水层的自然电位幅度),mv.
6. Back in the early 70s, sedimentary facies analysis had been made by
Sylvain J. Plrson in the early 70s by using SP curve . The basic of
principles is similar to GR. Detailed content will be concerned later.
400 200 0 400 200 0 400 200 0
S8-40 S8-66 S8-55
100 0 0 10 20 200 300 400 200 160 120 0 10 20 200 300 400 100 50 0 0 10 20 200 300 400


2040 泥岩标准层2100


2060 2120

2080 2140

2100 2160


2120 2180


2140 2200

识 别 油 水 层

Section 3. Acoustic Log and Geological
3.1 Principles (原理)
Acoustic logging is a logging method which
detects interval transit time between two receivers
from one or two transmitters .
Two receivers will receive high frequency (10-15
KHz) acoustic pulse (longitudinal wave) from one or
two transmitters. Time difference between two
receivers has been called delta t (△t or DT). The
△t is the transit time of the wave front over one
meter or foot of formation. The unit is
μs( microseconds 微 秒 )/m(μs/f). The time
difference (△ t) is related to formation porosity.
Section 3. Acoustic Log and Geological Application

3.1 Principles (原理)

"Compensated" tools (BHC-Borehole Compensated Sonic Log)
use multiple transmitter-receiver pairs to minimize the effects of
borehole size changes. General we offen use two transmitters and two
receivers compensated tools . The data from the two receivers is
processed to determine arrival average time (△t=(△tupper+△tlower)/2),
that is delta t (△t or DT).
The vertical resolution is of 0.6m, the layer of 1 m in thickness can
be well distinguished.
垂向分辨率为0.6m,能很好地分辨层厚1 m的地层。
3.2 Geological Application (应用)
1.Formation porosity calculated (计算地层孔隙度)。
The interval transit time (At) is dependent upon both lithology and
porosity. Therefore, a formation's matrix interval transit time (Table 4.1)
must be known to derive sonic porosity either by chart (Figure 4.2) or
by the following formulas:
Wyllie time-average equation (Wyllie et al., 1958):
△tlog=(1-Φs) △tma+ Φs△tf
 Φs =(△tlog-△tma)/(△tf -△tma)
Raymer-Hunt-Gardner (RHG) equation (Raymer,1980):
Φs = sonic-derived porosity
△tma = interval transit time in the matrix
△tlog = interval transit time in the formation
△tf = interval transit time in the fluid in the formation (freshwater
mud=189 μs/ft; saltwater mud =185 μs/ft)
★ Unconsolidated Formations
Where a sonic log is used to determine porosity in umconsolidated
sands, an empirical compaction factor( Cp ) should be added to the
Wyllie et al. (1958) equation:
2. Identification of gas-bearing formation (可用于判断气层)。

we also use “cycle skip” to

help us to identify gas-bearing
Two receivers have
received different pulse of
wave from transmitter for the
serious attenuation(衰减), for
the reason , AC curve makes
serious jump, this is “cycle
skip” .

Since gas has ability to attenuate energy, for the reason ,Gas-bearing
formation can make “cycle skip” phenomenon .
“cycle skip” is one of important marks .
3.Calculate secondary porosity ( that is fracture porosity)

Porosity from AC log represents primary intergranular porosity of sandstone, but

porosity from density and Neutron log represents total porosity of formation( include
intergranular porosity and fracture porosity ), for the reason, we always use difference
between ΦS and ΦND( average porosity of ΦN and ΦD) to represent secondary porosity
( that is fracture porosity) . Total porosity values are obtained from one of the nuclear
logs (i.e., density, neutron, or preferably the combination of: density and neutron). The
percentage of secondary porosity, called SPI or secondary porosity index,
can be a useful mapping parameter in carbonate exploration.

由于声波测井孔隙度反映原生粒间孔隙,而ΦN、 ΦD反映地层
4.Detection of abnormal formation pressures
Sonic travel time values in shales are plotted against depth. Sharp
deviations from a general trend of decreasing DT with depth indicate the
presence of geopressured (overpressured) zones. The zones can be good
regional cap formation to resist oil and gas to be lost (逸散)
5.Synthetic seismograms

Sonic compressional and

Density data are used to
determine acoustic impedance
(声阻抗)of the formations
along the borehole, and reflection
coefficients(反射系数) at bed
boundaries. The synthetic seismic
trace that is derived from that X(t) = R(t) * b(t)
X(t) – sesmic trace;
information can be displayed in
R(t) - reflection coefficients succession
depth or time to be compared to b(t) - wavelet;
the seismic data. * - convolution
Section 4. Density Log and Geological Application
4.1 Introduction(简介)
Density is measured in grams per cubic centimeter, g/cm3, and is indicated
by the Greek letter ρ (rho). Two separate density values are used by the density
log: the bulk density (ρb, or RHOB) and the matrix density (ρma). The ρb is the
density of the entire formation (solid and fluid parts) as measured by the
logging tool. ρma is the density of the solid framework of the rock. It may be
thought of as the density of a particular rock type (e.g.. limestone or sandstone)
that has no porosity. Since the late 1970s, the density log has also been used for
the photoelectric-effect measurement (Pe, PE, or PEF) to determine lithology of
a formation. The density log can assist the geologist to:
(1)identify evaporite minerals;(2)detect gas-bearing zones;(3)
determine hydrocarbon density;(4)evaluate shaly-sand reservoirs and
complex lithologies (Schlumberger, 1972)
Section 4. Density Log and Geological Application

4.2 Principles (原理)

Middle -low energy (0.25-2.5Mev ) gamma ray are emitted from
artifical chemical source (usually Cesium137 –铯 or cobaltum60 –钴60 )
into formation, and interact with the eletrons of the element in the
formation. “Compton-Woo scattering effect-康吴散射效应” will be
token place. That is , eletron around nuclei(原子核)will obtain exta-
enegy from gamma quantum(伽马量子),and deviate from the orbit (偏
离运行轨道). In the mean time, enegy of gamma ray will be decreased

and scattered , and direction of running will be changed. The gamma

ray scattered will continue to collide with eletrons of the element in the
formation, until “electrooptical effect”(光电效应)take place.
“Electrooptical effect”:when gamma ray collide with

eletrons of the element in the formation, if the all energy of

gamma ray is transferred to the eletrons , So, this will make

eletrons to fly out of electron shell .this phenomenon, we call

“Electrooptical effect”

Density log detect intensity of gamma rays scattered which are
related to electron density. The larger the electron density is , and the
smaller the energy of gamma rays scattered is. In the mean time,
theory has proved: the relationship between electron density (ρe) and
bulk density (ρb) is a linear function, as follow: ρe=(ρb+0.1883)/1.0704
理论推导已证明:电子密度(ρe )与体积密度(ρb)之间为线
For the reason, the smaller the intensity of gamma ray detected is,
the bigger electron density (ρe) is, and the bigger the bulk density (ρb)
is . Therefore, we can detect intensity of γ-ray scattered to calculate
formation bulk density.
Count-rate device of long
4.3 physics of the measurement(测量) transmitter-receiver spacing

Investigation radius of density log is about 7.26-

12.7cm, Vertical resolution is 0.45m . The density log
tool has a relatively shallow depth of investigation, and
as a result, is held against the side of the borehole during device of long
T-R spacing
logging to maximize its response to the formation.
The tool is comprised of a medium energy gamma
Gamma source
ray source (Cobalt 60, Cesium137). Two gamma ray
detectors provide some measure of compensation for
borehole conditions (similar to the sonic logging tool).
0.45m。由于密度测井的探测范围小,故受泥浆(即井径) Detector of long
和泥饼的影响较大。为了消除井径影响,密度测井仪必须 T-R spacing
density Compensated log)的方法。
4.4 Geological Application (应用)
1. Calculating formation porosity:
Formation density can be written as the following formula based
on formation volume model:
ρb=(1-φD) ρma + φD·ρf
φD=(ρma-ρb)/( ρma-ρf)

ФD = density derived porosity

ρ ma = matrix density (see Table
4.2 for values)
ρb = formation bulk density
(the log reading)
ρf = fluid density (see Table
4.2 for values), ρf=1
4.4 Geological Application (应用)
1. Calculating formation porosity:
General speaking:
(1)The accuracy of φ calculated from density log is lower than
that from sonic logging in the formation with middle-high porosity;
(2) in the mean time, in the formation with low porosity and
permeability, The accuracy of φ calculated from density log is higher
than that from sonic logging , and the φ calculated from density log is
the total porosity.
4.4 Geological Application
2. Identification of lithology:
in the complex lithologic
formation, such as : carbonatite
with gypsum formation; we
always use neutron and density
combination to identify complex
lithology. Such as : gypsum(石
膏)、anhydrite (硬石膏)、
rock salt(岩盐)、limestone、 在复杂地层剖面中,与中子测井一起
dolomite、coal and so on.
密灰岩、煤(1.9-2.1 g/cm3 )具有
these lithology has special
density value. See table. 通过交绘图来分析,判断岩性。
3.Synthetic seismograms to mark the seismic horizon,as above .
(制作合成地震剖面) 在油藏描述中,进行地震剖面的层位标定工作。
Section 5. Neutron Log and Geological Application

5.1 Principles (原理)

Neutron logs are porosity logs that measure the hydrogen concentration
in the formation. In clean formation (i.e., shale-free) where the porosity is
filled with water or oil, the neutron log measures liquid-filled porosity (ФN,
Neutrons are created from a chemical source in the neutron
logging tool. The chemical source is usually a mixture of americium
(镅Am) and beryllium (铍Be) which continuously emit neutrons.
Neutrons can be classified into three categories by energy :
(1) Fast neutrons: energy >10 5 ev;
(2) Intermediate neutron: 102-105 ev(电子伏特);
(3) Low-speed neutron: <102 ev(电子伏特);
① 快中子(>105电子伏特ev);② 中能中子(102-105电子伏特ev);③ 慢中
子(102 ev )
Section 5. Neutron Log and Geological Application

5.1 Principles (原理)

Low-speed neutron also can be classified two types by energy:
(1) epithermal neutron (超热中子): energy is 0.1-102 ev;
(2) thermal neutron (热中子): energy is 0.1-0.025 ev.
Neutron energy from chemical source in neutron log tool is up to
above 10 Mev ,therefore, is fast neutron.
Section 5. Neutron Log and Geological Application

5.1 Principles (原理)

when fast neutron emitted goes into formation, fast neutron will
collide with the nuclei of the formation, called as “inelastic and elastic
collision ”; the neutron loses some of its energy as collision. fast
neutron will be changed into epithermal neutron (超热中子), and
thermal neutron (热中子); With enough collisions, the neutron will be
absorbed (capture)by a nucleus and a gamma ray is emitted (called
as secondary gamma ray).
Section 5. Neutron Log and Geological Application

5.1 Principles (原理)

(1) To detect the distribution of epithermal neutron (超热中子), and
further to determine porosity and lithology, this kind of log tool was called as
“SNP-Sidewall newtron log”;
(2) To detect the distribution of thermal neutron (热中子), and further
to determine porosity and lithology, this kind of log tool was called as “CNL-
--Compensated neutron log”. The CNL has two detector to do compensation
for borehole conditions
(3) To detect the intensity of secondary gamma ray, and further to
determine gas-bearing formation, this log tool was called as “neutron-
gamma log”.
(1) 检测超热中子分布状况,进而研究地层性质的测井仪称为井壁中子孔隙度测井仪;
(3) 检测俘获二次咖吗射线强度,进而研究地层性质的测井仪称为中子咖吗测井仪
Section 5. Neutron Log and Geological Application

5.1 Principles (原理)

Because the hydrogen atom is almost equal in mass to the neutron,
the maximum energy loss occurs when the neutron collides with a
hydrogen atom. Therefore, the energy loss is dominated by the
formation‘s hydrogen concentration. Because hydrogen in a porous
formation is concentrated in the fluid-filled pores, energy loss can be
related to the formation’s porosity.
The higher hydrogen concentration is, the lower the density of low-
speed neutron cloud (中子云)is . Hydrogen concentration is inversely
proportional to the density of low-speed neutron cloud (中子云). For
the reason, neutron log can measure the density of low-speed neutron
cloud (中子云), to calculate hydrogen content, and further, to
determine porosity of formation.
Section 5. Neutron Log and Geological Application

5.2 Geological Application (应用)

1. Porosity
Remember that neutron log measures formation hydrogen content, we use
hydrogen index to represent formation hydrogen content. By assuming that all
the hydrogen resides in the pore space of the formation (as water or
hydrocarbons), the hydrogen index can be related to the porosity of formation.
As the neutron log use porosity as units, which is apparent limestone
porosity because the matrix of limestone don’t include any hydrogen. that is,
porosity from neutron log can be affected by lithology. For the reason, when
porosity of formation is from neutron log , lithology must be specified to
correct porosity to be calculated by use of crossplot ( later will be concerned) .
Section 5. Neutron Log and Geological Application

5.2 Geological Application (应用)

2. Lithology
We always use neutron - density quick look and crossplot methods
to help to identify lithology.
Concrete content will be introduced later.
3. Identification of gas bearing formation
The porosity of gas bearing formation will decrease because of lower
hydrogen index for gas. Intensity of capture (secondary) gamma ray will
increase for gas bearing formation . For the reason, we can use ФN and
Nr to identify gas bearing formation with the combination of density log.
Lateral electrode
array( electrode
spacing (L) of 0.4/4 m SP AC CAL Nr
A case from
DaNiuDi gas field
in DK3 well in H3
tight sandstone in

This interval is
a tight interval

This interval
has very high
Section 6. Conventional Resistivity Log and Application

5.1 Principles (原理)

Conventional Resistivity Log is a set of logging methods which
use down hole electrode array (井下电极系)to measure formation
resistivity. The down hole electrode series can be classified into two
(1) Lateral electrode array (梯度电极系);
(2) Normal resistivity array (电位电极系)

Section 6. Conventional Resistivity Log and Application

5.1 Principles (原理)

(1) Lateral electrode array (梯度电极系);
when paired electrodes ( like: M and N) is by near,
unpaired electrodes ( like : A and B )is far away , this
kind of electrode array is called as “ Lateral electrode
array”. It consists of measuring electrode (M、N)and
current electrode ( 供电电极A、B). Lateral electrode
array is formed by arrangement of three electrodes ( M,
N, and A )
when paired electrodes are located below unpaired
electrode , we call this as Base Lateral electrode array
(底部梯度), on the contrary , as Top Lateral electrode
Section 6. Conventional Resistivity Log and Application

5.1 Principles (原理)

(1) Lateral electrode array (梯度电极系);
The apparent resistivity (Ra) from measuring of
Lateral electrode array can use follow formula to
calculate: Ra  4 AM  AN  VMN
Since: AM  AN  AO
So as to: 2
Ra  4 AO  MN
Ra is the function of △VMN/MN, it can be called as L
electric potential gradient (component of electric field
strength along hole axis ,Ez ) along the direction of hole axis
on the “O”point ( record point located in the middle between
M and N). This is why we call the method as “Lateral
electrode array” . Electrode spacing is represented by L.
Section 6. Conventional Resistivity Log and Application

5.1 Principles (原理)

(2) Normal resistivity array (电位电极系)
when the distance between paired electrodes is
greater than distance between unpaired electrodes and
the closest one paired electrode, this kind of electrode
array is called as “Normal resistivity array ”. The
apparent resitivity can be calculated by follow formula:

AM  AN VMN VM AN is approximately
Ra  4   4 AM 
MN I I equal to MN
Section 6. Conventional Resistivity Log and

Reservoir properties are 5.2 Borehole Environment

measured by lowering a tool attached
to cable into a borehole. The
borehole may be filled with water-,
and oil-based drilling mud or air.
During the drilling process, the
drilling mud invades the rock
surrounding the borehole, which
affects logging measurements. All of
these factors must be taken into
account while logging and during log
analysis. It is important to hole diameter, drilling mud, mudcake,
understand the wellbore environment mud filtrate, flushed zone, invaded zone
and the following characteristics: and the univaded zone.
Section 6. Conventional Resistivity Log and

5.3 Application (应用)

1、We always use 0.5 m Normal resistivity array (N2.25M0.5A) and
2.5m Base Lateral electrode array (A2.25M0.5N) to measure apparent
resistivity (Ra).
2、 Detection range of 2.5m Base Lateral electrode array is up to
2.5 m. the resitivity in the range can be true resistivity basically.
Resistivity log theoretical curve from 2.5m Base Lateral electrode array
is asymmetric to the formation. Generally, the maxmum value of Ra is
located on the bottom of formation. For the reason ,it can be used to
calculate Rt to identify oil-bearing layer, and do correlation.
5.3 Application (应用)
3、The electrode spacing (L) of 0.5 m Normal resistivity array
(N2.25M0.5A) is 0.5m, detecting radius is 1m, and it is located in the
invaded zone. If the invaded zone is shallow or absent (不存在), and R0.5
tends to be Rt.
The vertical resolution of 0.5 m Normal resistivity array
(N2.25M0.5A)is lower, generally ,it is about more than 1.6m for high
resistivity formation, and more than 1m for lower resistivity formation,
Resistivity log theoretical curve from 0.5 m Normal resistivity array
is symmetric (对称的)to the formation, and smooth . For the reason, R0.5
curve always is used to do the identification of lithology, prediction of
sedimentary cycle ( rhythm ), determination of reservoir parameters ,and
5.3 Application (应用)
4、Resistivity will be changed alone the radial direction due to mud
invasion . In the past, a set of “ Lateral electrode array ” with different
electrode spacing (L), such as 0.45、1、2.5、4、6、8m, and so on,
which was called as , “horizontal logs”, always was used to calculate
water saturation (Sw), identify oil-, and water- bearing formation. The
effectiveness is very good. Now, with the laterolog development, these
methods have be rarely used (很少使用). But, when we use old well
logging data to do geological analysis, these data will be met in China.

Section 7. Inductolog and Geological Application

7.1 Principles (原理)

Inductolog tool was designed to measure formation resitivity (Rt) in
oil base mud drilled wells, air-drilled wells and fresh water base mud.
Unlike the original (unfocused) electrode logs and laterologs,
induction logs measure formation conductivity rather than resistivity.
Formation conductivity is related to formation resistivity through the
following equation:
C = 1000 / R.
C = conductivity in millimho/m (= milliSiemens)
R = resistivity in ohm-m
Section 7. Inductolog and Geological Application

7.1 Principles (原理)

An induction tool consists of several transmitting
coils that emit a high-frequency alternating current of
constant intensity (20kHz). The alternating
electromagnetic field (electrodynamic potential:Φ1 )
induces alternating currents (I1 - 交频电流) in the
formation. The currents flow as ground-loop currents (大
地环流) perpendicular to the axis of the logging tool and
create electromagnetic fields which induce signals in the
receiver coils( Φ2). The receiver signals are essentially
proportional to conductivity of the formation.
Section 7. Inductolog and Geological Application

7.1 Principles (原理)

The standard induction tool consists of 6 coils. The distance
between main coil pairs is 0.8m; Assisting coil pairs and focusing coil
pairs will help to focus to increase resolution.
T0、R0 – main coil pair 主线圈系
T1、R1 – assisting coil pairs to
minimize the effect of borehole
T2、R2 – focusing coil pairs to
minimize the effect of adjacent
formation and increasing vertical
resolution 聚焦线圈系(抵消围岩影
7.1 Principles (原理)
6 coils induction tool can be divided into two classes by the
distance between T and R coils :
(1) deep detecting 6 coils induction tool: the arrangement of 6 coils
is T20.75R00.25R10.5T10.25T00.75R2; the detecting depth is of 1.5m;
(2) shallow detecting 6 coils induction tool: the arrangement of 6
coils is T20.96R00.4R10.2T10.4T00.96R2; the detecting depth is of 1m; it is
unfavorable to distinguish thin layers.
深探测六线圈系: T20.75R00.25R10.5T10.25T00.75R2 ,探测深度1.5米;
② 浅探测六线圈系: T20.96R00.4R10.2T10.4T00.96R2 ,探测深度1米,
7.1 Principles (原理)
The responses of the
individual coils are combined in
such a way as to minimize the
effect of materials in the borehole,
the invaded zone, and other
nearby formations.

The figure schematically shows the configuration (结构、配置)of a

three-coil induction system with one transmitter (Xmtr) and two receivers
[Rcvr (1) and Rcvr (2)]. In this example, Rcvr (2) is constructed with a
polarity (极性)opposite that of Rcvr (1). In this case, the response of Rcvr
(2) is subtracted from that of Rcvr (1), making the tool less sensitive to the
formation near the well bore and improving its response to the parts of the
formation away from the borehole ( shown by the curve labeled
“Composite“ ) .
7.2 Geological Application (地质应用)
1. Inductolog tool was designed to measure formation true
resitivity (Rt) in oil base mud drilled wells, air-drilled wells and fresh
water base mud. 应用于油基泥浆井眼中,求取地层电阻率。
2. To identify lithology, such as: shale/oil shale/, to be correlation
marker (标准层) to do correlation. 砂泥岩剖面中利用感应测井识别泥岩、
7.2 Geological Application (地质应用)
3. To use Inductolog data to calculate Rt in combination with AC log
to calculate formation porosity ,and finally to calculate Sw. For the
reson, oil- and water- bearing formation can be distinguished. 与△t测井
4. The difference between
deep and shallow Inductolog
can reflect “invasion type”.
oil- and water- bearing
formation can be identified
by use of “invasion type”.
Invasion type can be (1) increased resistance invasion: RILD < RILS
divided into two types: (1) for water-bearing formation
increased resistivity invasion;
(2) decreased resistance invasion RILD > RILS for
(2) decreased resistivity
invasion oil-bearing formation
Section 8. Laterolog and Geological Application

8.1 Introduction (简介)

To overcome the limitations of the original electrode logs, another class of
logging devices, the laterolog was developed. These are also electrode logs and
are designed to measure formation resistivity in boreholes filled with saltwater
muds (where Rmf ≈ or < Rw).
Invasion can influence the laterolog. However, because the resistivity of the
mud filtrate is approximately equal to the resistivity of formation water (Rmf ≈
Rw) when a well is drilled with saltwater muds, invasion does not strongly affect
Rt values derived from a laterolog. But, when a well is drilled with freshwater
muds (where Rmf > 3 Rw ), the laterolog can be strongly affected by invasion.
Under these conditions, a laterolog should not be used (see Figure 5.2).
The borehole size and formation thickness affect the laterolog, but normally
the effect is small enough so that laterolog resistivity can be taken as Rt.
freshwater muds

saltwater muds
Section 8. Laterolog and Geological Application

8.1 Introduction (简介)

The first generation of laterologs,
introduced in the early 1950s (Maute, 1992)
consisted of devices that produced a single
curve of formation resistivity.
Several models were developed for
(1) three electrodes laterolog ;
(2) seven electrodes laterolog ;
This version of the laterolog was common
from the early 1950s to the early 1970s.
(3)Dual laterolog .
In the early 1970s, the dual laterolog was
released commercially , which simultaneously
recorded two measurements at different depths
of investigation.
Section 8. Laterolog and Geological Application

8.2 Principles (原理)

1. Three Electrodes Laterolog (三侧向测井)
Three Electrodes Laterolog consists of surveying
electrode (主电极)A0 and focusing electrodes (屏
蔽电极) A 1 、A 2 . A direct current from the
surveying electrode (主电极) is forced into the
formation by current from focusing electrodes (屏蔽
电极). Focusing electrodes emit current of the same
polarity as the current from the surveying electrode
but are located above and below it. The focusing
electrodes (sometimes called guard electrodes)
prevent the surveying current from flowing up the
borehole filled with saltwater mud (Figure 5.1).
Section 8. Laterolog and Geological Application

8.2 Principles (原理)

2. Seven Electrodes Laterolog (七侧向测井)
Seven Electrodes Laterolog consists of seven
electrodes , that is : Surveying electrode (主电极)
A0 , Supervised electrode pairs (监督电极对)
M1 , M2 and M′1 , M′2 , Focusing electrodes (屏
蔽电极) A1, A2
和三组对称分布在A0两侧的M1M2、 M′1M′2 (监督电
A direct current of constant intensity
( I0 ) from the surveying electrode (主电极)
is emitted into the formation. Focusing
electrodes emit current of the same polarity
as the surveying electrode but are located
above and below it. It always maintains in
the same potential between M1 and M2 or
M‘1 and M’2 electrodes (Supervised
electrode pairs). So, The focusing
electrodes prevent the surveying current
from flowing up the borehole. This make
current from the surveying electrode (主电 We can calculate formation
极)to enter formation with the shape of resistivity by measurement of
potential between M1 (M2 or M'1
sheet (片状).
or M'2 ) and ground electrode N.
8.2 Principles (原理)
2. Dual Laterolog (双侧向测井)
Dual Laterolog consists of a deep
reading measurement (RLLD) and a
shallow reading measurement (RLLS). Its
measurement principle is the similar to
the seven electrodes laterolog . that is :
A0 is Surveying electrode (主电极);
M1 , M2 and M′1 , M′2 are supervised
electrode pairs (监督电极对);
A1, A′1 are Focusing electrodes (屏
A2, A′2 are loop electrodes (回路电极)
8.2 Principles (原理)
2. Dual Laterolog (双侧向测井)
when deep reading measurement
(RLLD) was run , A1 and A2 merge into
upper Focusing electrode . A,1 and A,
2 merge into lower Focusing electrodes .
The style of configuration is the same as
Seven Electrodes Laterolog ,and
principle of measurement is also the
深侧向测井时A1 A2合并为上屏蔽
电极,A ,1 A,2为下屏蔽电极。由屏
8.2 Principles (原理)
2. Dual Laterolog (双侧向测井)
when shallow reading measurement (RLLS)
was run , A,1 and A1 are Focusing electrodes , A,
2 and A2 are loop electrodes (回路电极)and
polarity is opposite to the A,1 and A1 . The current
from Surveying electrode (主电极)and from
Focusing electrodes will go back to loop
electrodes (回路电极), this will make detect
depth of Dual Laterolog tool to be shallow. In the
same time, iso-potential will be kept between M1
and M2 or M‘1 and M’2 electrodes (Supervised
electrode pairs). Formation resistivity (RLLS) can
be calculated by measurement of potential Generally, the depth of
between M1 (M2 or M'1 or M'2 ) and ground detect from RLLD is about
electrode N. 1.52m; RLLS is about 0.33m.
Section 8. Laterolog and Geological Application

8.3 Geological Application (地质应用)

1. Laterolog can be used to identify oil- and water- bearing formation, and to
calculate water saturature (Sw) for thin formation profile due to its high vertical
resolution. (由于侧向测井垂向分辨力较高,故可用于薄互层地层剖面中区分油、
气、水层。计算Sw )。
2. Overlap of RLLD and RLLS can be used to identify fracture. Generally, the
difference between RLLD and RLLS will appear on the interval of fracture. (重叠用于
3. Invasion features of reservoir in radial direction can be known by use of RLLD
and RLLS in combination with Rxo (resistivity of invasion zone), and further, to
identify oil- and water- bearing formation . RLLD、RLLS与冲洗带RXO曲线组合可了
4. Laterolog curve can help us to identify depositional rhythm. 可辅助判断沉积
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application

9.1 introduction ( 简 介 )
At the same time, another class of tools, based on the same physical
principles, was being designed expressly (清楚地)to interrogate (询问)
the region very close to the borehole. This region is usually flushed of original
formation fluids by the drilling mud. By knowing the resistivity of the flushing
fluid (the resistivity of the mud filtrate, Rmf) and making some assumptions
about the fluid saturation of the flushed zone, formation porosities and
saturations could be better estimated. These micro-resistivity devices are either
unfocused electrode or focused electrode (laterolog) devices. Because of their
very shallow depths of investigation (on the order of a few inches), the
electrodes are mounted on pads that are pressed against the borehole wall. The
tools must make good contact with the borehole wall for a valid measurement,
and a thick mud cake or a rough hole adversely 负面 affects the measurement.
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application

9.1 introduction ( 简 介 )

There are three kinds of Flushed Zone Resistivity logs :

(1) Microlog (ML): it is unfocused electrode device;
(2) Microlaterolog (MLL) : it is focused electrode device;
(3) Microspherically focused log (MSFL) : it is focused
electrode device also .
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application
9.2 Principles (原 理)
1. Microlog ( ML) : 微电极测井
The microlog is a pad-type resistivity device
that primarily detects mud cake. It consists of 3
electrodes like button (钮扣式电极) on the pad.
The pad is in contact with the borehole and
consists of three electrodes spaced one inch apart.
Two resistivity measurements are made; the
micronormal (R2) and the microinverse (R1).
The micronormal device investigates 3 to 4
inches into the formation (measuring Rxo) and
the microinverse investigates approximately 1 to
2 inches into the formation and is significantly
affected by the resistivity of the mud cake (Rmc).
Microinverse 微梯度(A0.025M10.025M2),electrode spacing L=0.0375 m,
探测深度 4 cm;
Micronormal 微电位(A0.05M2), L=0.05 m,探测深度 10 cm 。
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application

1. Microlog ( ML) : 微电极测井

The detection of mud cake by the microlog
indicates that invasion has occurred and the formation
is permeable. On the microlog, permeable zones show
up when the micronormal reads higher resistivity than
the microinverse curve (R2 > Rl). This is known as
positive separation (正离差).
The microlog also has a caliper that measures the
borehole diameter. A decrease in borehole diameter
can indicate mud cake and support the interpretation
of permeability. In Figure, mud cake is indicated
where the caliper shows a bore hole size smaller than
the diameter of the drill bit used to drill the hole.
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application
1. Microlog ( ML) : 微电极测井
Shale zones are indicated by no separation or
sometimes negative separation (负离差) (i.e., micronormal
< microinverse). Positive separation can only occur when
Rmc > Rm >Rmf. If there is any doubt, check the log
heading for resistivity values of the mud cake, drilling mud,
and mud filtrate.
Remember that even (即使) though the resistivity of
the mud filtrate ( Rmf ) is less than the resistivity of the
Mud cake ( Rmc ), the micronormal curve reads a higher
resistivity in a permeable zone than the shallower reading
microinverse curve. This is because the filtrate has invaded
the formation, and part of the resistivity measured by the
micronormal curve is read from the rock matrix, whereas the
microinverse curve measures only the mudcake ( Rmc )
which has a lower resistivity than rock.
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application
1. Microlog ( ML) : 微电极测井
However, in enlarged boreholes, a shale zone can
exhibit minor, positive separation. To detect zones of
erroneous positive separation, a microcaliper log is run in
track 1 ( Figure ), so that borehole irregularities are detected.
Nonporous and impermeable zones have high resistivity
values on both the micronormal and microinverse curves.
The microlog does not work well in saltwater muds
(where Rmf≈Rw) or gypsum (石膏)-based muds because
the mud cake may not be strong enough to keep the pad
away from the formation. Where the pad is in contact with
the formation, positive separation cannot occur.
Because the microlog is so greatly affected by borehole
conditions, it generally does not provide a good estimate of
flushed-zone resistivity (Rxo).
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application
2. Microlaterolog (MLL) : 微侧向测井
The microlaterolog (MLL), is pad-
type, focused, electrode logs designed to
measure the resistivity in the flushed
zone (Rxo). Unlike the microlog, it
produces a single resistivity curve, but
because of its focused design it is more
accurate predictor of flushed-zone
resistivity. Because the microlaterolog is
strongly influenced by mud cake
thicknesses, the microlaterolog should be
run only with salt water muds.
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application
2. Microlaterolog (MLL) : 微侧向测井
Schematic of configuration of MLL is like
right figure.
AO is central electrode (主电极); the outermost
layer is loop focused electrode A1; M1、M2 are loop
monitored electrodes. All electrodes are mounted on
insulating pad.
A direct current ( IO ) from central electrode Ao
was emitted into formation, and focused current from
loop focused electrode A1 was emitted , which is the
same as I0 in polarity. Isopotential will be kept
between M1 and M2 (loop monitored electrodes).
focused current will force I0 into formation like light of
electric torch (手电筒) . Ra will be calculated by
measurement of potential difference between M1 or
M2 and ground electrode N.
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application
3. Microspherically focused log (MSFL) : 主电极
微球形聚焦测井 参考 辅助
MSFL consists of six electrodes, 电极 电极

include :
A central electrode A0;
A rectangle auxiliary (辅助电极) 主电流IO
electrode A1;
A rectangle referred electrode M0;
Two rectangle monitor electrodes M1、
A return electrode B,general is tool M1 M2
armor (仪器外壳),located far away.

Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application
3. Microspherically focused log (MSFL) : 微球形聚焦测井
A current ( I0 ) from central electrode A0 was emitted into formation, and a part of
I0 flow into rectangle auxiliary (辅助电极)electrode A1 as auxiliary current Ia . The
MSFL tool can adjust automatically magnitude of I0 and Ia , keep potential difference
between MO and O point ( measurement point -- the middle between M1and M2 ) to be
constant, and keep potential difference between M1 and M2 to be zero. Thereby (从而),
it is shown that the current line of Ia looks like Sphero or ball. This ball current line
will focus I 0 into formation. This is why the tool be called as SMFL.
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application

Microlaterolog (MLL) is fit to salt water mud, and depth of detecting

is up to 10 cm. when the formation thickness is less than 7 cm, RMLL is
affected mainly by Rxo ( resistivity of flushed zone ).
The depth of detecting of Microspherically focused log (MSFL)
is up to 10 cm. When the thickness of mud cake is less than 1.25 cm, the
resistivity from MSFL is Rxo ( resistivity of flushed zone ).

Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application

9.3 Geological Application(原 理)

Rxo ( resistivity of flushed zone ) is an important parameter in
reservoir logging interpretation. Because all of resistivity and porosity
logs are affected by flushed zone, in order to evaluate formation
resistivity and porosity better, to identify oil- and water- bearing
formation, Rxo log is very important for us.
Section 9. Flushed Zone Resistivity Logs and Application

9.3 Geological Application(原 理)

Positive separation (正离差)of microlog curve can be used to
determine permeable formation on the profile of alternate layer (互层)
with thin thickness under condition of fresh water mud. Also, we can
use microlog curve to determine interbed (夹层,渗流障碍 )(seepage
flow barrier) in reservoir, it is of important significance to determine
net sandstone thickness, and to calculate oil and gas reserve.
Shale interbed

Calcitic interbed

Shale interbed

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