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or ?

9 5 = 14 reveal answer

25 9 = 14 reveal answer

65 10 = 75 reveal answer

35 20= 15 reveal answer

8 8 =0 reveal answer
or ?
32 17 = 49 reveal answer

150 21 = 129 reveal answer

97 6 = 103 reveal answer

12 4 = 48 reveal answer

85 21 = 64 reveal answer
The coach had 18 passengers.
It stopped.
6 people got off and 10 people got on.
How many passengers are now on the coach?
1st step: Calculation needed

18-6= 12
2nd step: Calculation needed

12+10= 22
Answer to calculation:

Answer to problem:

Matrice has 55p and Karen has 15p.
How much more do they need to buy a magazine for £1?

1st step: Calculation needed

55p+15p= 70p
2nd step: Calculation needed

100p-70p= 30p
Answer to calculation:

Answer to problem:

2 UFOs landed on earth.
Each UFO contained 20 aliens.
12 of the aliens did not like earth so returned to their home planet.
How many aliens remained on earth?
1st step: Calculation needed

2x20= 40
2nd step: Calculation needed

40-12= 28
Answer to calculation:

Answer to problem:

1) With a partner make up your own 2-step problem.
2) Solve it with the class.

1st step: Calculation needed

2nd step: Calculation needed

Answer to calculation:

Answer to problem:
1st step: Calculation needed 1st step: Calculation needed 1st step: Calculation needed

2nd step: Calculation needed 2nd step: Calculation needed 2nd step: Calculation needed

Answer to calculation: Answer to calculation: Answer to calculation:

Answer to problem: Answer to problem: Answer to problem:

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