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Tidal Power

Alternative energy

Compiled By : Shail.R.Modi
What is a Tide ?
• Tides are the rising and falling of Earth's ocean sur
face caused by the tidal forces of the Moon and th
e Sun acting on the oceans.
What is the Tidal force ?
• The tidal force is the ve
ctorial difference betwe
en the gravitational forc
e of the Earth and the g
ravitational force of the
About tidal power

• Tidal power, sometimes called tid

al energy, is a form of hydropowe
r that exploits the movement of
water caused by tidal currents or
the rise and fall in sea levels due t
o the tides.
• Although not yet widely used, tid
al power has potential for future
electricity generation and is more
predictable than wind energy and
solar power.
History of Tidal power stations
• An early attempt to build a tidal p
ower plant took place at Aber-Wr
ac'h in the Finistere in 1925, but d
ue to financial problems, it was a
bandoned in 1930.
• Tidal mills have long existed in ar
eas affected by tides. In Europe, ti
de mills have been used for over
a thousand years, mainly for grind
ing grains.
Type of tidal power stations:
Tidal energy
• Barrages make use of the potential energy from the difference in height (or
head) between high and low tides. Barrages suffer from the problems of very
high civil infrastructure costs, few viable sites globally and environmental issu
Marine current Energy
• Tidal stream systems make
use of the kintetic energy fr
om the moving water curre
nts to power turbines, in a si
milar way to wind mills use
moving air. This method is g
aining in popularity because
of the lower cost and lower
ecological impact.
Ocean Thermal Energy
• It uses the Temperature
difference between cooler
deep and warmer surface to
run heat Engine.
• This Plant can supply
quantities of cold water as a
by-product.his can be used
for air conditioning and
Examples of tidal power stations
• Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station : The largest tidal plant in
operation is the 254 MW is Located in South Korea. Constru
ction of Plant completed in 2011 . The tidal power plant ha
s Ten 25.4 MW submerged bulb turbines . power is generate
d on tidal inflows only, and the outflow is sluiced away
• Seagen:
The first SeaGen generator was installed in Strangford Narro
ws between Strangford and Portaferry in Northern Ireland, in
April 2008. It generates 1.2 MW for between 18 and 20 hour
s a day while the tides are forced in and out.
• Other sites:MeyGen (full name MeyGen tidal energy
project) is the worlds largest tidal energy plant, whic
h is currently in construction.Its capacity will aroun
d 400MW, The first phase of the project uses four 1.
5 MW turbines with 16m rotor diameter turbines su
bmerged on the seabed. The project is owned and ru
n by Tidal Power Scotland Limited and Scottish Ent
Advantages of using tidal power:
• Predictable source of “green" energy during lifetime of b
• It produces no greenhouse gases or other waste; it need
s no fuel.
• Not expensive to maintain.
• Tidal energy has an efficiency of 80% in converting the
potential energy of the water into electricity
• Vertical-axis tidal generators may be joined together in s
eries to create a ‘tidal fence’ capable of generating electr
icity on a scale comparable to the largest existing fossil f
uelbased, hydroelectric and nuclear energy generation fa
Disadvantages of using tidal power:

• A barrage across an estuary is very expensive to

build, and affects a very wide area - the environ
ment is changed for many miles upstream and d
• it provides power for around 10 hours each day,
when the tide is actually moving in or out, which
is not very much
• Existing ecosystems would be heavily altered, wi
th new species moving in and perhaps dominatin
g old species
• Tidal power schemes have a high capital cost
Global enviromental impact
• A tidal power scheme is a long-term source of el
ectricity. A proposal for the Severn Barrage, if bu
ilt, has been projected to save 18 million tonnes
of coal per year of operation. This decreases the
output of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
• If fossil fuel resource is likely to decline during th
e 21st century, as predicted by Hubbert peak the
ory, tidal power is one of the alternative source
of energy that will need to be developed to satis
fy the human demand for energy.
Thank you

Made by:Shail Modi

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